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Upgrade Windows Home to Windows Pro - Microsoft Support
This article details the steps to take if you’d like to upgrade your device from Windows 11 Home to Windows 11 Pro. Upgrading to Windows 11 Pro using Microsoft Store. The best way to upgrade from Windows 11 Home to Windows 11 Pro is through the Microsoft Store. To begin, simply click here to open the Microsoft Store to the Windows upgrade page.
Video: Add text to shapes, diagrams, or connectors - Microsoft Support
Try it! Add text to shapes, connectors, and pages to give diagrams more meaning. Add text to a shape or connector. Select a shape or a connector.
Applicable à : Visio Plan 2, Visio Professionnel 2021, Visio Standard 2021, Visio Professionnel 2019, Visio Standard 2019, Visio Professionnel 2016, Visio Standard 2016
Chat with Copilot about your notes and research questions
Lana thinks Copilot in OneNote can help her by using the chat functionality to pull and recall details from past weddings. To pull details from all the pages in her OneNote section, Lana completes the following steps: Navigate to the section that has pages she wants to pull wedding details from. On the Home ribbon, select Copilot. The Copilot pane opens on the right side of OneNote. In the ...
Applicable à : OneNote pour Microsoft 365
Velkommen til Copilot i Windows - Støtte for Microsoft
Copilot-appen festes til Windows-oppgavelinjen på nye Windows 11-PC-er og Copilot PC-er som leveres til EØS og andre markeder hvor Copilot er tilgjengelig. Når det gjelder eksisterende PC-er med Windows 11, varierer tidsberegningen for tilgjengelighet og leveringsmetode.
Outlook for Windows: The Future of Mail, Calendar, and People on Windows 11
Beginning in 2024, new Windows 11 devices will be shipped with the new Outlook for Windows as the default mailbox application free for all to use. The Mail and Calendar applications will continue to be available via download in the Microsoft Store through December 31, 2024. After this date the Mail & Calendar applications will no longer be supported. On existing devices, users can switch to ...
Applicable à : Nouveau Outlook pour Windows
Frequently asked questions about Microsoft 365 Copilot
Copilot uses a large language model that mimics natural language based on patterns from large amounts of training data. The model is optimized for conversation by using Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF)—a method that uses human demonstrations to guide the model toward a desired behavior. When you submit a text prompt to Copilot, the model generates a response by making ...
Applicable à : Microsoft Teams
Use Copilot in OneNote with a screen reader - Microsoft Support
Copilot can help you rewrite your content, and adjust the tone, style, formality, and length. You can also ask Copilot to provide several options for its rewritten responses. Below is an example scenario of how to rewrite content with Copilot. Select the text you want to rewrite by holding the Shift key and using the Arrow keys. Your screen ...
Applicable à : OneNote pour Microsoft 365
Welcome to Copilot on Windows - Hỗ trợ của Microsoft
On new Windows 11 PCs and new Copilot PCs shipping into EEA and other markets where Copilot is available, the Copilot app will be pinned to the Windows taskbar. For existing Windows 11 PCs, timing of availability and delivery method will vary.
Summarize your presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint
Copilot includes references to show where it pulled information from in the presentation. Want to know which slides might need special attention? Ask Copilot to Show key slides, and Copilot will try to identify which slides might be worthy of a look. Skip straight to the call to action by asking Copilot to Show action items. You'll get a list ...
Applicable à : PowerPoint pour Microsoft 365, PowerPoint pour Microsoft 365 pour Mac, PowerPoint pour iPad
Rewrite text in OneNote with Copilot - Microsoft Support
He decides to use the Rewrite feature in OneNote using Copilot, a tool that helps him adjust his writing style and tone. To rewrite one of his practice essays, Marco completes the following steps: Select the text on the OneNote page that needs to be rewritten. Right-click on the selected text. In the right-click menu, select Rewrite. Copilot will rewrite the selected text and place it ...
Applicable à : OneNote pour Microsoft 365