Windows’u etkinleştirme - Microsoft Desteği
Windows 11'da etkinleştirme durumunu denetlemek için Başlangıç düğmesini ve ardından Sistem > Ayarlar'ı ve ardından Etkinleştirme'yi seçin. Etkinleştirme durumunuz Etkinleştirme durumunun yanında listelenir.. Ayarlar'da etkinleştirme durumunu denetleme. Etkinleştirme sayfasında bu etkinleştirme durumu mesajlarından birini göreceksiniz:
Libérer de l’espace disque dans Windows - Support Microsoft
Remarque : Si moins de 10 jours se sont écoulés depuis la mise à niveau de Windows, votre version précédente de Windows est répertoriée sous la forme d’un fichier système que vous pouvez supprimer.Si vous devez libérer de l’espace disque, vous pouvez le supprimer, mais n’oubliez pas que cela supprimera votre dossier Windows.old, qui contient des fichiers qui vous donnent la ...
Windows 安全中心 应用中的病毒和威胁防护 - Microsoft 支持
即使 Windows 安全中心处于打开状态并自动扫描你的设备,你仍然可以在需要时执行其他扫描。 快速扫描:当你不想花时间对所有文件和文件夹运行完全扫描时,此选项非常有用。如果Windows 安全中心建议运行其他类型的扫描之一,则快速扫描完成后,系统会通知你
Change your two-step verification method and settings - Microsoft Support
Turn on two-factor verification prompts on a trusted device. Depending on your organization's settings, you may see a check box that says "Don't ask again for n days" when you perform two-factor verification. If you've selected this option to stop two-factor verification prompts, and then you lose your device or your device is potentially compromised, you should have Microsoft 365 sign you out ...
Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser
If you open a page written in a different language than your preferred languages in settings, Microsoft Edge will automatically prompt you to translate it. The Translate icon appears in the address bar when you go to a web page that’s written in a foreign language. A language is considered foreign to you if it's not included in your Preferred languages list in Settings.
Applies To:
Microsoft Edge
How do I get started with Skype? - Microsoft Support
Launch Skype and select Create new account or go directly to the Create account page. We'll take you through the process of creating a new account.
Windows 帮助和学习
查找有关 Windows 操作系统的帮助和操作方法文章。 获取对 Windows 的支持,并了解安装、更新、隐私、安全等方面的信息。
August 13, 2024—KB5041585 (OS Builds 22621.4037 and 22631.4037 ...
Windows 11, version 21H2; October 8, 2024—KB5044280 (OS Build 22000.3260) September 10, 2024—KB5043067 (OS Build 22000.3197) August 13, 2024—KB5041592 (OS Build 22000.3147)
Reactivating Windows after a hardware change - Microsoft Support
In Windows 11, it is essential that you link your Microsoft account with the Windows 11 digital license on your device. Linking your Microsoft account with your digital license allows you to reactivate Windows using the Activation troubleshooter whenever you make a significant hardware change.
Manage devices used with your Microsoft account
Learn how to manage your Microsoft devices. Add, remove, register, or rename a device on your Microsoft account.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard