KB2999197 - Paket pembaruan kumulatif 4 untuk SQL Server 2014
Applies To
SQL Server 2014 Enterprise SQL Server 2014 Developer SQL Server 2014 Standard SQL Server 2014 Web SQL Server 2014 Business IntelligenceArtikel ini menguraikan pembaruan kumulatif paket 4 (Nomor build: 12.0.2430.0) untuk Microsoft SQL Server 2014. Pembaruan ini berisi hotfix untuk masalah yang telah diperbaiki setelah rilis SQL Server 2014.
Cara mendapatkan paket pembaruan kumulatif ini
Klik "Unduhan Hotfix Tersedia" di bagian atas artikel Basis Pengetahuan ini. Jika halaman "Permintaan Hotfix" tidak muncul, hubungi Layanan Pelanggan dan Dukungan Microsoft untuk mendapatkan paket pembaruan kumulatif.
Hotfix yang disertakan dalam paket pembaruan kumulatif ini
Nomor bug VSTS |
Nomor artikel KB |
Deskripsi |
Area perbaikan |
3260616 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Masalah saat Anda mengekspor laporan ke PDF yang memiliki font Unicode di SQL Server |
Layanan Pelaporan |
2906081 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan "Tidak dapat menyisipkan kunci duplikat" terjadi ketika Anda memperbarui tabel dengan menggunakan indeks bitmap yang berisi kunci partisi di SQL Server |
Kinerja SQL |
2906084 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Hasil yang salah dikembalikan ketika Anda membuat kueri beberapa dimensi anggota di MDX dan DAX di SSAS 2012 atau SSAS 2014 |
Analysis Services |
2578274 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kemacetan paralel atau kebuntuan sendiri terjadi ketika Anda menjalankan kueri yang menghasilkan paralelisme dalam SQL Server |
Layanan SQL |
2906093 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Hasil yang salah ketika Anda menjalankan kueri yang menggunakan opsi WITH RECOMPILE di SQL Server 2012 atau SQL Server 2014 |
Kinerja SQL |
2906103 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Laporan SSRS 2012 atau SSRS 2014 dipotong secara horizontal setelah Anda menerapkan Pembaruan MS13-088 di komputer |
Layanan Pelaporan |
2906101 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Masalah saat Anda mengonfigurasi refresh data terjadwal untuk buku kerja PowerPivot di SharePoint 2013 |
BI Azure |
2906089 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Broker layanan berhenti bekerja ketika Anda membatalkan pendaftaran dan menghapus sesi di SQL Server |
Layanan SQL |
2906107 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Pengecualian fatal saat Anda menjalankan kueri yang berisi fungsi CLR terhadap tampilan terindeks dalam SQL Server |
Layanan SQL |
2906117 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Database tetap dalam tahap konfigurasi peran saat Anda melakukan kegagalan manual database yang dicerminkan |
Ketersediaan Tinggi |
2906119 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan saat Anda mencetak, mencetak pratinjau, atau mengekspor laporan ke PDF di SSRS 2012 atau SSRS 2014 |
Layanan Pelaporan |
2906097 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Cache laporan tidak dibersihkan ketika Anda menggunakan SSRS 2012 atau SSRS 2014 dalam mode terintegrasi SharePoint |
Layanan Pelaporan |
2906124 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Popup "izinkan konten campuran" saat Anda menggunakan PowerView yang berisi data peta di SSRS di situs web SharePoint |
Layanan Pelaporan |
3260586 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kegagalan agen non-konvergensi atau penggabungan terjadi ketika Anda menggunakan penyelesaian prosedur kustom yang disimpan di SQL Server |
Layanan SQL |
2627802 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Tidak dapat memulihkan database OLTP In-Memory setelah Anda mengaktifkan lalu menonaktifkan TDE di dalam SQL Server 2014 |
OLTP In-Memory |
2906154 |
MEMPERBAIKI: sumber daya SQL Server offline ketika Anda mengubah kata sandi untuk akun layanan di SQL Server 2012 atau SQL Server 2014 |
