Play, share, and download a meeting recording in Microsoft Teams
Depending on the length of the video, generating closed captions can take several minutes. Once generated, you can watch the video in Stream and have captions displayed at the bottom of the screen.. When the captions have been created, the Generate button turns to Translate.Select Translate to change the spoken or screen language to automatically translate the captions.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
May 14, 2024KB5037771 (OS Builds 22621.3593 and 22631.3593)
Windows 11, version 21H2; October 8, 2024—KB5044280 (OS Build 22000.3260) September 10, 2024—KB5043067 (OS Build 22000.3197) August 13, 2024—KB5041592 (OS Build 22000.3147)
October 10, 2023KB5031358 (OS Build 22000.2538)
Windows 11, version 21H2; October 8, 2024—KB5044280 (OS Build 22000.3260) September 10, 2024—KB5043067 (OS Build 22000.3197) August 13, 2024—KB5041592 (OS Build 22000.3147)
Windows - Microsoft
我可以重新分发语言包吗? 如果你代表政府或政府机关、政府隶属机关或政府扶持的文化或语言委员会或机构,或认可的教育机构,你可以按原样将从 Microsoft 收到的包重新分发给具有有效软件许可的用户。
Windows JavaScript - Microsoft
この記事では、インターネット ゾーン内のすべての Web サイトがインターネット エクスプローラー、Chrome、Firefox で JavaScript を実行できるようにする手順について説明します。
查看保修条款,检查保修状态并了解你的 Microsoft 设备或附件的保护计划。
BitLocker - Microsoft
BitLocker 驱动器加密允许在运行 Windows 专业版、企业版或教育版的设备上手动加密特定驱动器或驱动器。 对于组织管理的设备,BitLocker 驱动器加密通常由 IT 部门管理,因为组织策略可能需要加密。
Windows Windows - Microsoft
了解如何从 Windows 10 家庭版升级到 Windows 10 专业版或从 Windows 11 家庭版升级到 Windows 11 专业版,包括如何使用有效产品密钥或 Microsoft Store。
Manage website notifications in Microsoft Edge
Website notifications appear in the lower right corner of your screen and are also displayed in the notification center.When notifications are turned on for a website, they will still appear even if Microsoft Edge is closed.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Enable TPM 2.0 on your PC - Microsoft Support
How to enable TPM. If you need to enable TPM, these settings are managed via the UEFI BIOS (PC firmware) and vary based on your device. You can access these settings by choosing: Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Restart now. From the next screen, choose Troubleshoot > Advanced options > UEFI Firmware Settings > Restart to make the changes.