Nota:  Nos gustaría proporcionarle el contenido de ayuda actual lo más rápido posible en su idioma. Esta página se ha traducido mediante un sistema automático y es posible que contenga imprecisiones o errores gramaticales. Nuestro objetivo es que este contenido sea útil para usted. ¿Puede informarnos sobre si la información le ha sido útil al final de la página? Aquí tiene el artículo en inglés para que pueda consultarlo fácilmente.

Safety Tips help protect your email communications by providing a visual indicator of the relative safety of a message. Learn more about safety tips in this article.

How you can help us improve

We know that we sometimes tag messages as junk or phishing when they're not and other times miss ones that are. Help us get it right by letting us know how we should have tagged the message. To do that, use Outlook or Outlook on the web to tag messages as Junk, Phishing, or Not Junk (used to tag messages that aren't either junk or phishing). We use this information to better tune our systems so we get it right in the future.

Was the Safety Tip you just saw helpful?

Your feedback is important to us. After clicking Yes or No to let us know if this Safety Tip was helpful, we’d love to hear your thoughts on what you liked and what we can do better.

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