Koskee seuraavia:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2
TÄRKEÄÄ Varmista ennen tämän päivityksen asentamista, että olet asentanut tarvittavat päivitykset, jotka on mainittu tämän päivitysosion asennuksessa.
TÄRKEÄÄJotkut asiakkaat, jotka käyttävät Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1:tä ja ovat aktivoineet ESU-moniaktivointiavaimen (MAK) lisäosan ennen 14. tammikuuta 2020 -päivitysten asentamista, on ehkä aktivoitava tuoteavain uudelleen. Uudelleenaktivointi on tehtävä vain kerran laitteissa, joihin ongelma vaikuttaa. Lisätietoja aktivoinnista on tässä blogikirjoituksessa.
TÄRKEÄÄ WSUS scan cab files will continue to be available for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Jos sinulla on osa laitteista, joissa on käytössä nämä käyttöjärjestelmät ilman ESU:ta, ne saattavat näkyä ei-yhteensopivina korjaustiedostojen hallinta- ja yhteensopivuustyökaluissa.
TÄRKEÄÄ Asiakkaiden, jotka ovat ostaneet extended-suojauspäivityksen (ESU) näiden käyttöjärjestelmien paikallisille versioille, on noudatettava KB4522133:n ohjeita, jotta he voivat jatkaa suojauspäivitysten vastaanottamista extended-tuen päätyttyä 14. tammikuuta 2020. Lisätietoja ESU:sta ja tuetuista versioista on ARTIKKELISSA KB4497181.
TÄRKEÄÄ 15. tammikuuta 2020 alkaen näyttöön tulee koko näytön ilmoitus, jossa kerrotaan, kuinka riski windows 7 Service Pack 1:n käytön jatkamisesta on sen jälkeen, kun tuki päättyy 14. tammikuuta 2020. Ilmoitus pysyy näytössä, kunnes olet vuorovaikutuksessa sen kanssa. Tämä ilmoitus näkyy vain seuraavissa Windows 7 Service Pack 1 -versioissa:
HuomautusIlmoitus ei näy toimialueeseen yhdistetyissä tietokoneissa tai tietokoneissa kioskitilassa.
Home Basic.
Home Premium.
Ammattimainen. Jos olet ostanut Extended Security Updaten (ESU), ilmoitus ei tule näkyviin. Lisätietoja on ohjeaiheessa Laajennettujen suojauspäivitysten saaminen oikeutettujen Windows-laitteiden ja elinkaaripäivitysten FAQ-Extended päivitykseen.
.NET Framework -ohjelmistossa on koodin etäsuorittamisen haavoittuvuus, kun ohjelmisto ei tarkista tiedoston lähdemerkintää. Haavoittuvuutta onnistuneesti hyödyntävä käyttäjä voi suorittaa satunnaisen koodin nykyisen käyttäjän kontekstissa. Jos nykyinen käyttäjä on kirjautunut sisään järjestelmänvalvojan oikeuksistaan, hyökkäykseen vaikuttaa järjestelmänvalvoja. Hyökkäykseen hyökkäykset voivat sitten asentaa ohjelmia. tietojen tarkasteleminen, muuttaminen tai poistaminen tai luo uusia tilejä, joilla on täydet käyttöoikeudet. Käyttäjät, joiden tilit on määritetty niin, että järjestelmän käyttöoikeudet ovat vähemmän, voivat olla pienempiä kuin järjestelmänvalvojan oikeuksia käyttäjillä. Haavoittuvuuksien hyödyntäminen edellyttää, että käyttäjä avaa erityisesti muodostelun tiedoston, jossa on .NET Frameworkin versio, jota ongelma koskee. Sähköpostihyökkäysskenaariossa hyökkäykset saattavat hyödyntää haavoittuvuutta lähettämällä erityisesti muodostelun tiedoston käyttäjälle ja vakuuttamalla käyttäjän avaamaan tiedoston. Suojauspäivitys korjaa haavoittuvuusongelman korjaamalla, miten .NET Framework tarkistaa tiedoston lähdemerkintää.
Lisätietoja haavoittuvuuksista on seuraavissa CVE(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) -tietoturva-aukkoissa.
Palvelunesto-haavoittuvuus on olemassa, kun .NET Framework käsittelee verkkopyyntöjä virheellisesti. Tätä haavoittuvuutta onnistuneesti hyödyntävä hyökkäykset saattavat aiheuttaa palvelunestoa .NET Framework -verkkosovelluksessa. Haavoittuvuutta voidaan hyödyntää etäyhteyden avulla ilman todennusta. Todentamaton etähyökkäys voi hyödyntää tätä haavoittuvuutta myöntämällä erikoismuotoillut pyynnöt .NET Framework -sovellukseen. Päivitys korjaa haavoittuvuusongelman korjaamalla, miten .NET Framework -verkkosovellus käsittelee verkkopyyntöjä.
Lisätietoja haavoittuvuuksista on seuraavissa CVE(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) -tietoturva-aukkoissa.
Tämän päivityksen tunnetut ongelmat
Oire |
Tämä päivitys ei asennu, ja se palauttaa jommankumman tai molemmat seuraavista virhesanomista:
Vaihtoehtoinen menetelmä |
Tämä ongelma on korjattu .NET Frameworkin uusimmassa suojaus- ja laatukokoelmassa. |
Lisätietoja tästä päivityksestä
Seuraavissa artikkeleissa on lisätietoja tästä päivityksestä yksittäisten tuoteversioiden osalta.
4556402 Suojaus- ja laatukokoelman kuvaus .NET Frameworkin 2.0-, 3.0-, 4.5.2- ja 4.6-versioille Windows Server 2008 SP2 -käyttöjärjestelmälle (KB4556402)
4556399 Suojaus- ja laatukokoelman kuvaus .NET Frameworkin 3.5.1-, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2 ja 4.8 Windows 7 SP1- ja Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 -käyttöjärjestelmälle (KB4556399)
Päivityksen hankkiminen ja asentaminen
Ennen tämän päivityksen asentamista
Jotta voit ottaa tämän päivityksen käyttöön, .NET Framework 4.5.2 on oltava asennettuna.
Sinun on asennettava alla luetellut päivitykset ja käynnistettävä laite uudelleen ennen uusimman koomisen asentamista. Näiden päivitysten asentaminen parantaa päivitysprosessin luotettavuutta ja vähentää mahdollisia ongelmia, kun asennat koontiversiota ja asennat Microsoftin suojauskorjauksia.
12. maaliskuuta 2019 -ylläpitopinopäivitys (SSU)(KB4490628). Jos haluat saada erillisen paketin tälle SSU:lle, etsi se Microsoft Update -luettelosta. Tätä päivitystä tarvitaan vain SHA-2-allekirjoitettujen päivitysten asentamiseen.
Uusin SHA-2-päivitys (KB4474419) julkaistu 10. syyskuuta 2019. Jos käytät Windows Updatea, saat uusimman SHA-2-päivityksen automaattisesti. Tätä päivitystä tarvitaan vain SHA-2-allekirjoitettujen päivitysten asentamiseen. Lisätietoja SHA-2-päivityksistä on 2019 SHA-2-koodin allekirjoitustuen vaatimuksessa Windowsissa ja WSUS:ssa.
Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package(KB4538483) julkaistiin 11. helmikuuta 2020. ESU-käyttöoikeuksien valmistelupaketti on saatavilla WSUS-palvelusta. Jos haluat saada erillisen ESU-käyttöoikeuksien valmistelupaketin, etsi se Microsoft Update -luettelosta.
Asenna tämä päivitys
Julkaisukanava |
Käytettävissä |
Seuraava vaihe |
Windows Update ja Microsoft Update |
Kyllä |
Ei mitään. Tämä päivitys ladataan ja asennetaan automaattisesti Windows Updatesta, jos olet ESU-asiakas. |
Microsoft Update -luettelo |
Kyllä |
Jos haluat saada erillisen paketin tälle päivitykselle, siirry Microsoft Update Catalog -sivustoon. |
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) |
Kyllä |
Tämä päivitys synkronoituu automaattisesti WSUS:n kanssa, jos määrität tuotteet ja luokitukset seuraavasti: Tuote:Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1, Windows Embedded Standard 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Luokitus:Suojauspäivitykset |
Tietokone on käynnistettävä uudelleen tämän päivityksen jälkeen, jos käytössä on tiedostoja, joihin ongelma vaikuttaa. Suosittelemme, että suljet kaikki .NET Framework -pohjaiset sovellukset ennen tämän päivityksen käyttöä.
Päivityksen käyttöönottotiedot
Lisätietoja tämän suojauspäivityksen käyttöönotosta on seuraavassa Microsoft Knowledge Base -tietokannan artikkelissa:
20200512 Suojauspäivityksen käyttöönottotiedot: 12. toukokuuta 2020
Päivitä poistotiedot
Huomautus Suojauspäivitystä ei ole suositeltavaa poistaa. Jos haluat poistaa tämän päivityksen, käytä Ohjauspaneelin Ohjelmat ja toiminnot -kohdetta.
Päivitä uudelleenkäynnistyksen tiedot
Tämä päivitys ei edellytä järjestelmän uudelleenkäynnistystä sen jälkeen, kun olet käyttänyt sitä, ellei päivitetä tiedostoja lukita tai niitä käytetään.
Päivitä korvaavat tiedot
Tämä päivitys korvaa windows Server 2008 SP2:n ja Windows 7 SP1:n aiemmin julkaistut päivitykset 4533098 ja 4535105 sekä Windows 7 SP1- ja Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 -käyttöjärjestelmän 4533095- ja 4535102-päivitykset.
Tiedoston tiedot
Tämän ohjelmistopäivityksen englanninkielinen (Yhdysvallat) versio asentaa tiedostot, joissa on seuraavissa taulukoissa luetellut määritteet.
Tiedostonimi |
Tiedostoversio |
Tiedoston koko |
Päivämäärä |
Aika |
System.Web.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,713,560 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
3,194,664 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
2,459,256 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
272,184 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
vbc7ui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
271,512 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Accessibility.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36,008 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AddInProcess.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AddInProcess32.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AddInUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
170,664 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
alink.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
116,888 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
alinkui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
35,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
98,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
55,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28,352 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,760 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
41,536 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_perf.ini |
997,498 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_perf2.ini |
995,542 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
90,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
41,080 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,608 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36480 |
43,016 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AspNetMMCExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509,624 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
CasPol.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108,152 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,941,472 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
CLR-ETW.man |
303,549 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
228,008 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
509,728 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
ComSvcConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176,760 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,672 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
corperfmonsymbols.ini |
1,516,922 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,853,048 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
cscui.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,416 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
95,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
cvtres_clr.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
43,128 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
cvtresui_clr.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
20,144 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
DataSvcUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
73,336 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141,976 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
dfshim.dll.mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18,600 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
dfsvc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,160 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
diasymreader.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
859,824 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
dw20.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
EdmGen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,624 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
804,552 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
filetracker.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
226,992 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
21,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
fusion.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
ie.browser |
5,166 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
ilasm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297,080 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallPersistSqlState.sql |
54,647 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallSqlState.sql |
54,427 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallSqlStateTemplate.sql |
56,233 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
40,568 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,856 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
jsc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
47,224 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,160 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,248 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,448,128 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
668,376 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101,608 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,191,152 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
273,664 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Common.OverrideTasks |
6,297 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Common.targets |
262,547 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.CSharp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
492,224 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
53,000 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets |
6,501 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
Microsoft.Internal.Tasks.Dataflow.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
184,584 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
407,824 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
131,336 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualC.STLCLR.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
50,920 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
99,160 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141,192 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.WinFX.targets |
42,213 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,888 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.WorkflowBuildExtensions.targets |
7,537 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Xaml.targets |
19,848 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
microsoft.build.commontypes.xsd |
241,004 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.JScript.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
758,984 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.JScript.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
57,856 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
108,840 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
360,208 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
651,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualC.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
30,408 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
267,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,285,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,108,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
mscoree.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,720 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
516,264 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
5,268,768 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
75,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139,952 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
395,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
104,632 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
38,056 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,760 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
414,880 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103,552 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
VsVersion.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
18,088 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
140,920 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
normalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,416 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
82,440 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
164,640 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationBuildTasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
604,536 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
3,227,632 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationFramework.Aero.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
249,232 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
177,560 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Classic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
181,144 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Luna.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
484,752 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Royale.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
208,272 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,228,256 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationFramework-SystemCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,352 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,816 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemDrawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,336 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,832 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,800 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
186,864 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
85,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
790,816 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
847,032 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ReachFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
599,024 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,632 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
regtlib.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
84,600 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
23,720 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43,744 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,128 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
19,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,136 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
47,376 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
77,056 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
226,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37,592 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,120 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
28,960 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
SMDiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
73,864 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
SMSvcHost.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
SOS.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
763,168 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Speech.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
686,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
sysglobl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133,264 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Activities.Core.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
718,256 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,583,248 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Activities.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
144,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Activities.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
2,140,568 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.AddIn.Contract.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
52,440 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.AddIn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163,512 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Collections.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,992 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
312,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.Registration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
62,848 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
120,640 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,504 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Core.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,272,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
72,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,087,208 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4,099,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
698,568 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.Client.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
448,240 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176,368 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
684,248 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,960 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,440 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297,776 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Dynamic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,320 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Globalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.IdentityModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,097,872 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
145,680 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.IdentityModel.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
200,480 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.IO.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,336 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.IO.Log.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,992 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,344 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Expressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,472 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Queryable.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,408 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Management.Instrumentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
146,696 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
259,744 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.Rtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,408 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.Requests.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,392 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ObjectModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
343,840 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,416 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,448 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,448 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,472 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36,528 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
173,344 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,536 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,560 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,060,496 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,480 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,520 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,984 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Security.Principal.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204,184 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
570,264 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Channels.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
160,024 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
313,120 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,388,328 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,440 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
255,120 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,072 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
132,496 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,960 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.ServiceMoniker40.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,312 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.WasHosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
40,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
332,520 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.Encoding.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,888 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,472 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Web.Abstractions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,912 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
71,208 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DynamicData.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44,952 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DynamicData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,696 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
172,264 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
166,088 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
354,704 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
1,859,568 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,376 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,416 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
82,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,726,392 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Workflow.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1,068,824 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1,571,616 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Workflow.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
504,088 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.WorkflowServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
455,040 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xaml.Hosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,704 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163,512 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,808 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.XDocument.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,912 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Caching.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
109,272 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
402,648 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Configuration.Install.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
3,209,392 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509,672 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.SqlXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
752,312 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
853,704 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
5,056,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Device.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,184 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.DirectoryServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
425,712 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,056 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.dll |
4.0.30319.36543 |
3,493,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
113,888 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
598,712 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
7,680 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,552 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,784 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
33,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
111,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.IO.Compression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Management.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
417,480 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
274,112 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
202,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
50,944 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,208 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Reflection.context.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108,272 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Runtime.Remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
348,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
142,192 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36440 |
301,648 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.ServiceProcess.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,872 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
71,168 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
289,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
5,464,640 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Mobile.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
839,768 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,768 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
858,320 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
6,144 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
751,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Windows.Forms.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4,859,608 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Forms.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,504 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Input.Manipulations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,520 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Windows.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,072 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
641,408 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
2,705,032 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101,024 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
UIAutomationClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
178,536 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
365,984 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationProvider.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
48,496 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationTypes.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
105,832 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
24,832 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
509,696 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
WindowsBase.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,242,392 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
WindowsFormsIntegration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
102,784 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
126,136 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,368 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
76,776 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
wpf-etw.man |
151,330 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe.mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
19,952 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.0.30319.36627 |
25,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,649,136 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
WsatConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
155,256 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
XamlBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133,976 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
XsdBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ThirdPartyNotices.txt |
20,126 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
536,856 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
875,800 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Tiedostonimi |
Tiedostoversio |
Tiedoston koko |
Päivämäärä |
Aika |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
76,776 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
wpf-etw.man |
151,330 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe.mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
19,952 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe.mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
19,952 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.0.30319.36627 |
26,664 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.0.30319.36627 |
25,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
2,109,424 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,649,136 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
WsatConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
155,256 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
XamlBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133,976 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
XsdBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ThirdPartyNotices.txt |
20,126 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
678,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
536,856 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
869,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
875,800 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,713,560 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
4,008,232 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
3,194,664 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
3,546,232 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
2,459,256 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
272,184 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
272,184 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
vbc7ui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
271,512 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
vbc7ui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
271,512 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Accessibility.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36,008 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AddInProcess.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AddInProcess32.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AddInUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
188,072 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
170,664 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
alink.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
145,048 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
alink.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
116,888 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
alinkui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
35,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
alinkui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
35,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
115,832 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
98,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
55,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,888 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28,352 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37,560 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,776 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,760 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
45,120 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
41,536 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_perf.ini |
997,498 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_perf2.ini |
995,542 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
90,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
90,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44,664 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43,640 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
41,080 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,096 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,608 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
50,808 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36480 |
