Windows'da uygulama ve programları kaldırma veya kaldırma
Başlangıç menüsünden kaldırma. Başlat'ı seçin ve gösterilen listede uygulamayı veya programı arayın.. Uygulamayı basılı tutun (veya sağ tıklayın), ardından Kaldır'ı seçin.. Ayarlar sayfasından kaldırma. Başlat'ı ve ardından Ayarlar > Uygulamalar > Uygulamalar & özellikleri'ni seçin.. Kaldırmak istediğiniz uygulamayı ve ardından Kaldır'ı seçin.
Installera Windows Uppdateringar - Microsoft Support
I Windows 10 bestämmer du när och hur de senaste uppdateringarna ska hämtas för att göra din enhet enkel och säker att använda. Välj Start , gå till Inställningsuppdatering & Säkerhet Windows Update > välj Sök efter Windows-uppdateringar.. Om det finns tillgängliga uppdateringar väljer du Ladda ned & installera.Enheten laddar ned och installerar uppdateringarna.
KB5050411: Windows Recovery Environment update for Windows 10, version ...
IMPORTANT This update will not be offered if your Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) meets any of the following conditions:. If the WinRE recovery partition does not have sufficient free space, see the NOTE in the "Summary" section. The note provides instructions about how to increase the available free space in the WinRE recovery partition.
Clipchamp とは - Microsoft サポート
すべてのユーザーがビデオを簡単に作成できるように設計された Clipchamp ビデオ エディターの詳細をご覧ください。 優れたビデオを作成するために以前の経験は必要ありません。
Calendar settings - Microsoft Support
The calendar is fully integrated with email, contacts, and other features of Outlook Web App. Use the Calendar tab in Settings to control the default appearance and settings for your calendar.. To get to the Calendar tab from the main Outlook Web App page, go to the upper corner and choose Settings >Options> Settings>Calendar.When you’re done making changes, click Save.
Applies To: Microsoft Outlook Web App for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet - Small Business, Outlook Web App for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet
Comment se connecter à un compte Microsoft - Support Microsoft
Les comptes Microsoft sont destinés à un usage personnel et à l’accès à des services tels que, Xbox ou Skype. Les comptes professionnels et scolaires Microsoft sont destinés aux organisations qui utilisent Microsoft 365 pour les entreprises.. Choisissez votre type de compte ou apprenez-en davantage sur les différences.
Applies To: Microsoft 365 for home,, Microsoft 365 for Mac, Microsoft 365 for Windows, Microsoft account dashboard, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Teams, My Office for iPhone,, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Microsoft Store ne s’ouvre pas - Support Microsoft
Essayez ces étapes de résolution des problèmes si le Microsoft Store ne démarre pas dans Windows 10.
Organize favorites in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Show off your organizational skills by creating, deleting, or renaming your favorites folders in the new Microsoft Edge . To arrange favorites alphabetically,
Öffnen und Verwenden eines geteilten Postfachs in Outlook
E-Mail-Filter und -Regeln für Leitende Administratoren. Im neuen Outlook können Leitende Administratoren den E-Mail-Filter hat Kalendereinladungen verwenden, um Besprechungseinladungen einfach zu finden.. Sie können auch eine Email für das Konto Ihrer Führungskraft erhaltene Email einrichten und automatisch in einen separaten Ordner verschieben und nach Bedarf kategorisieren.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Microsoft 365 admin, Outlook on the web, My Office for iPhone, New Outlook for Windows,
Collegamento al telefono requisiti e configurazione
Requisiti di sistema. L'esperienza Collegamento al telefono viene avviata nel PC Windows e nel Collegamento al telefono. Dal tuo PC, puoi connetterti a dispositivi Android, Samsung, HONOR, OPPO, ASUS e vivo con l'appCollegamento a Windows preinstallata nel tuo dispositivo o che puoi scaricare da Google Play o Samsung Galaxy Store.