OneDrive is stuck on "Sync pending" - Microsoft Support
Caution: A temporary .TMP file is a file that is created to temporarily store information in order to free memory for other purposes, or to act as a safety net to prevent data loss when a program performs certain functions.. If you move, rename or delete a file it may not work with its original program. We recommend that you do not delete any TMP files unless you know for sure it is no longer ...
Applies To:
OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.1 for Windows 10 version 21H2, Windows 10 ...
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.1 is a highly compatible and in-place update to .NET Framework 4.8. It includes native support for the Arm64 architecture (Windows 11+), accessibility improvements as well as other improvements.
Windows でアプリとプログラムをアンインストールまたは削除する - Microsoft サポート
マルウェアを削除しようとしている場合は、「Windows セキュリティで保護された状態を維持する」を参照して、スキャンを実行する方法を確認してください。 別のウイルス対策ソフトウェア プログラムを使用している場合は、そのプログラムのウイルス対策オプションを確認してください。
Options to optimize gaming performance in Windows 11
Learn how to optimize gaming performance in Windows 11 by disabling memory integrity and Virtual Machine Platform, and understand the associated risks.
Add or invite people outside your org to a chat in Microsoft Teams
With External Access for Teams, you can add or invite anyone outside of your Teams org who uses Teams, Teams for personal use, Skype (for consumers), and Skype for Business to a one-to-one chat.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
Windows 11 中的電源效率設定 - Microsoft 支援服務
匯報 預設螢幕和睡眠設定現在可協助您更有效率地使用能源並延長電池使用時間。 您可以在 [設定] > System > [電源 & 電池] 找到 Windows 11 中的效率設定。 如需每個電源和電池設定如何改善裝置效能的引導式逐步解說,請按下按鈕以開啟 [取得協助] 應用程式:
Downloads for Windows - Microsoft Support
Visualizations for Windows Media Player. Windows Media Player plug-ins. Desktop themes and wallpapers Visualizations are colors, shapes, and patterns that move to the music in Windows Media Player Now Playing mode.
Add and record audio in PowerPoint - Microsoft Support
Training: Add and record audio, such as music, narration, or sound bites, to your PowerPoint presentation and select the playback options. Watch this video to learn how.
Applies To:
PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint 2024, PowerPoint 2021, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016
Send an email to a channel in Microsoft Teams
Notes: This feature needs to be turned on by your IT admin. Also, sending email to a channel isn't available if you're using Teams as part of an Office 365 Government plan.. In the case of email attachments, a unique ID is appended at the end of file name to support retry requests for uploading files with same name.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
在 Microsoft Edge 中管理 Cookie:查看、允许、阻止、删除和使用 - Microsoft 支持
如果你不希望第三方站点在你的电脑上存储 Cookie,则可以阻止 Cookie。 但是执行此操作可能会导致某些页面无法正确显示,或者可能会从站点收到一条消息,通知你需要允许 Cookie 才能查看该站点。
Applies To:
Microsoft Edge