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Internet Explorer help - Microsoft Support
If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer, you can reload it with Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge. Get started with Microsoft Edge. Make the switch from Internet Explorer to Edge. Seamlessly transition to Microsoft Edge by importing your favorites, preferences, and other browsing data from Internet Explorer.
Download Internet Explorer 11 (Offline installer)
To find out which version of Internet Explorer you should be running, check the info for your version of Windows. If you find that you’re not running the most current version of Internet Explorer for your operating system, you can download it using one of the available links at the Internet Explorer Download Center. Additional display languages
Use Internet Explorer in Windows 10 - Microsoft Support
To open Internet Explorer 11, select Start , and enter Internet Explorer in Search . Select Internet Explorer (Desktop app) from the results. If you can't find Internet Explorer on your device, you'll need to add it as a feature. Select Start > Search , and enter Windows features. Select Turn Windows features on or off from the results and make ...
Cómo eliminar archivos de cookies en Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 11 se ha deshabilitado permanentemente a través de una actualización de Microsoft Edge en determinadas versiones de Windows 10. Si algún sitio que visita necesita Internet Explorer 11, puede volver a cargarlo con el modo de Internet Explorer en Microsoft Edge.
Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Some sites are built to work with Internet Explorer and have functionality that isn't supported by modern browsers such as Microsoft Edge. If you need to view one of these sites, you can use Internet Explorer Mode in Microsoft Edge. Most sites work better on modern browsers. Support for Internet Explorer ended on June 15, 2022.
Internet Explorer Downloads - Microsoft Support
Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported on Windows 7. Instead, we recommend you switch to Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge was built to bring you the best of the web, with more control and more privacy as you browse. If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer 11, ...
Use Internet Explorer in Windows 10 - Microsoft Support
To open Internet Explorer 11, select Start , and enter Internet Explorer in Search . Select Internet Explorer (Desktop app) from the results. If you can't find Internet Explorer on your device, you'll need to add it as a feature. Select Start > Search , and enter Windows features. Select Turn Windows features on or off from the results and make ...
Cambiar la configuración de seguridad y privacidad de Internet Explorer ...
Abre Internet Explorer seleccionando el icono de Internet Explorer de la barra de tareas. Haz clic en el botón Herramientas y selecciona Opciones de Internet . En la pestaña Privacidad, en Ubicación, active la casilla Nunca permitir que los sitios web soliciten su ubicación física.
Hacer que Internet Explorer sea el navegador predeterminado
Si tienes problemas para abrir Internet Explorer, asegúrate de que esté establecido como navegador predeterminado y ánclalo a la pantalla Inicio y a la barra de tareas. Esta es la manera de hacer que Internet Explorer sea el explorador predeterminado: Abre Internet Explorer, selecciona el botón Herramientas y después Opciones de Internet.
El icono de Internet Explorer no se encuentra en su escritorio
Síntomas. El icono de Internet Explorer no aparece en el escritorio. Al intentar usar el cuadro de diálogo Elementos del escritorio en Windows XP o el cuadro de diálogo Configuración de iconos de escritorio en Windows Vista para agregar el icono de Internet Explorer, no habrá ninguna casilla Internet Explorer.. Para agregar un icono de Internet Explorer usted mismo, puede usar cualquiera ...