You can easily save important messages or media in your Skype chat, as a bookmark for quick access later. This feature is not available in Skype for Android 4.0.4 - 5.1 .
Chats . -
Choose the chat with messages you want to bookmark.
Tap and hold (mobile) or right click (desktop) any message text, link, or media in the conversation.
Select Add bookmark from the menu.
To confirm, a
bookmark will appear next to the message. You can remove the bookmark at any time.
To remove a bookmark:
In your chat, tap and hold or right click a bookmarked message.
Select Remove bookmark from the menu.
How to view and manage bookmarks
Select your profile picture .
Bookmarks . -
In the
Bookmarks window, scroll to locate a bookmark.
To go to the conversation where a bookmark is located:
Select the
Additional options:
Copy - Copy the bookmarked media to your device. Available for text, photos, and emoticons .
Save - Save the bookmarked media to your device. Available for voice messages , and photos.
Forward - Send the bookmark to a contact. Not available for bookmarked Stickers .
Remove bookmark - Remove from your bookmarks window.