Comment utiliser l’application Contrôle d’intégrité du PC
Si votre PC fonctionne actuellement sous Windows 10, l’application Contrôle d'intégrité du PC vous permet d’effectuer une vérification complète de l’éligibilité de votre appareil afin de vous assurer qu’il répond à la configuration minimale requise pour Windows 11. Vous obtenez des informations sur la raison pour laquelle votre appareil est éligible ou non, ainsi que des ...
在 Windows 中更改监视器上的刷新率 - Microsoft 支持
Windows 11引入了一项称为动态刷新速率 (DRR) 的新功能,该功能会根据你当时执行的操作自动调整刷新率。 这可以帮助你获得两全其美:当你需要游戏、浏览或墨迹书写时获得流畅的体验,当你不执行这些类型操作时,电池使用时间更长。
Open Device Manager - Microsoft Support
Explore subscription benefits, browse training courses, learn how to secure your device, and more.
Play, share, and download a meeting recording in Microsoft Teams
Depending on the length of the video, generating closed captions can take several minutes. Once generated, you can watch the video in Stream and have captions displayed at the bottom of the screen.. When the captions have been created, the Generate button turns to Translate.Select Translate to change the spoken or screen language to automatically translate the captions.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
What is Data Execution Prevention (DEP)? - Microsoft Support
Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a technology built into Windows that helps protect you from malicious code launching from areas of memory that have been designated as for data only.
在 Windows 中卸載或移除應用程式和程式 - Microsoft 支援服務
移除應用程式和程式的方法有幾種,因此如果您找不到您要尋找的應用程式,您可以嘗試其他位置。 請注意,有些應用程式和程式已內建于 Windows,無法卸載。
Opciones de recuperación en Windows - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Notas: Quitar todo > Cambiar configuración te ofrece dos opciones.. La eliminación de datos activada quita los archivos y limpia la unidad.Si tienes previsto regalar, reciclar o vender tu equipo, usa esta opción. Esta operación puede llevar una o dos horas, pero hará que a otras personas les resulte más complicado recuperar archivos que hayas quitado.
Solve PC problems remotely using Quick Assist - Microsoft Support
Use the Quick Assist app to get help with a computer problem from family or friends or help them out. Quick Assist uses a remote connection, so remember to only use it with people you trust, since they can see your computer screen or control your PC (if you allow it).
What happens if there's an unusual sign-in to your account - Microsoft ...
Select Review activity to check for any unusual sign-in attempts on the Recent activity page.If you see account activity that you're sure wasn't yours, let us know and we can help secure your account—if it's in the Unusual activity section, you can expand the activity and select This wasn't me.If it's in the Recent activity section, you can expand the activity and select Secure your account.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Phone Link help & learning
Introducing Microsoft Phone Link Our evolution of the former Your Phone app brings a new name to the user experience. With the new Phone Link on your Windows PC and the new Link to Windows app on your Android device, accessing your mobile apps and content has never been easier!