47,624 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36480 |
43,016 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
AspNetMMCExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509,624 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
CasPol.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,640 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
CasPol.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108,152 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
10,071,328 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,941,472 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
CLR-ETW.man |
303,557 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
CLR-ETW.man |
303,549 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
122,048 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
228,008 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
228,008 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,235,232 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
509,728 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
ComSvcConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176,760 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
153,784 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,672 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
corperfmonsymbols.ini |
1,516,922 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
2,637,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,853,048 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
cscui.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,416 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
cscui.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,416 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
63,648 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
104,648 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
95,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
cvtres_clr.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
46,712 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
cvtres_clr.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
43,128 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
cvtresui_clr.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
20,144 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
cvtresui_clr.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
20,144 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
DataSvcUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
73,336 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
165,528 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141,976 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
dfshim.dll.mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18,608 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
dfshim.dll.mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18,600 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
dfsvc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,160 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
diasymreader.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
1,068,208 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
diasymreader.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
859,824 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
dw20.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
51,320 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
dw20.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
EdmGen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,624 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
804,552 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
804,552 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
filetracker.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
262,832 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
filetracker.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
226,992 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
21,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
21,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
fusion.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
92,832 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
fusion.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
ie.browser |
5,166 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ie.browser |
5,166 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
ilasm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
363,640 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ilasm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297,080 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallPersistSqlState.sql |
54,647 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
InstallPersistSqlState.sql |
54,647 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallSqlState.sql |
54,427 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
InstallSqlState.sql |
54,427 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallSqlStateTemplate.sql |
56,233 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
InstallSqlStateTemplate.sql |
56,233 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
40,056 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
40,568 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
76,472 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,856 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,856 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
jsc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
47,224 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,160 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,248 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,448,128 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
668,376 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101,608 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,191,152 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
273,664 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Common.OverrideTasks |
6,297 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.Common.OverrideTasks |
6,297 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Common.targets |
262,547 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.Common.targets |
262,547 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.CSharp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
492,224 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
53,000 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets |
6,501 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
Microsoft.Internal.Tasks.Dataflow.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
184,584 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
407,824 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
131,848 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
131,336 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualC.STLCLR.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
50,920 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141,192 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
99,168 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
99,160 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.WinFX.targets |
42,213 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.WinFX.targets |
42,213 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,888 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.WorkflowBuildExtensions.targets |
7,537 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Xaml.targets |
19,848 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.Xaml.targets |
19,848 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
microsoft.build.commontypes.xsd |
241,004 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
microsoft.build.commontypes.xsd |
241,004 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.JScript.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
758,984 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.JScript.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
57,856 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.JScript.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
57,856 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
108,840 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
360,208 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
651,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualC.Dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
30,408 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
113,320 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
263,288 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
267,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,731,872 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,285,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,534,240 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,108,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
mscoree.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,720 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscoree.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,720 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
636,072 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
516,264 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
5,222,688 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
5,268,768 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,152 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
75,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
169,648 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139,952 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
395,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
395,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,160 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
104,632 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
38,056 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
38,056 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
26,272 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,760 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
523,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
414,880 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
124,024 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103,552 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
VsVersion.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
18,088 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
VsVersion.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
18,088 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
171,128 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
140,920 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
84,144 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
normalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
normalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,416 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
95,736 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
82,440 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
241,840 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
226,592 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
164,640 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationBuildTasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
604,536 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
3,211,552 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
3,227,632 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationFramework.Aero.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
249,232 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
177,560 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Classic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
181,144 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Luna.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
484,752 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Royale.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
208,272 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,228,256 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationFramework-SystemCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,352 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,816 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemDrawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,336 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,832 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,800 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
232,944 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
85,496 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
186,864 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
85,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,078,768 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
790,816 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
847,032 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ReachFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
599,024 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,120 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,632 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44,664 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
regtlib.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
94,328 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
regtlib.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
84,600 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
24,232 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
23,720 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,128 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43,736 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43,744 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,128 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,136 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
19,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
19,688 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,136 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,784 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
47,376 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
47,376 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
77,056 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
263,288 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
