Microsoft Authenticator を使用してサインインする
Authenticator を開き、[サインイン] > [ 職場または学校アカウントの追加] > 選択 します。 [ 別のデバイスからサインインする] を選択します。 リモート画面 で、[アカウントにサインイン] ページを 開き、Authenticator に表示されるコードを入力します。. リモート画面で、職場または学校アカウント ...
折叠或展开文档的部分内容 - Microsoft 支持
再次选择三角形以展开文档的该部分。 若要折叠或展开文档中的所有标题,请右键单击标题,然后选择展开/折叠 > 展开所有标题 或 折叠所有标题。. 关闭并重新打开文档时,标题默认会展开。
Applies To: Word for Microsoft 365, Word for the web, Word 2024, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016
Historial de actividad de Windows y privacidad - Soporte técnico de ...
Nota: La opción de enviar el historial de actividades a Microsoft está en desuso desde las actualizaciones de Windows 11 23H2 y 22H2, 23 de enero de 2024 KB5034204.Las versiones anteriores de Windows 11 antes de esta actualización seguirán teniendo la opción disponible en su página de historial de actividad y, si se habilita, los datos del historial de actividad se seguirán enviando a ...
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Ways to install Windows 11 - Microsoft Support
The Windows 11 Setup window opens. Step through the Windows 11 Setup pages, following instructions at each step.. At the Ready to install page, the default is to Keep personal files and apps.However, selecting the Change what to keep link gives the following options:. Keep personal files and apps - Personal files, apps, and Windows settings are all kept and migrated to the new Windows 11 install.
公式编辑器 - Microsoft 支持
使用公式编辑器插入公式. 在“插入”选项卡上的“文本”组中,单击“对象”。 在 "对象" 对话框中,单击 "新建" 选项卡。在 "对象类型" 框中,单击 " Microsoft 公式 3.0",然后单击"确定"。使用 "公式" 工具栏上的 "符号"、"模板" 或 "框架" 编辑公式。在 Word、Excel 或 Outlook 中,若要返回文档,请单击 ...
Applies To: Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Excel 2013, Word 2013, Outlook 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Excel 2010, Word 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Excel 2007, Word 2007, Outlook 2007, PowerPoint 2007
Gerenciar todos os dispositivos usados com sua conta Microsoft
Não é possível adicionar um dispositivo. Se você não conseguir adicionar um dispositivo, ele poderá ser pelos seguintes motivos: Não é possível adicionar macOS ou dispositivos móveis neste momento.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
撤消、恢复或重复操作 - Microsoft 支持
撤消操作. 按 + z,或选择功能区左上角的“撤消 ”,直到解决问题。. 无法撤消某些操作,例如在“ 文件 ”菜单上选择命令或保存文件。 如果无法撤消某操作,“撤消”命令将更改为“无法撤消”。 若要同时撤消多个操作,请选择“ 撤消”旁边的箭头,在列表中选择要撤消的操作,然后选择该 ...
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Word for the web, PowerPoint for the web, Excel 2024, PowerPoint 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Word 2024 for Mac, PowerPoint 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Word 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Word 2021 for Mac, PowerPoint 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Word 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016
TEXTSPLIT function - Microsoft Support
Splits text strings by using column and row delimiters. The TEXTSPLIT function works the same as the Text-to-Columns wizard, but in formula form.It allows you to split across columns or down by rows.
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web
Windows'ta ekran parlaklığını ve rengini değiştirme
Bazı bilgisayarlar, Windows'un ekran parlaklığını mevcut ışık koşullarına göre otomatik olarak ayarlamasına izin verebilir. Bilgisayarınızın bunu desteklenip desteklemediğini öğrenmek için Ayarlar > Sistem > Ekran'ı seçin.Parlaklık'ı seçin, Aydınlatma değiştiğinde parlaklığı otomatik olarak değiştir onay kutusunu arayın ve bu özelliği kullanmak için seçin.
View printer queue in Windows - Microsoft Support
To view a list of items waiting to print in Windows 10: Select Start > Settings > Devices > Printers & scanners . Open Printers & scanners settings. Select your printer from the list and then select Open queue to see a list of what's printing and the upcoming print order.