Uninstall or remove apps and programs in Windows - Microsoft Support
Press and hold (or right-click) on the app, then select Uninstall. Select Start > Settings > Apps > Installed apps . Find the app you want to remove, select More > Uninstall. Note: Some apps can't be uninstalled from the Settings app right now. For help uninstalling these apps, follow the instructions to uninstall from Control Panel.
Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed
Block you from uninstalling a program through Add or Remove Programs (or Programs and Features) in Control Panel. If you're trying to remove malware, you can use Windows Security (or another antivirus tool), or you can use the Windows Malicious Software Removal tool.
List of security program cleanup and uninstall tools
Provides links to the uninstall tools and directions for many security programs.
Uninstall or remove apps and programs in Windows
Press and hold (or right-click) on the app, then select Uninstall. Select Start > Settings > Apps > Installed apps . Find the app you want to remove, select More > Uninstall. Note: Some apps can't be uninstalled from the Settings app right now. For help uninstalling these apps, follow the instructions to uninstall from Control Panel.
How to troubleshoot Windows Installer errors - Microsoft Support
To fix this problem automatically, run the "Fix problems that programs cannot be installed or uninstalled" troubleshooter to repair issues that block program installation or removal because of corrupted registry keys. Important To perform many of the methods and steps in this article, you must be logged on to your computer as an administrator.
Uninstall Office from a PC - Microsoft Support
Learn how to uninstall Office from a PC using the Control Panel or with the uninstall support tool.
Applies To: Office 2024, Office 2021, Office 2019, Office 2016, Microsoft 365 for home, Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Microsoft 365 admin, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet - Small Business Admin, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet - Admin, Office 365 Germany - Enterprise, Office 365 Germany - Enterprise admin
The removal of the Endpoint Protection client is unsuccessful for ...
When you try to uninstall the Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 client or the Microsoft Forefront System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection client, the removal is unsuccessful. This problem occurs because of an incorrect uninstall string in the registry.
在 Windows 中卸载或删除应用和程序 - Microsoft 支持
如果程序无法正常运行,则可以先尝试 修复 它。 选择 “开始 > 所有应用 ,并在显示的列表中搜索应用。 长按(或右键单击)应用,然后选择“卸载”。 选择 “开始 > ”设置 > 应用 > 应用&功能。 找到要删除的应用,选择 “更多 > 卸载 ”。 注意: 目前无法从“设置”应用中卸载某些应用。 有关卸载这些应用的帮助,请按照说明从控制面板卸载。 在任务栏上搜索时,输入 控制面板 并从结果中选择它。 选择“程序”>“程序和功能”。 长按(或右键单击)要删除的程序,然后选择“卸载”或“卸载/更改”。 然后,按照屏幕上的指示操作。 需要更多帮助吗? 如果找不到应用或程序,请在 “查看Windows 10中的所有应用 中尝试提示,安装 后程序不会在添加/删除程序中列出。
Solucionar problemas que impiden instalar o desinstalar programas
El Solucionador de problemas de instalación y desinstalación de programas le ayuda a reparar automáticamente los problemas que impiden la instalación o eliminación de programas. También corrige las claves del Registro dañadas. En primer lugar, deberá descargar el solucionador de problemas. Descargar el solucionador de problemas.
”Åtkomst nekad” eller andra fel när du komma åt och arbeta med filer ...
När du försöker komma åt och arbeta med filer och mappar i Windows uppstår ett eller flera av följande problem: Problem 1: du får ett felmeddelande med ”åtkomst nekad” eller ett liknande meddelande. Problem 2: du kan inte komma åt, ändra, spara eller ta bort filer och mappar.