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Hantera cookies i Microsoft Edge: Visa, tillåta, blockera, ta bort och ...
Om du inte vill att webbplatser från tredje part ska lagra cookies på datorn kan du blockera cookies. Men om du gör det kan vissa sidor hindras från att visas korrekt, eller så kan du få ett meddelande från en webbplats om att du måste tillåta cookies för att kunna visa den webbplatsen.
Si applica a: Microsoft Edge
Location and privacy in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Some websites may estimate your imprecise location using information like your IP address without Microsoft Edge asking your permission. Control if websites can access your location in Microsoft Edge To block Microsoft Edge from sharing your location with websites: In Microsoft Edge, select Settings > Cookies and site permission > Location
Si applica a: Dashboard dell'account Microsoft
Getting started with Microsoft Edge Workspaces
The Edge Workspace, along with its history and favorites, will still be available to other members of the Edge Workspace. To leave an Edge Workspace: In the Edge Workspace you want to leave, select Workspaces menu in the top left corner of your browser window, select Leave workspace, and then select Leave.
Enable JavaScript - Microsoft Support
Tip: If you’re running Mac OS, from the Safari menu, click >Preferences.
Si applica a: Office 2013, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Office per le aziende, Lync Web App per Lync Online, Lync Web App, Office 2010, Lync Web App gestito da 21Vianet
Allow cookies for Skype Meetings App (Skype for Business Web App)
For some features of Skype for Business Web App to work correctly, you must allow your browser to save local data— cookies—on your computer or device. Here's how to enable cookies if your browser is blocking them: Edge (Windows 10) In the Edge window, select More (...) > Settings > View advanced settings.
Si applica a: Skype for Business Web App, App Riunioni Skype
Accessibility features in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Turn on caret browsing indefinitely by going to Settings and more > Settings > Accessibility and turn on Navigate pages with a text cursor. With caret browsing on, you can move the caret within a web page using the Up, Down, Left, and Right directional arrow keys and Home, Page Up, and Page Down buttons on your keyboard.. To select text, images, or other elements on the page, hold down Shift ...
Verwalten Sie Website-Benachrichtigungen in Microsoft Edge
Wählen Sie Einstellungen > Cookies und Websiteberechtigungen und dann Benachrichtigungen aus. Unter Zulassen finden Sie eine Liste der Websites, die Ihnen derzeit Benachrichtigungen senden. Wählen Sie die drei Punkte neben der Website aus, von der Sie keine Benachrichtigungen mehr erhalten möchten, und wählen Sie Entfernen oder Blockieren aus.
Si applica a: Dashboard dell'account Microsoft
Gerenciar cookies no Microsoft Edge: exibir, permitir, bloquear ...
Se você não quiser que sites de terceiros armazenem cookies no computador, você poderá bloquear cookies. Mas isso pode impedir que algumas páginas sejam exibidas corretamente. Também pode aparecer uma mensagem em um site avisando que é preciso permitir os cookies para poder visualizá-lo.
Si applica a: Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge help & learning
Delete your cookies. Microsoft Edge makes it easy to control what browser cookies are stored on your device. Learn how. Print in Microsoft Edge. We know there may be times you need to print something from the web and Microsoft Edge can help. Show me how. If you're a small business owner.
Erweiterungen in Microsoft Edge hinzufügen, ausschalten oder entfernen
Entfernen einer Erweiterung aus Microsoft Edge. Um eine Erweiterung zu entfernen, wählen Sie eine der folgenden Methoden: Wählen Sie in Microsoft Edge das Symbol der zu entfernenden Erweiterung aus und halten Sie es gedrückt (oder klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste darauf) (rechts neben der Adressleiste des Browsers).