Microsoft Edge でパスワードを保存または削除する
Microsoft Edge を使用すると、Web を参照するときにパスワードを簡単に保存できます。 デスクトップまたはモバイル デバイスの Edge ブラウザーで新しいパスワードを入力すると、ユーザー名とパスワードを記憶するかどうかを Microsoft Edge から確認するメッセージが表示されます。
Microsoft Support
Microsoft support is here to help you with Microsoft products. Find how-to articles, videos, and training for Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft 365, Windows, Surface, and more.
Open your entire favorites bar in Microsoft Edge
How to open all of your Favorites Bar shortcuts in the Microsoft Edge web browser.
Phone Link help & learning
Introducing Microsoft Phone Link Our evolution of the former Your Phone app brings a new name to the user experience. With the new Phone Link on your Windows PC and the new Link to Windows app on your Android device, accessing your mobile apps and content has never been easier!
Aide et apprentissage d'Excel
Trouvez les ressources d’aide et d’apprentissage de Microsoft Excel. Explorez des articles pratiques, des guides, des vidéos de formation et des conseils pour utiliser efficacement Excel.
Print in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Choose number of pages to print per sheet: Printing multiple pages on a single sheet of paper is a useful technique to save paper, reduce printing costs, and create compact versions of your documents. The number of pages that can be printed on a single sheet depends on the capabilities of your printer and the printing options you choose (Example: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 or 16 pages per sheet).
My microphone isn't working in Microsoft Teams
Use your phone's audio. If your mic doesn’t work after trying the solutions above and you see one of the messages below, select Call me back to use your phone’s mic.. Enter your phone number and select Call me to receive a call from Teams that will connect you to your meeting. Your audio will come from your phone, but other content sharing will still take place on your desktop.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
How to go passwordless with your Microsoft account
Going passwordless refers to removing your password and using a passwordless method to sign in instead. Passwordless solutions such as Windows Hello, the Microsoft Authenticator app, SMS or Email codes, and physical security keys provide a more secure and convenient sign-in method. While passwords can be guessed, stolen, or phished, only you can provide fingerprint authentication, or provide ...
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
How to sign in to Hotmail - Microsoft Support
Tips: While signing in, select Yes at the "Stay signed in?" prompt if you want to go straight to your mailbox next time (not recommended for shared computers). Alternatively, check the "Don't show this again" box and select No to be prompted for your password each time.. If you can't sign in, or have forgotten your username or password, use our sign-in troubleshooter.
Applies To:
Usar a Ferramenta de Captura para obter capturas de tela
Para capturar um recorte de vídeo, abra a Ferramenta de Recorte, selecione o botão Gravar e, em seguida, selecione Nova gravação ou prima a tecla do logótipo do Windows + Shift + R.Selecione a área do ecrã que pretende gravar e, em seguida, selecione Iniciar.Quando terminar, selecione Parar.Neste momento, pode guardar a gravação tal como está ou selecionar Editar no Clipchamp para ...