Error opening Help in Windows-based programs: "Feature not included" or ...
The Help for this program was created in Windows Help format, which depends on a feature that isn’t included in this version of Windows. However, you can download a program that will allow you to view Help created in the Windows Help format.
Share a form or quiz to collaborate - Microsoft Support
Note: Co-authoring and sharing of Forms is only available for users in the same cloud.For example, if you are logged in with a GCC account, you can only co-author a form with other users within your tenant. If your admin has enabled external sharing, you can co-author a form with users outside of your tenant, but still only within the GCC environment.
Applies To: Microsoft Forms
분실한 Microsoft 계정 암호 다시 설정 및 복구 | Xbox Support
Microsoft 계정 암호를 잊어버렸다면 온라인으로 또는 Xbox 콘솔을 사용하여 암호를 다시 설정하는 방법을 알아봅니다.
Behebt Probleme, die eine Installation oder Deinstallation von ...
Mit der Problembehandlung für die Programminstallation und -Deinstallation können Sie Probleme automatisch beheben, wenn Sie das Installieren oder Entfernen von Programmen blockiert haben.
Browse InPrivate in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
When you use InPrivate tabs or windows, your browsing data (like your history, temporary internet files, and cookies) isn't saved on your PC once you're done.
Use the dark theme in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
The dark theme changes the default bright background color in the new Microsoft Edge to a darker color, which is easier on the eyes in low-light environments or if you prefer less bright interfaces. Here's how to activate dark mode: Go to Settings and more > Settings .. Select Appearance from the Settings list.. Under Customize appearance > Overall appearance, select Dark.
Create a group chat in Microsoft Teams (free)
Invite a new contact to join a group chat. For new contacts invited to group chats: If someone isn’t already on Microsoft Teams (free), they'll either receive an invite to join Teams or they may participate as an SMS participant in the group.Learn more about chatting via SMS. If you are starting a group with a new contact, they'll need to accept your group invitation.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams personal
Create and add an email signature in or Outlook on the web
To get support in, click here or select Help on the menu bar and enter your query. If the self-help doesn't solve your problem, scroll down to Still need help? and select Yes.. To contact us in, you'll need to sign in.
Applies To: Outlook on the web,, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019
Microsoft Authenticator FAQs - Microsoft Support
Verified IDs are secure trusted credentials that can be used by websites and organizations to make account setup simpler and safer. Usually, you'll use your device's camera to capture a QR code on the site to get a new Verified ID, or a verification of an ID already on your device.
Microsoft Edge browsing activity for personalized advertising and ...
How we use your Microsoft Edge browsing history for personalized advertising and experiences. With your permission, we'll collect and use your browsing activity from within Microsoft Edge to personalize advertising, recommendations, and experiences for Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Bing, Microsoft News, and other Microsoft services.