Usar aplicaciones de tu dispositivo Android en tu PC
¿Cómo puedes habilitar el streaming de audio en tu PC? No es necesario configurar esta característica. Cuando abras la pantalla de las aplicaciones o el teléfono, se te pedirán permisos de audio para escuchar el audio en el PC.
Windows 安全中心 应用中的病毒和威胁防护 - Microsoft 支持
即使 Windows 安全中心处于打开状态并自动扫描你的设备,你仍然可以在需要时执行其他扫描。 快速扫描:当你不想花时间对所有文件和文件夹运行完全扫描时,此选项非常有用。如果Windows 安全中心建议运行其他类型的扫描之一,则快速扫描完成后,系统会通知你
Phone Link help & learning
Introducing Microsoft Phone Link Our evolution of the former Your Phone app brings a new name to the user experience. With the new Phone Link on your Windows PC and the new Link to Windows app on your Android device, accessing your mobile apps and content has never been easier!
Options in Windows - Microsoft Support
Depending on your device configuration, the available options are: Windows Hello Face - used to configure the sign in using face recognition, instead of a password.. To learn more, see Configure Windows Hello.. Windows Hello Fingerprint - used to configure the sign in using a fingerprint, instead of a password.. To learn more, see Configure Windows Hello.
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Microsoft account dashboard
Get Windows updates as soon as they're available for your device
We're committed to delivering continuous innovation by releasing new features and enhancements into Windows 11 more frequently. Windows devices get new functionality at different times as Microsoft delivers non-security updates, fixes, improvements, and enhancements via several servicing technologies—including controlled feature rollout (CFR). ...
Hotmail’de oturum açma - Microsoft Desteği
Notlar: Hotmail veya parolanız Microsoft Hesabı parolanızla aynıdır. Oturum açabiliyorsanız ancak ile ilgili sorun yaşıyorsanız hizmet durumunu kontrol edin. Durum yeşil değilse, hizmetin normal çalışır duruma gelmesini bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin.
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Beheben von Fehlern mit Bluescreen in Windows - Microsoft-Support
BlueScreen-Fehler (auch als Fehlerüberprüfungen, STOP-Codefehler, Kernelfehler oder BSOD-Fehler bezeichnet) können auftreten, wenn ein schwerwiegendes Problem dazu führt, dass Windows heruntergefahren oder unerwartet neu gestartet wird, um sich vor Datenverlust zu schützen. Möglicherweise wird eine Meldung mit der Meldung "Windows wurde heruntergefahren, um Schäden an Ihrem Computer zu ...
Set up a mobile device as a two-step verification method - Microsoft ...
My Account portal for work or school accounts; Change your work or school account password; Find the administrator for your work or school account
What is HDR in Windows? - Microsoft Support
HDR content on Windows offers better brightness and color capabilities compared to traditional content (sometimes called standard dynamic range [SDR] content).
讲述人完全指南 - Microsoft 支持
讲述人是内置于 Windows 11 中的屏幕阅读应用程序,因此无需下载或安装任何内容。 本指南介绍如何将讲述人与 Windows 以便开始使用应用、浏览 Web 等。