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Enable ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer - Microsoft Support
On Internet Explorer 9 and later, if the ActiveX Filtering feature is turned on, it can block Lync Web App from loading correctly. You must disable it to use Lync Web App. If ActiveX filtering is turned on for a website, Internet Explorer displays the null icon in the address bar to indicate that the ActiveX controls have been filtered.
Si applica a: Lync Web App per Lync Online, Lync Web App, Lync Web App gestito da 21Vianet
Turn search history off or on - Microsoft Support
If you’re not signed in. To clear a single search from history, on the Search History page, click the X next to the search you want to delete. To clear all of your search history, on the Search History page, under Change history settings, click Clear all.This deletes any search history on this device.
Org Explorer - Microsoft Support
Org Explorer helps you visualize and explore your company's internal structure, its teams, and the people around you. Use the search function to find people and learn more about them. Want to know more about reporting structures within your company? Org Explorer gives you a comprehensive overview of managers, roles, titles, peers, and more.
Si applica a: Outlook per Microsoft 365, Outlook sul web
Gerir cookies no Microsoft Edge: ver, permitir, bloquear, eliminar e ...
Se não quiser que sites de terceiros armazenem cookies no seu PC, pode bloquear cookies. Mas o bloqueio dos cookies poderá impedir que determinadas páginas sejam apresentadas corretamente ou poderá receber uma mensagem de um site a informá-lo de que terá de aceitar cookies para poder ver o site.
Si applica a: Microsoft Edge
Gérer les cookies dans Microsoft Edge : afficher, autoriser, bloquer ...
Si vous ne souhaitez pas que des sites tiers stockent des cookies sur votre PC, vous pouvez bloquer les cookies. Cependant, le blocage des cookies peut empêcher l’affichage correct de certaines pages, ou vous pouvez obtenir un message d’un site vous indiquant que vous devez autoriser les cookies pour visualiser ce site.
Si applica a: Microsoft Edge
How to disable automatic proxy caching in Internet Explorer
As a result, Internet Explorer performance may be impacted depending on the logic of the Automatic Proxy Configuration Script and its size. To disable the Automatic Proxy Result Cache, use one of the following methods. Note If you disable automatic proxy caching, Internet Explorer performance may be affected. Method 1: Modify the registry
Run the latest version of Internet Explorer 11 - Microsoft Support
To open Internet Explorer, select the Start button, type Internet Explorer, and then select the top search result. To be sure you have the latest version of Internet Explorer 11, select the Start button, select Settings > Update & security > Windows Update, and then select Check for updates.
Temporarily allow cookies and site data in Microsoft Edge
You can remove these allowances at any time by going to Settings and more > Settings > Site permissions > Cookies and site data, or by selecting “Site permissions” when you clear browsing data. Any cookies and site data stored by sites with such allowances are stored locally on your device and can be removed by selecting “Cookies and other site data” when you clear browsing data.
Add, turn off, or remove extensions in Microsoft Edge
Learn how to manage extensions in Microsoft Edge, including adding, disabling, or removing them as needed.
Description of Cookies - Microsoft Support
How to Manage Cookies in Internet Explorer. For information about managing cookies in Internet Explorer, see one of the following sections, as appropriate for your version of Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 9. To delete cookies in Internet Explorer 9, follow these steps: Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button.