Create a sheet of nametags or address labels in Word
Create and print a page of different labels. Go to Mailings > Labels.. Select Options.. Select the type of printer you're using. Select your label brand in Label products.. Select the label type in Product number.. If you don’t see your product number, select New Label and configure a custom label.. Select OK.. Select OK in the Labels dialog box.. Word opens a new document that contains a ...
Applies To: Word for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Word for the web, Word 2024, Word 2024 for Mac, Word 2021, Word 2021 for Mac, Word 2019, Word 2016
Troubleshoot “Something went wrong” startup errors on Xbox
Troubleshoot errors from the “Something went wrong” startup screen on Xbox.
Windows'da uygulama ve programları kaldırma veya kaldırma
Başlangıç menüsünden kaldırma. Başlat'ı seçin ve gösterilen listede uygulamayı veya programı arayın.. Uygulamayı basılı tutun (veya sağ tıklayın), ardından Kaldır'ı seçin.. Ayarlar sayfasından kaldırma. Başlat'ı ve ardından Ayarlar > Uygulamalar > Uygulamalar & özellikleri'ni seçin.. Kaldırmak istediğiniz uygulamayı ve ardından Kaldır'ı seçin.
Frequently asked questions about Microsoft 365 Basic
Microsoft 365 Basic is a subscription for one person. It provides access to 100 GB of cloud storage that can be used across Outlook and OneDrive. With Microsoft 365 Basic, you’ll also get ad-free email with Outlook and access to support experts for help with Microsoft 365 and Windows 11, all at an affordable price.. Microsoft 365 Basic subscribers have access to OneDrive advanced security ...
Applies To: OneNote for Microsoft 365, OneNote for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Microsoft 365 for home,, Microsoft 365 for Mac, Microsoft 365 for Windows, Microsoft account dashboard, Microsoft Family Safety, Microsoft Office, Office app for iOS, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
BitLocker kurtarma anahtarınızı bulma - Microsoft Desteği
Windows'ta BitLocker kurtarma anahtarınızı bulmayı öğrenin. Cihazınız bir kuruluşta iş veya okul hesabı kullanarak oturum açmışsa kurtarma anahtarı bu kuruluşun hesabında depolanabilir. Doğrudan erişebilirsiniz veya kurtarma anahtarınıza erişmek için ilgili kuruluşun BT desteğine başvurmanız gerekebilir.
Połącz z siecią VPN w systemie Windows
Na pasku zadań wybierz ikonę Sieć, Głośność, Bateria > VPN.. Jeśli skonfigurowano jedną sieć VPN, możesz ją włączyć lub wyłączyć, przełączając lewą stronę szybkiego ustawienia vpn oznaczonego znakiem (1) poniżej.. Jeśli skonfigurowano wiele sieci VPN, należy wybrać tę, z którą chcesz nawiązać połączenie.
Asystent aktualizacji systemu Windows 10 - Pomoc techniczna firmy Microsoft
To narzędzie do rozwiązywania problemów ułatwia pracę klientom, których komputery nie zostały jeszcze zaktualizowane do najnowszej wersji systemu Windows 10 — 1607. Ta aktualizacja zostanie najpierw udostępniona tylko niewielkiej grupie klientów docelowych. Jej dostępność będzie rozszerzana z upływem czasu. Użytkownicy systemu Windows mogą uruchomić asystenta z poziomu tego ...
Microsoft Store アプリから Office を再インストールする
Windows デバイスにプレインストールされている一部の Office 製品はプロダクト キーなしでアクティブ化でき、それらの Office 製品の一部では、ライセンス認証中にMicrosoft アカウントが必要ありません。
Applies To: Office 2021
Ändern oder Zurücksetzen Ihrer PIN in Windows - Microsoft-Support
Hinweis: Die PIN, die Sie für den Zugriff auf Ihr Gerät verwenden, unterscheidet sich vom Kennwort für Ihr Microsoft-Konto. Wenn Sie das Kennwort Ihres Microsoft-Kontos zurücksetzen müssen, finden Sie weitere Informationen unter Ändern des Kennworts für Ihr Microsoft-Konto.
Microsoft Publisher will no longer be supported after October 2026
At Microsoft, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the tools they need to achieve what matters, in their work and life. In order to focus on new benefits, we occasionally remove features and products.
Applies To: Publisher for Microsoft 365, Publisher 2021, Publisher 2019, Publisher 2016, Publisher 2013, Publisher 2010, Publisher 2007 Developer, Publisher 2010 Developer, Publisher 2013 Developer