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Description of Cookies - Microsoft Support
First-party cookies are cookies that are associated with the host domain. Third-party cookies are cookies from any other domain. For example, suppose that you visit by typing the URL in the address bar, and,, and have banner ads on this page.
Change security and privacy settings for Internet Explorer 11
Internet Explorer 11 has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer 11, you can reload it with Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge. We recommend you use Microsoft Edge for a faster, more secure and more modern web browsing experience.
Elementi importati in Microsoft Edge
Per visualizzare e gestire i cookie importati in Microsoft Edge, esegui una delle operazioni seguenti: Vai a edge://settings/siteData. Vai a Impostazioni e altro > Impostazioni > Cookie e autorizzazioni del sito > Gestire ed eliminare cookie e dati del sito > Visualizzare tutti i cookie e i dati del sito. Home Page. Seleziona questa opzione per importare l'URL della home page impostato in ...
Connect a website to a Bluetooth or USB device in Microsoft Edge
Connect a website with your device in Microsoft Edge. The exact interface for connecting a website to a device is determined by the website and may vary from the following. Connect your device by Bluetooth or a USB. For Bluetooth, make sure Bluetooth is turned on for your computer and that the device you’re connecting to is on and discoverable.
Troubleshoot microphone issues in Microsoft 365 for the web
Option 1. Click the lock icon in the address bar, and and the change the setting for the Microphone permission to Allow.
Accessibility with the new Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
We’re excited to walk you through the accessibility enhancements we’ve added to the new Microsoft Edge and show you how to use your screen reader and keyboard to make sure that you’re using the very latest version, so you can enjoy the smoothest possible browsing experience. If you’ve used an older version of Microsoft Edge, you’ll notice that some things have changed, but we’ve ...
Tastenkombinationen in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft-Support
Eine Datei vom Computer in Microsoft Edge öffnen. Ctrl + Shift + O. Favoriten öffnen Ctrl + P. Aktuelle Seite drucken. Ctrl + Shift + P. Über das Systemdialogfeld drucken. STRG+R. Aktuelle Seite neu laden. Ctrl + Shift + R. Aktuelle Seite neu laden, im Cache gespeicherte Inhalte ignorieren. Ctrl + S. Aktuelle Seite speichern. Ctrl + T. Neue Registerkarte öffnen und zu ihre wechseln. Ctrl ...
Activer les cookies - Support Microsoft
Pour que Lync Web App fonctionne correctement, les cookies doivent être activés dans votre navigateur. Sélectionnez votre navigateur dans la liste pour savoir comment. Je veux activer les cookies dans. Internet Explorer. Mozilla Firefox. Safari. Chrome. Internet Explorer. Cliquez sur Démarrer > Panneau de configuration.
Applicable à : Lync Web App pour Lync Online, Lync Web App, Lync Web App géré par 21Vianet
Microsoft Edge에서 쿠키 관리: 보기, 허용, 차단, 삭제 및 사용
Edge 브라우저를 열고 브라우저 창의 오른쪽 위 모서리에서 설정 등을 선택합니다. 설정 > 쿠키 및 사이트 권한 을 선택합니다. 쿠키 및 사이트 데이터 관리 및 삭제를 선택하고, 모든 쿠키를 허용 하도록 사이트에서 쿠키 데이터를 저장하고 읽을 수 있도록 허용(권장) 을 설정합니다.
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Naviguer en toute sécurité sur le web dans Microsoft Edge
Le mode de navigation InPrivate vous permet de parcourir le web sans stocker l’historique de navigation, les cookies et d’autres données. Utilisez ce mode lorsque vous souhaitez que vos activités de navigation restent privées. Dans Edge, accédez à Paramètres et bien plus encore en haut de votre navigateur. Sélectionnez Nouvelle fenêtre InPrivate pour commencer à naviguer en privé ...