"550 Access is denied" error message when you upload a file to a ...
Fixes an issue in which you receive a "550 Access is denied" error message and you cannot upload a file to a virtual directory. This issue occurs in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2.
"Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file" error when ...
When you try to install, update or start a program or a file, you receive the following error message: Error: Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item.
Manage your cloud gaming saves and storage | Xbox Support
Learn how to manage your cloud gaming saves and storage on non-console devices.
FIX: You cannot access a secure FTP server from a Windows Embedded ...
Fixes an issue in which the user credential dialog box does not appear when you try to access a secure FTP server from a web browser on a Windows Embedded Compact 7-based device.
主動模式 FTP 用戶端程式無法存取 FTP 伺服器從網際網路安全性的後方進行,並加速 Server 2004
您使用 Ftp.exe 命令列 FTP 用戶端程式。 未安裝防火牆用戶端程式,和您的電腦設定為 SecureNAT 用戶端。 解決方案 Hotfix 資訊. 支援的 hotfix 是可以從 Microsoft 取得的。不過,此 hotfix 被用來修正本文所述的問題。此 hotfix 只適用於發生此特定問題的系統上。
FIX: "Access is denied" error message when you try to access a folder ...
When you try to upload a file by using Windows Explorer view in Internet Explorer, you receive an "Access Denied" error message, and the file cannot be uploaded. Note This same configuration works without error in FTP 6. This problem occurs because Windows does not examine the NTFS permissions for the FTP user account correctly.
Aparece el error "Windows no tiene acceso el dispositivo, ruta de ...
Cuando intenta instalar, actualizar o iniciar un programa o archivo, aparece el siguiente mensaje de error: Error: Windows no tiene acceso al dispositivo, ruta de acceso o archivo especificado. Puede que no tenga el permiso necesario para tener acceso al elemento.
修正: FTP 7.5 サーバー上でファイルが見つからないときにエラー メッセージが表示される:」550、システムは指定されたファイルを見つけ ...
Windows 7 または Windows Server 2008 R2 を実行しているコンピューターで FTP NLST コマンドを使用する場合に発生する可能性のある問題について説明します。 修正プログラムは、この問題を解決するのには使用できます。
File sharing over a network in Windows - Microsoft Support
In Windows 10, some features of file and folder sharing over a network have changed, including the removal of HomeGroup. Read on for answers to common questions about other changes to file and folder sharing in Windows 10. How do I share files or folders over a network now?
KB5003341: Issues you might encounter when SHA-1 Trusted Root ...
Follow these steps to verify your applications are SHA-2 signed: Find the executable (EXE) file in File Explorer for the applications that you want to examine. Right-click the EXE file and select Properties. Select the Digital Signatures tab in the Properties dialog box.