Alat Manajemen |
2906091 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Pengguna mendapatkan data yang salah ketika dua pengguna dalam peran keamanan yang sama menjalankan laporan klien di SSAS 2012 atau SSAS 2014 |
Analysis Services |
2906126 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Tidak dapat menampilkan lembar Power View dari SharePoint 2013 ketika buku kerja menggunakan karakter Korea tertentu sebagai nama file |
Layanan Pelaporan |
3260588 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Hasil dan pengecualian yang salah terjadi ketika Anda menggunakan kueri MDX untuk melakukan pengelompokan kubus sesi di SSAS |
Analysis Services |
2906151 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Pelanggaran akses terjadi ketika Anda melakukan Proses Data atau Proses Penuh pada partisi dalam tabel di SSAS |
Analysis Services |
2906149 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Waktu lebih lama dan lebih lama untuk melakukan proses penuh pada database model tabular SSAS 2012 atau SSAS 2014 |
Analysis Services |
2906115 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kueri DAX dengan filter mengembalikan hasil yang salah setelah Anda menjalankan kueri DAX tanpa filter apa pun di SSAS 2012 atau di SSAS 2014 |
Analysis Services |
2906135 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan saat Anda menjalankan Pengelola RBS di SQL Server 2012 atau SQL Server 2014 |
Layanan SQL |
2906153 |
FIX: Izin tidak dapat disebarkan ke Pelanggan dalam replikasi transaksi ketika Distributor SQL Server |
Layanan SQL |
2906133 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan parah terjadi ketika Anda menjalankan kueri yang menggunakan CTEs terhadap tabel yang dipartisi dalam SQL Server |
Kinerja SQL |
3260584 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Lambat untuk mengakses "Explorer" atau "Administrasi Sistem" di laman MDM |
Layanan Kualitas Data (DQS) |
3260613 |
MEMPERBAIKI: UPDATE STATISTICS melakukan pengambilan sampel dan pemrosesan yang salah untuk tabel dengan indeks columnstore di SQL Server |
Kinerja SQL |
3260594 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan 7105 ketika Anda menjalankan UPDATE pada kolom yang jarang diatur sementara ONLINE INDEX REBUILD berjalan pada tabel yang sama di SQL Server |
Kinerja SQL |
3260607 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Format laporan tidak sejajar ketika Anda menampilkan laporan yang memiliki item laporan tertentu di Internet Explorer 11 |
Layanan Pelaporan |
3260596 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Lama menunggu di CLR_CRST ketika Anda menjalankan kueri spasial yang di bawah beban berat di SQL Server |
Layanan SQL |
2942785 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Titik koma tambahan ditambahkan ke definisi objek ketika Anda menjalankan Invoke-Sqlcmd di SQL Server |
Alat Manajemen |
2906144 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Tugas bergeser ke sudut kiri atas saat Anda memindahkan atau mengubah ukurannya saat mendesain rencana pemeliharaan di SSMS 2014 |
Layanan Integrasi |
3260582 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Akses ditolak ketika Anda mencoba menampilkan riwayat laporan di situs SharePoint dengan izin Tampilkan Item |
Layanan Pelaporan |
3260578 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kueri MDX tidak mengembalikan hasil ketika singgahan tidak dikosongkan setelah Anda menjalankan kueri sebelumnya dalam model OLAP atau tabular |
Analysis Services |
3260603 |
FIX: Kecuali fungsi tidak mengembalikan anggota terhitung yang dibuat pada tingkat anggota ALL di SSAS |
Analysis Services |
3260617 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan dalam bcp_init ketika Anda melakukan salinan massal dengan tabel temp lokal sebagai parameter input di SQL Server Native Client 11.0 |
Layanan SQL |
3260600 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Karakter Bahasa Tionghoa Sederhana yang Tidak Diharapkan muncul di bidang TextData dari jejak Putar Ulang Terdistribusi di SQL Server |
Alat Manajemen |
3260612 |
MEMPERBAIKI: SSIS 2012 atau SSIS 2014 tugas Sumber XML tidak dapat memuat data dari URI |
Layanan Integrasi |
3260614 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan dalam tugas SQL dengan IsQueryStoredProcedure diatur ke True ketika Anda menggunakan .NET Data Provider untuk Teradata di SSIS |
Layanan Integrasi |
2980091 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Beberapa baris hilang dalam hasil ketika Anda menjalankan kueri untuk memilih data dari Oracle server tertaut dengan menggunakan gabungan gabungan |
Layanan SQL |
3260618 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Pemrosesan SSAS gagal ketika Anda melakukan operasi Penuh Proses pada banyak partisi dalam transaksi |
Analysis Services |
3260623 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Validasi aturan bisnis gagal dengan kesalahan ketidakcocokan kolase di SQL Server 2012 atau SQL Server 2014 MDS |
2965748 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan "Data string, pemotongan kanan" ketika Anda melakukan salinan massal di DBCS dengan menggunakan Driver ODBC 11 di SQL Server 2014 |
Konektivitas SQL |
3155459 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan 8654 ketika Anda menjalankan "INSERT INTO ... SELECT" pada tabel dengan indeks columnstore tergugus di SQL Server 2014 |
Layanan SQL |
2976564 |
Menambahkan informasi mendetail ke pesan kesalahan "Panggilan ke Excel Services mengembalikan kesalahan" di SQL Server 2014 PowerPivot |
Analysis Services |
3079309 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kunci skema terjadi pada tabel dengan data besar ketika Anda menghapus banyak baris darinya di SQL Server 2014 |
Layanan SQL |
3291193 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan "edisi SQL Server tidak didukung oleh MDS" ketika Anda menggunakan MDS setelah Anda menerapkan CU3 untuk SQL Server 2014 |
2976604 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Tidak dapat menghapus grup file sekunder setelah Anda memutakhirkan database ke SQL Server 2014 |
Layanan SQL |
3041753 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan ketika Anda mengekspor hasil pembersihan data dengan opsi "Data dan Info Pembersihan" di SQL Server 2014 DQS |
3290528 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Prosedur "sp_send_dbmail" tersimpan memotong lampiran email menjadi 64 KB di SQL Server 2014 |
Alat Manajemen |
3395417 |
Pembaruan untuk menambahkan item "Buka di Portal Manajemen" ke menu konteks untuk simpul database SQL Azure di SSMS 2014 |
Alat Manajemen |
3395360 |
Pembaruan ke skrip templat untuk membuat database SQL Azure di SSMS 2014 |
Alat Manajemen |
3403471 |
Pembaruan untuk menambahkan tingkat layanan baru dan tingkat kinerja ke "Impor Aplikasi Tingkat Data..." wisaya |
Alat Manajemen |
3026116 |
MEMPERBAIKI: Kesalahan "Penghentian tak terduga" dalam pekerjaan SQL Server Agent yang menjadwalkan paket SSIS 2014 berjalan setiap menit |
Layanan Integrasi |
Catatan untuk pembaruan ini
Pembaruan kumulatif
Kami menyarankan Agar Anda menguji hotfix sebelum menyebarkannya di lingkungan produksi.
Kami menyarankan Agar Anda menerapkan rilis pembaruan terbaru .
Paket kumulatif ini dimaksudkan untuk memperbaiki masalah yang dijelaskan dalam artikel ini saja. Terapkan hanya pada sistem yang mengalami masalah khusus ini.
Rilis pembaruan terbaru berisi semua hotfix dan semua pembaruan yang disertakan dengan rilis pembaruan SQL Server 2014 sebelumnya.
Kami menyarankan agar Anda memutakhirkan SQL Server ke paket layanan SQL Server 2014 berikutnya.
Penyebaran lingkungan hibrid
Saat Anda menyebarkan hotfix ke lingkungan hibrid (seperti AlwaysOn, replikasi, kluster, pencerminan, dan kluster), kami menyarankan agar Anda membuka dan merujuk ke artikel berikut ini sebelum menyebarkannya:
SQL Server proses pembaruan bergulir kluster failover dan paket layanan. Catatan Jika Anda tidak ingin menggunakan proses pembaruan bergulir, ikuti langkah-langkah ini untuk menerapkan CU atau SP:
Instal paket layanan di simpul pasif.
Instal paket layanan di simpul aktif (Langkah ini meminta servicerestart).
Pemutakhiran dan pembaruan server grup ketersediaan yang menggunakan waktu henti dan kehilangan data minimal. Catatan Jika Anda mengaktifkan AlwaysOn dengan katalog SSISDB untuk pertimbangan tambahan tentang cara menerapkan CU atau SP di lingkungan ini, buka dan lihat artikel dari blog MSDN berikut ini:
Cara menerapkan hotfix untuk SQL Server dalam topologi replikasi
SQL Server hotfix sekarang multibahasa. Oleh karena itu, paket pembaruan kumulatif ini tidak khusus untuk satu bahasa. Ini berlaku untuk semua bahasa yang didukung.
Formulir "Unduh Hotfix Tersedia" menampilkan bahasa yang tersedia untuk paket pembaruan. Jika anda tidak melihat bahasa Anda, itu karena paket pembaruan kumulatif tidak tersedia untuk bahasa tersebut.
Satu paket pembaruan kumulatif mencakup semua paket komponen. Namun, paket pembaruan kumulatif hanya memperbarui komponen yang diinstal pada sistem.
Jika masalah tambahan terjadi atau jika diperlukan pemecahan masalah, Anda mungkin harus membuat permintaan layanan terpisah. Biaya dukungan biasa akan berlaku untuk pertanyaan dukungan tambahan dan untuk masalah yang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk paket pembaruan kumulatif tertentu ini. Untuk daftar lengkap nomor telepon Layanan Pelanggan dan Dukungan Microsoft atau untuk membuat permintaan layanan terpisah, buka situs web dukungan Microsoft.
Untuk melakukannya, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
Di Panel Kontrol, klik Tambahkan atau Hapus Program.
Catatan Jika Anda menjalankan Windows 7 atau versi yang lebih baru, klik Program dan Fitur di Panel Kontrol. -
Temukan entri yang terkait dengan paket pembaruan kumulatif ini.
Klik kanan entri, lalu klik Hapus Instalan.
Informasi paket pembaruan kumulatif
PrasyaratUntuk menerapkan paket pembaruan kumulatif ini, Anda harus menjalankan SQL Server 2014.
Mulai ulang informasi Anda mungkin harus memulai ulang komputer setelah Anda menerapkan paket pembaruan kumulatif ini.
Informasi registri Untuk menggunakan salah satu hotfix dalam paket ini, Anda tidak perlu membuat perubahan apa pun pada registri.
Paket pembaruan kumulatif ini mungkin tidak berisi semua file yang harus Anda miliki untuk memperbarui produk sepenuhnya ke build terbaru. Paket ini hanya berisi file yang harus Anda miliki untuk memperbaiki masalah yang tercantum dalam artikel ini.
