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Free up drive space in Windows - Microsoft Support
Note: If it’s been fewer than 10 days since you upgraded to Windows 10, your previous version of Windows will be listed as a system file you can delete.If you need to free up drive space, you can delete it, but keep in mind that you'll be deleting your Windows.old folder, which contains files that give you the option to go back to your previous version of Windows.
Schedule a Microsoft Teams meeting from Outlook
The people selection menus in Meeting options don't show invitees I've added to an occurrence of a meeting series. In this scenario, you will need to invite people to the meeting series, rather than to the meeting occurrence. The web view of Meeting options does not show all the people I've invited.
Applicable à : Microsoft Teams
Make someone a team owner in Microsoft Teams
Select the dropdown next to Members and guests to see all team members. The Role column on the right tells you if someone is a team member or team owner. To make someone an owner, select the dropdown and then choose Owner.
Applicable à : Microsoft Teams
Manage Windows Information Protection on work and personal files
Conversely, change a personal file to a work file by selecting File ownership > Work. What to do if you can't open work data. You might see this message on your work PC: It means you can't open one or more work files because the encryption keys are not available. This scenario typically happens if the operating system partition is wiped and work files are stored on another partition or drive ...
Manage your contacts and Contacts list - Microsoft Support
Depending on how you’ve sorted your contacts, different options appear in the menu. For example, you can choose to show “friendly names” as opposed to email names or status details as opposed to only names. If your company has enabled displaying contact pictures in the Contacts list, you can choose whether to show pictures, which determines how many contacts fit in the window. (If you ...
Applicable à : Lync 2010
Set or change permissions for a public folder - Microsoft Support
After you choose a permissions level, you can fine-tune the permissions by selecting buttons or checking and unchecking boxes. If you do that, the Permission Level for the user or group will change to Custom.. In the example shown here, Diane and Kim have the built-in Author and Publishing Editor permission levels.
Applicable à : Outlook pour Microsoft 365, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013
Send form invitations and manage notifications - Microsoft Support
Note: Anyone who receives the form link through email will be able to forward your email to other people who can potentially see and complete your form.If your form, however, is set to Only people in my organization can respond or Specific people in my organization can respond, only individuals and groups you define - whether everyone in your organization or just specific individuals and ...
Applicable à : Microsoft Forms
Make a term set available to other site collections in SharePoint
When you create term sets in one site collection, by default, they’re not available to other site collections in the tenant. However, you can give site collections access to term sets that you’ve created in other site collections.
Applicable à : SharePoint dans Microsoft 365
Edit list settings - Microsoft Support
Enable audience targeting column to filter contents based on a users context. Rating settings. When you enable ratings, two fields are added to the content types available for this list and a rating control is added to the default view of the list or library. You can choose either "Likes" or "Star Ratings" as the way content is rated. Form settings. Use Microsoft PowerApps to customize the ...
Applicable à : Édition d’abonnement SharePoint Server, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint dans Microsoft 365, Listes Microsoft
Use Power BI Desktop to connect with your Project data
This will take you to your PWA Home page. 3. Copy the URL in your browser and use that value for the PWA URL field in the Project template. Tip: If you aren't sure, ask your administrator to check the value in the Power Platform Admin center. 5. After connecting to your data. Important: To get a portfolio-level view of the data, you must have read permissions at the business-unit level for the ...
Applicable à : Project pour le web