226,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,120 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37,592 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37,592 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,120 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
29,472 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
28,960 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
SMDiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
73,864 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
SMSvcHost.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
SOS.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
823,792 |
30.3.2020 |
22:24 |
SOS.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
763,168 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Speech.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
686,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
sysglobl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133,264 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Activities.Core.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
718,256 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,583,248 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Activities.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
144,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Activities.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
2,140,568 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.AddIn.Contract.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
52,440 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.AddIn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163,512 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Collections.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,992 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
312,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
system.componentmodel.composition.registration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
62,848 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
120,640 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,504 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Core.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,272,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
72,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,087,208 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4,099,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
698,568 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.Client.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
448,240 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176,368 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
684,248 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,960 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,440 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297,776 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
system.dynamic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,320 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Globalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.IdentityModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,097,872 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
145,680 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.IdentityModel.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
200,480 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.IO.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,336 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.IO.Log.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,992 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,344 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Expressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,472 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Queryable.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,408 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Management.Instrumentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
146,696 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
259,744 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.Rtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,408 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.Requests.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,392 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ObjectModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
343,328 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
343,840 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,416 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,448 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,448 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,472 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36,528 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
173,344 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,536 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,560 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,060,496 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,480 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,520 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,984 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Security.Principal.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204,184 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
570,264 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Channels.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
160,024 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
313,120 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,388,328 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,440 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
255,120 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,072 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
132,496 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,960 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.ServiceMoniker40.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,312 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.WasHosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
40,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
332,520 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.Encoding.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,464 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,888 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,472 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Web.Abstractions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,912 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
71,208 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DynamicData.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44,952 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DynamicData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,696 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
172,264 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
166,088 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
354,704 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
1,859,568 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,376 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,416 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
82,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,726,392 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Workflow.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1,068,824 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1,571,616 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Workflow.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
504,088 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.WorkflowServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
455,040 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xaml.Hosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,704 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163,512 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,928 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,808 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.XDocument.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,912 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Caching.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
109,272 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
402,648 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Configuration.Install.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
3,238,064 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.Data.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
3,209,392 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
510,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509,672 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.SqlXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
752,312 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
853,704 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
5,056,176 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Device.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,184 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.DirectoryServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
425,712 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,056 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.dll |
4.0.30319.36543 |
3,493,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
113,888 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
598,712 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
7,680 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.Drawing.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
7,680 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,040 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,552 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
91,392 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,784 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
33,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.EnterpriseServices.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
33,280 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
125,440 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
111,104 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.IO.Compression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,896 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28,936 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Management.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
417,480 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
274,112 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
202,432 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
50,944 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,208 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Reflection.context.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108,272 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Runtime.Remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
348,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
142,192 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36440 |
301,648 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.ServiceProcess.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,872 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
71,168 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
71,168 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
292,560 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
289,488 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
5,457,984 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
5,464,640 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Mobile.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
839,768 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,768 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
858,320 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
6,144 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.Web.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
6,144 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
751,904 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.Windows.Forms.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4,859,608 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Forms.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,504 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
System.Windows.Forms.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,504 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Input.Manipulations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,520 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Windows.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,072 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
641,408 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
System.XML.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
2,705,032 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
4.0.30319.36415 |
115,352 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101,024 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
UIAutomationClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
178,536 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
365,984 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationProvider.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
48,496 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationTypes.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
105,832 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
26,680 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
24,832 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
621,112 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
509,696 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
WindowsBase.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,242,392 |
30.3.2020 |
21:43 |
WindowsFormsIntegration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
102,784 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
174,256 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
126,136 |
30.3.2020 |
21:38 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
85,792 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,368 |
30.3.2020 |
21:40 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,368 |
30.3.2020 |
21:39 |
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Suojaa itsesi verkossa: Windowsin suojauksen tuki
Lue, miten suojaamme kyberuhkia vastaan: Microsoft Security