Versi bahasa Inggris dari paket ini memiliki atribut file (atau atribut file yang lebih baru) yang tercantum dalam tabel berikut ini. Tanggal dan waktu untuk file ini tercantum dalam Waktu Universal Terkoordinasi (UTC). Saat melihat informasi berkas, waktu akan diubah ke waktu lokal. Untuk menemukan perbedaan antara UTC dan waktu setempat, gunakan tabZona Waktu dalam itemTanggal dan Waktu di Panel Kontrol.versi berbasis x86
SQL Server 2014 Business Intelligence Development Studio
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
93864 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqm.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
89768 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
110240 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Analysis Services
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
35103400 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msmdpump.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6737064 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
34906272 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6738080 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7112352 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sqlboot.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
168608 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
22250144 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Database Services Common Core
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
51872 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.edition.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
37024 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.instapi.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
46248 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sdk.sfc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
499368 |
15-Okt-2014 |
17:19 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1355424 |
15-Okt-2014 |
17:19 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqm.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
89768 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Svrenumapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
792232 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Data Quality Client
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Kualitas Data
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
609952 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
88736 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Kualitas Data
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 sql_dreplay_client
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
51872 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sql_dreplay_client_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
sql_dreplay_controller SQL Server 2014
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
51872 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sql_dreplay_controller_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Instans Inti Layanan Database SQL Server 2014
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
467624 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
454816 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Sqlboot.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
168608 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqldk.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1947808 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqllang.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
28632736 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
67075744 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Sqlos.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
25248 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
28320 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
25256 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
5613728 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
546976 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
197792 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Sqltses.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
9013416 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Xpqueue.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60576 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Xprepl.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
82592 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Xpstar.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
343712 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Database Services Core Shared
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Distrib.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
154784 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
63144 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2556584 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1037984 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
867488 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
316576 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
327840 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Logread.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
529056 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
45216 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.schema.sql.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
8655552 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.utilities.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
477888 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
273600 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.extensions.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
690880 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
32928 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
47776 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
43688 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
203432 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sdk.sfc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
499368 |
15-Okt-2014 |
17:19 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smometadataprovider.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151208 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50344 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1582248 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.services.importexport.dacfxextensions.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
33952 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1355424 |
15-Okt-2014 |
17:19 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
77472 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
58528 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
115872 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151200 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msgprox.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
208544 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
445600 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
685728 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Replagnt.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
28832 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Repldp.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
237728 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Replerrx.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
122536 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Replisapi.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
279208 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Replmerg.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
433312 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Replprov.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
632488 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Replrec.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
810144 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Replsub.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
365728 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Replsync.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
125088 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Spresolv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
198312 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
181416 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
295592 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
28320 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlwep120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
101024 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Ssradd.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
55464 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Ssravg.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
55968 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
43168 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
54440 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
54432 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
43680 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Ssrup.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
42656 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
210592 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Layanan Integrasi SQL Server 2014
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
63144 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2556584 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtsinstall.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
423584 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1037984 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
867488 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
316576 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
327840 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
32928 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
47776 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
43688 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
77472 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
58528 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
115872 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151200 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
217248 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msmdpp.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6604456 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
3142816 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
11898024 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4305576 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4342952 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4334760 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4355232 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4520104 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4340384 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4368544 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4367528 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4354208 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4383392 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4347560 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4347560 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4331680 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4351648 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4354720 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4493984 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4333728 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4342944 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4307112 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4358304 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4359840 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
1412768 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1412768 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
657064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
657064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
321192 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
321192 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
303272 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
303272 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
153760 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
153760 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
5563048 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
5563048 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
566944 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.extensions.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
2082472 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
95392 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52888 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.semanticquerydesign.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
857760 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
238752 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.webmap.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
1352864 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.webmap.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
1352864 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.winmap.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
1343136 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
35103400 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6738080 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7112352 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2015904 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
110240 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
106144 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesservice.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2042024 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1541800 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2235552 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll.deploy |
2014.120.2430.0 |
546976 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
546976 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
22250144 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Management Studio
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Dacunpack.exe |
12.0.1294.0 |
170176 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
63144 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2556584 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtsinstall.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
423584 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1037984 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
867488 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
316576 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
327840 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.common.frontend.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
5150368 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.schema.sql.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
8655552 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.utilities.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
