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Use a screen reader to clear browsing data in Microsoft Edge
This article is for people who use a screen reader program such as Windows Narrator, JAWS, or NVDA with Microsoft 365 products. This article is part of the Microsoft 365 screen reader support content set where you can find more accessibility information on our apps. For general help, visit Microsoft Support. Use a screen reader to clear browsing data in Microsoft Edge.
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Modificare il motore di ricerca predefinito in Microsoft Edge
L'uso di Bing come motore di ricerca predefinito offre un'esperienza di ricerca avanzata in nuovo Microsoft Edge , oltre a collegamenti diretti alle app di Windows, suggerimenti più pertinenti dall'organizzazione in cui sei iscritto con un account aziendale o dell'istituto di istruzione e risposte immediate alle domande su Windows.Puoi però modificare il motore di ricerca predefinito di ...
Change your default search engine in Microsoft Edge
Keeping Bing as your default search engine provides an enhanced search experience in the new Microsoft Edge , including direct links to Windows apps, relevant suggestions from your organization if you’re signed in with a work or school account, and instant answers to questions about Windows.However, you can change the default search engine to any site that uses OpenSearch technology.
Aktualisieren auf den neuen Microsoft Edge - Microsoft-Support
Microsoft Edge bietet InPrivate-Browsen an, mit dem Sie Ihren Browserverlauf, Ihre Website- und Formulardaten, Cookies und Kennwörter für andere Personen, die dasselbe Gerät verwenden, ausblenden können. InPrivate-Browsen umfasst die InPrivate-Suche mit Microsoft Bing, sodass Alle Suchvorgänge auf Bing nicht mit Ihnen verknüpft werden oder Ihre Bing-Suchvorschläge beeinflussen. Weitere ...
Create collections and export to Office apps in Microsoft Edge
Creating a collection in Edge. In your toolbar, select Collections. Select Try Collections, then give it a name. To enter web sites into your collection, you may use any of the following methods: Add current page: if you currently have a page in view, select +Add current page. Context menu: you can also highlight a set of text, an image, or a hyperlink then right-click and select Add to ...
Anmelden, um Microsoft Edge geräteübergreifend zu synchronisieren
Weitere Informationen zum Löschen von Browserdaten finden Sie unter "Browserverlauf anzeigen und löschen" in Microsoft Edge. Melden Sie sich an, um Ihr Konto auf Ihrem mobilen Gerät zu synchronisieren. Einrichten der Synchronisierung auf Ihrem mobilen Gerät. Laden Sie die Microsoft Edge-App für iOS und Android herunter. Wir senden einen ...
Apps and widgets that depend on Microsoft Edge
The apps and widgets described above use the same web engine, settings, extensions, and features as Microsoft Edge. For example, if you enable dark mode in Microsoft Edge, dark mode will also apply to your apps and widgets. If you sign into Microsoft Edge with your Microsoft account, your apps will also be synced across your devices.
Come eliminare i file cookie in Internet Explorer
Questo articolo descrive come eliminare i file dei cookie dal computer. È possibile impostare la Guida guidata per eliminare automaticamente i file dei cookie dal computer oppure eliminare manualmente i file dei cookie dal computer. La sezione "Come eliminare automaticamente i cookie in Internet Explorer in Windows XP" contiene istruzioni su come impostare la Guida guidata per l'esecuzione ...
Enable or disable ActiveX settings in Office files
Enable ActiveX controls when the Message Bar appears. When you open a file that has ActiveX controls, the yellow Message Bar appears with a shield icon and the Enable Content button. If you know the controls are from a reliable source, use the following instructions: On the Message Bar, click Enable Content. The file opens and is a trusted ...
Applicable à : Excel pour Microsoft 365, Word pour Microsoft 365, PowerPoint pour Microsoft 365, Excel 2021, Word 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016
Esplorare InPrivate in Microsoft Edge
Ilnuovo Microsoft Edge elimina la cronologia esplorazioni, i cookie e i dati del sito, nonché le password, gli indirizzi e i dati del modulo quando si chiudono tutte le finestre di InPrivate. Puoi aprire una finestra InPrivate in vari modi: Seleziona e tieni premuto (fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse) sul logo Microsoft Edge sulla barra delle applicazioni e seleziona Nuova finestra ...
Applicable à : Tableau de bord de compte Microsoft