Applies ToMicrosoft Teams for Education

In a world that is increasingly dependent on online resources, and continually threatened by false and misleading information, Search Coach is a tool that provides context and guidance for students to ask effective questions and discover reliable sources.

How do I use Search Coach in my classroom? 

Search Coach is designed to teach students how to compose efficient search queries and evaluate their results. The patterns taught in Search Coach can be applied in traditional search engines like Bing and Google, as well as academic search engines.

  1. From the general channel of any class, select +.

  2. Search for and select Search Coach.

  3. Select Add then select Save.  

Search Coach will appear as a tab app in your class. Repeat these steps for any additional classes you want students to have Search Coach in. 

search coach

Note: If you're not able to add Search Coach, ask your IT Admin to check if it's enabled under Microsoft Apps. Search Coach will not appear if your IT Admin has disabled Connected Experiences

Next, use the support pages here to familiarize yourself with how Search Coach works and the tools and patterns of search engines. Most adults only use the most basic functions of search engines - so building your background knowledge is the first step! Then embed Search Coach in your existing lessons, try one of ours, or create plans to get students exploring the possibilities of efficient search skills and accurate site evaluation. 

What to consider when preparing a Search Coach lesson

Content on the internet is constantly expanding; therefore, what worked well last week may return different results this week. We recommend trying your lesson in advance to ensure the results reflect your expectations.

Tip: When you submit a search query, watch for the Search tip at the top of the results page. Search tips are sometimes general suggestions for improving your results, and sometimes specific to your query. Encourage students to watch for Search tips as well!

Lesson plans

To get a quick start understanding Search Coach and expanding students' digital literacy, check out our set of sample lesson plans. Keep an eye out for additional lesson plans soon!   

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