477888 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1226912 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
4010656 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
524456 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1412768 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.mapwincontrol.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
928416 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
566944 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.extensions.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2082472 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
273600 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.extensions.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
690880 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
32928 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.upgradeadvisor.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
151208 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.foreachitemenumeratorui.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
57504 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
331936 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2175136 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
47776 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
43688 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.cloudstorage.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
66208 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.dac.dacwizard.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
879264 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.deploymentmanagement.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
97960 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
203432 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smometadataprovider.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151208 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
317088 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1582248 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.services.importexport.dacfxextensions.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
33952 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
93864 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
77472 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqm.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
89768 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.storageclient.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
334496 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.upgradeadvisor.reportviewer.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
170144 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:50 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
58528 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
115872 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151200 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
118952 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6738080 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Objectexplorer.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
3956896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
110240 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sqleditors.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1589920 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Sqlpackage.exe |
12.0.1294.0 |
110784 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
28320 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
546976 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
110240 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Alat dan Komponen Stasiun Kerja
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Autoadmin.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1308832 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
63144 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2556584 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1037984 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
867488 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
316576 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
327840 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
3142816 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
5983392 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2141344 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
752800 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
399008 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2033824 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
243360 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
32928 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
47776 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
43688 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
77472 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
58528 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
115872 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
35103400 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msmdpp.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6604456 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6738080 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7112352 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Pfui.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
680104 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
60064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
28320 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
22250144 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
versi berbasis x64
SQL Server 2014 Business Intelligence Development Studio
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
93856 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqm.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
89768 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
106144 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Sqlsqm_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Analysis Services
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
35103400 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
52028584 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Msmdpump.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7782048 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
51126952 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6738080 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7422112 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7112352 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
8565928 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Sqlboot.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
177320 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
19106464 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
22250144 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Database Services Common Core
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
51872 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
59040 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.edition.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
37024 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.instapi.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
46248 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sdk.sfc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
499368 |
15-Okt-2014 |
17:19 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sdk.sfc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
499368 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1355424 |
15-Okt-2014 |
17:19 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1355432 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqm.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
89768 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqm.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
89768 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Svrenumapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
792232 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Svrenumapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1031328 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Data Quality Client
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Kualitas Data
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
609952 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
609960 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
88736 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
88744 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Kualitas Data
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 sql_dreplay_client
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
59040 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Sql_dreplay_client_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
sql_dreplay_controller SQL Server 2014
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Instapi120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
59040 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Sql_dreplay_controller_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Instans Inti Layanan Database SQL Server 2014
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Hkcompile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
751264 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Hkengine.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1640104 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Hkruntime.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
109216 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
469160 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x64 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
613032 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Sqlboot.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
177320 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqldk.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2407592 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqllang.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
35934376 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
64626856 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlos.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
26784 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
29856 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
25760 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
5613736 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
770208 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x64 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
370336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Sqltses.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
8973472 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Xpqueue.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
74408 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Xprepl.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
91296 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Xpstar.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
418976 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Database Services Core Shared
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Distrib.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
172192 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
67752 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
3003552 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1252000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
866976 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
368808 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
379048 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Logread.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
617632 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
51368 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.data.tools.schema.sql.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
8655552 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.utilities.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
477888 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
273600 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.extensions.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
690880 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
32936 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
47784 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
43680 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
203432 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sdk.sfc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
499368 |
15-Okt-2014 |
17:19 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smometadataprovider.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151208 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1639592 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.services.importexport.dacfxextensions.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
33952 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1355424 |
15-Okt-2014 |
17:19 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
76448 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
58528 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
115880 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151208 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Msgprox.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
243872 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
547496 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
801448 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Replagnt.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
30368 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Repldp.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
272040 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Replerrx.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
145056 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Replisapi.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
335520 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Replmerg.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
500392 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Replprov.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
771232 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Replrec.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
960672 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Replsub.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
433832 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Replsync.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
144544 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Spresolv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
240288 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
215712 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
338080 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
28320 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
