Use voice typing to talk instead of type on your PC
To use voice typing, you'll need to be connected to the internet, have a working microphone, and have your cursor in a text box. Once you turn on voice typing, it will start listening automatically. Wait for the "Listening..." alert before you start speaking.
Voice access command list - Microsoft Support
Voice access is a feature in Windows 11 that enables everyone to control their PC and author text using only their voice and without an internet connection. For example, you can open and switch between apps, browse the web, and read and author email using your voice.
Get started with voice access - Microsoft Support
Voice access is a feature in Windows 11 that enables everyone to control their PC and author text using only their voice and without an internet connection. For example, you can open and switch between apps, browse the web, and read and author email using your voice.
Voice typing isn't working in Windows - Microsoft Support
Here are some things to check first if voice typing isn't working: Make sure the microphone you want to use is selected in Settings. To check, select Start > Settings > System > Sound > Input > Choose a device for speaking or recording. If you're using an external microphone, make sure it's properly connected to your PC.
When using Dialer.exe to make voice phone calls, you can hear the ...
You use dialer.exe to dial a voice phone call. You can hear the recipient of the phone call, but they cannot hear you. Dialer.exe is a program that ships as part of Windows Vista. It allows users to dial calls via their computer.
Beheben von Problemen mit Party-Audio unter Windows
Wenn Ihr Audiogerät drahtlos, ist stellen Sie sicher, dass es geladen ist. Ein Gerät mit niedrigem Akkustand kann sich ohne Vorwarnung ausschalten. Sind Sie in einer Party? Drücken Sie zum Überprüfen die Windows-Logo-Taste + G, um Game Bar zu öffnen.
Beheben von Sound- oder Audioproblemen in Windows
Die Microsoft Hilfe führt automatisch Diagnosen durch und führt die richtigen Schritte aus, um die meisten Audioprobleme zu beheben. Microsoft Hilfe öffnen. Wenn das Sound- oder Audioproblem von der Microsoft Hilfe-App nicht behoben werden kann, probieren Sie die folgenden möglichen Lösungen aus: 1. Überprüfen der Lautsprecherausgabe. 2.
Usar la voz para trabajar con windows y aplicaciones
El acceso por voz es una característica de Windows 11 que permite a todos controlar su equipo y crear texto usando solo su voz y sin conexión a Internet. Por ejemplo, puede abrir y cambiar entre aplicaciones, navegar por la web y leer y crear correo electrónico con su voz.
Configurer l’accès vocal - Support Microsoft
Vous pouvez lancer l’accès vocal à partir de Paramètres ou à l’aide de Windows recherche. Dans le menu Démarrer, sélectionnez Paramètres Speech d’accessibilité. Activez le commutateur Accès vocal .
Cómo usar Grabadora de voz - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Grabadora de voz es una aplicación para grabar conferencias, conversaciones y otros sonidos (anteriormente se llamaba Grabadora de sonidos). Presiona el botón grande Grabar (1) y Agregar un marcador (3) para identificar momentos clave conforme grabas o reproduces (2).