Bejelentkezés a Hotmailbe - A Microsoft ügyfélszolgálata
Ha támogatást szeretne kapni az webhelyen, kattintson ide, vagy válassza a Súgó lehetőséget a menüsávon, és adja meg a kérdést. Ha az önsegítővel nem tudja megoldani a problémát, görgessen le a Továbbra is segítségre van szüksége? kérdéshez, és válassza az Igen választ.. Ha kapcsolatba szeretne lépni velünk az webhelyen, be kell jelentkeznie.
Applies To:
PC 正常性チェック アプリの使用方法 - Microsoft サポート
PC 正常性チェックを開く方法. Windows では、タスク バーの [検索] を使用して PC 正常性チェックを検索し、結果の一覧から選択します。 . PC 正常性チェックの更新プログラムが利用可能な場合は、最新バージョンをすぐにインストールできます。
Unable to add a Gmail account to classic Outlook - Microsoft Support
Get help in the community. Ask a question and find solutions from Support Agents, MVPs, Engineers, and Outlook users. Outlook Forum on Answers
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365
Get started with the new calendar in Microsoft Teams
Switch to the new calendar. To start using the new calendar in Teams: Select Calendar in Teams.. In the top right corner, or in More options , turn on the New Calendar toggle.. You can always turn the toggle off to switch back to the classic calendar.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
Aan- of afmelden bij - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Als je ondersteuning wilt krijgen in, klik je hier of selecteer je Help op de menubalk en voer je je query in. Als de zelfhulp uw probleem niet oplost, schuift u omlaag naar Hebt u nog steeds hulp nodig? en selecteer Ja.. Als je contact met ons wilt opnemen in, moet je je aanmelden. Als u zich niet kunt aanmelden, klikt u hier.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2024 for Mac, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2021 for Mac, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2019 for Mac, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2016 for Mac, Outlook 2013, Outlook Web App for Office 365, Outlook Web App for Office 365 Small Business, Outlook on the web,, Outlook Web App for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, Outlook Web App Light, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, Outlook for Mac 2011, My Office for iPhone,, Outlook 2007 Developer, Outlook 2010 Developer, Outlook Calendar for Windows 10, Outlook for Android, Outlook for iOS, Outlook for Windows Phone 10, Outlook Groups for Mobile, Outlook Mail for Windows 10, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019, Outlook Web App
Contact - Microsoft Support
Contact Microsoft Support. What's new. Surface Pro; Surface Laptop; Surface Laptop Studio 2
Eingabeort für den Office-Product Key - Microsoft-Support
Schritt 1: Wechseln Sie zu, und melden Sie sich (oben rechts) mit dem Microsoft-Konto an, das Sie für den Kauf von Office verwendet haben.. Schritt 2: Nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben, wählen Sie oben rechts Ihren Namen und dann Bestellverlauf aus.. Schritt 3: Suchen Sie den Einmalkauf von Office oder der einzelnen Office-App, und wählen Sie dann Office installieren ...
Applies To:
Office 2024, Office 2024 for Mac, Office 2021, Office 2021 for Mac, Office 2019, Office 2016, Microsoft 365 for home,
Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system ...
Note: The Sfcdetails.txt file contains details from every time that the System File Checker tool has been run on the computer. The file includes information about files that were not repaired by the System File Checker tool. Verify the date and time entries to determine the problem files that were found the last time that you ran the System File Checker tool.
Manage photos and videos with Microsoft Photos app
Editing photos and videos in the Microsoft Photos app is a straightforward process. Whether you like to apply changes that affect your photo's quality, feel, and look—or you want to add information on top of your photos, the Photos app in Windows gives you all kinds of options for getting your photos and videos looking their best.
Use Snipping Tool to capture screenshots - Microsoft Support
To capture a video snip, open Snipping Tool, select the Record button, then select New recording, or press Windows logo key + Shift + R.Select the area of the screen you wish to record, then select Start.When you are done, select Stop.At this point you can save the recording as-is or select Edit in Clipchamp to work with it in the Clipchamp video editor.