29856 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlwep120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
112288 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Ssradd.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
63656 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Ssravg.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
64168 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
48808 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
61608 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
62120 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
49312 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Ssrup.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
48288 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
285344 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Layanan Integrasi SQL Server 2014
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
67752 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
3003552 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dtsinstall.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
423584 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1252000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
866976 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
368808 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
379048 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
32936 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
47784 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
43680 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
76448 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
58528 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
115880 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151208 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
216736 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Msmdpp.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7714976 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
3142816 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
11898024 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4305576 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4342952 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4334760 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4355232 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4520104 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4340384 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4368544 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4367528 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4354208 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4383392 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4347560 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4347560 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4331680 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4351648 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4354720 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4493984 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4333728 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4342944 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4307112 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4358304 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
4359840 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
1412768 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1412776 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
657064 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
657064 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
321192 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
321192 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
303272 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
303272 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
153760 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
153768 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
5563048 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
5563040 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
566944 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.extensions.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
2082472 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
95392 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52888 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52904 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportdesign.forms.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.2430.0 |
52896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.semanticquerydesign.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
857760 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
238752 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.webmap.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
1352864 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.webmap.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
1352864 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:50 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.winmap.dll.deploy |
12.0.2370.0 |
1343136 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
35103400 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
52028584 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6738080 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7422112 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7112352 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
8565928 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2015912 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
110240 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
104616 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
100008 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesservice.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2462376 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1541792 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2235552 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll.deploy |
2014.120.2430.0 |
546976 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
546976 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
770208 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
19106464 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
22250144 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Management Studio
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Dacunpack.exe |
12.0.1294.0 |
170176 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
63144 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2556584 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtsinstall.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
423584 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1037984 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
867488 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
316576 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
327840 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.common.frontend.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
5150368 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.schema.sql.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
8655552 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.data.tools.utilities.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
477888 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1226912 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
4010656 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
524456 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1412768 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.mapwincontrol.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
928416 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
566944 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.extensions.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2082472 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:02 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
273600 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dac.extensions.dll |
12.0.1294.0 |
690880 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
32928 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.upgradeadvisor.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
151208 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:51 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.foreachitemenumeratorui.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
57504 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
331936 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2175136 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
47776 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
43688 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.cloudstorage.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
66208 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.dac.dacwizard.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
879264 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.deploymentmanagement.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
97960 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
203432 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smometadataprovider.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151208 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
317088 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1582248 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.services.importexport.dacfxextensions.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
33952 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
93864 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
77472 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqm.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
89768 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.storageclient.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
334496 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.upgradeadvisor.reportviewer.dll |
12.0.2370.0 |
170144 |
21-Jul-2014 |
20:50 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
58528 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
115872 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
151200 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
118952 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6738080 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Objectexplorer.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
3956896 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
110240 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Sqleditors.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
1589920 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Sqlpackage.exe |
12.0.1294.0 |
110784 |
20-Jul-2014 |
18:45 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
28320 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
29856 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
546976 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
770208 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:59 |
x64 |
Sqlsqm.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
110240 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Alat dan Komponen Stasiun Kerja
Nama file |
Versi file |
Ukuran file |
Tanggal |
Waktu |
Platform |
Autoadmin.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1308832 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
63144 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:44 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2014.120.2430.0 |
67752 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2556584 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
3003552 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1037984 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
1252000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
867488 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Dtswizard.exe |
12.0.2430.0 |
866976 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
316576 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
368808 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
327840 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
379048 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
3142816 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
5983392 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
2141344 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
752800 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
399008 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
2033832 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
243360 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
32928 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
32936 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
50336 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
47776 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.vsta.vsta11.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
47784 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
43680 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.managedconnections.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
43688 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
77472 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
76448 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
58528 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vstascriptinglib.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
58528 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
115872 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
115880 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
35103400 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
52028584 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Msmdpp.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6604456 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
6738080 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7422112 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:00 |
x64 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
7112352 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
8565928 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Pfui.dll |
12.0.2430.0 |
680104 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:57 |
x86 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
57000 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
28320 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:46 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
29856 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
19106464 |
15-Okt-2014 |
23:47 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.2430.0 |
22250144 |
16-Okt-2014 |
00:01 |
x86 |
Cara mendapatkan paket layanan terbaru untuk SQL Server 2014.
Model Pelayanan Inkremental untuk SQL Server memberikan hotfix untuk masalah yang dilaporkan.
Skema penamaan untuk paket pembaruan perangkat lunak SQL Server Microsoft.
Deskripsi terminologi standar yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan pembaruan perangkat lunak Microsoft.