Windows OneDrive - Microsoft
下载该应用即表示您同意 Microsoft 服务协议和隐私声明。 此软件还可以自动下载并安装其更新。 OneDrive 文件夹有什么作用? 安装适用于 Windows 的 OneDrive 应用时,您的 OneDrive 的副本安装会下载到您的电脑并置于 OneDrive 文件夹中。
Applies To: OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Sign in to Viva Engage - Microsoft Support
With Viva Engage on your PC, Mac, or mobile device, you can: Connect and engage across your organization. Tap into the knowledge of others. Use your Inbox to view, prioritize, and manage the most important messages and announcements.
Управление учетными записями пользователей в Windows
Узнайте, как добавлять учетные записи пользователей в Windows 10 и Windows 11. В каждой учетной записи хранятся файлы пользователя, избранное браузера и личный рабочий стол пользователя.
What's new in Excel 2024 for Windows and Mac - Microsoft Support
Now in in Excel 2024 and Excel 2024 for Mac, you can now reference Dynamic Arrays in charts to help visualize datasets of variable length. Charts automatically update to capture all data when the array recalculates, rather than being fixed to a specific number of data points.
Applies To: Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac
Verwalten von App-Berechtigungen für Ihre Kamera in Windows
Um Ihre Kamera unter Windows 10 mit Apps verwenden zu können, müssen Sie einige Berechtigungen in den Kameraeinstellungen aktivieren. Anschließend müssen Sie Ihre App-Berechtigungen überprüfen, wenn Sie Ihre Kamera mit Apps verwenden möchten.
Configurare le applicazioni di avvio in Windows
Nell'app Impostazioni del dispositivo Windows, App > Avvio o usa il collegamento seguente:. Avvio. Per una delle applicazioni nell'elenco. impostare l'interruttore su Attivato per avviare automaticamente l'app quando si accede. impostare l'interruttore su Disattivato per impedire l'avvio automatico dell'app. Se vuoi modificare le impostazioni avanzate per l'app, seleziona la freccia di ...
OneNote help & learning
Supercharge your productivity with the power of AI. Copilot in OneNote can help you brainstorm, organize, and summarize your notes. Summarize your OneNote notes
Microsoft 365 Training
Get productive quickly with Microsoft 365 videos and tutorials. Explore Microsoft 365 training guides and tips to collaborate with anyone, anywhere.
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Activar o desactivar la ventana emergente de alerta de mensaje nuevo ...
Activar o desactivar las alertas para el nuevo Outlook. Abrir el nuevo Outlook. En Ver, seleccione Ver configuración.. Seleccione General y, después, Notificaciones.. En Notificarme acerca de, active o desactive el botón de alternancia para Correo, Calendario o Documentos.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, New Outlook for Windows