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Copy and paste using the Office Clipboard - Microsoft Support
The Office Clipboard allows you to copy up to 24 items from Office documents or other programs and paste them into another Office document. For example, you can copy text from an email message, data from a workbook or datasheet, and a graphic from a presentation, and then paste them all into a document.
Van toepassing op: Excel voor Microsoft 365, Word voor Microsoft 365, PowerPoint voor Microsoft 365, Access voor Microsoft 365, Publisher voor Microsoft 365, Excel voor Microsoft 365 voor Mac, Word voor Microsoft 365 voor Mac, Outlook voor Microsoft 365 voor Mac, PowerPoint voor Microsoft 365 voor Mac, Excel 2021, Word 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Access 2021, Publisher 2021, Excel 2021 voor Mac, Word 2021 voor Mac, Outlook 2021 voor Mac, PowerPoint 2021 voor Mac, Excel 2019, Word 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Access 2019, Publisher 2019, Excel 2019 voor Mac, Word 2019 voor Mac, Outlook 2019 voor Mac, PowerPoint 2019 voor Mac, Excel 2016, Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Access 2016, Publisher 2016
The Getting Started task pane appears every time when you start Word 2003
Every time that you start Microsoft Office Word 2003, the Getting Started task pane appears. Resolution. There are two solutions to this problem. Solution 1. Quit all Microsoft Word programs that are running including WordMail. Start Word 2003. On the Tools menu, click Options.
Recover your Word files and documents - Microsoft Support
When Office app closes unexpectedly before you save your most recent changes, Document Recovery automatically opens the next time you open the Office app to help you get your file back. Tip: If you are a Microsoft 365 subscriber the safest way to work is to store your files on OneDrive or SharePoint and use AutoSave.
Van toepassing op: Word voor Microsoft 365, Word voor Microsoft 365 voor Mac, Word 2021, Word 2021 voor Mac, Word 2019, Word 2019 voor Mac, Word 2016
File formats that are supported in Excel - Microsoft Support
If you open an Excel 97-2003 workbook, it automatically opens in Compatibility Mode. To take advantage of the new features of Excel 2010, you can save the workbook to an Excel 2010 file format. However, you also have the option to continue to work in Compatibility Mode, which retains the original file format for backward compatibility.
Van toepassing op: Excel voor Microsoft 365, Excel 2021, Excel 2019, Excel 2016
How to use East Asian languages in Word 2003 and in Word 2002 on ...
Summary. This step-by-step article discusses the installation and configuration requirements and explains how to type in, edit, and proof (check the spelling and grammar) East Asian languages in Microsoft Office Word 2003 or Microsoft Word 2002 on computers that are running Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows XP, or Microsoft Windows 2000.
MS09-073: Description of the security update for Windows XP, Windows ...
After you set this registry key value to 1, third-party applications can load the Word 6.0/95 for Windows and Macintosh to RTF converter. Please be aware that setting this registry key removes the protection that was added by this security update.
Find your Windows product key - Microsoft Support
Learn how to find your Windows product key for activation or when to use a digital license instead.
Van toepassing op: Dashboard Microsoft-account
Support har upphört för Office 2003 - Microsoft Support
Supporten för Office 2003 har upphört. Alla dina Office 2003-appar fortsätter att fungera. Men du kan utsättas för allvarliga och skadliga säkerhetsrisker. Uppgradera till en nyare version av Office, så att du kan hålla dig uppdaterad med de senaste funktionerna, korrigeringarna och säkerhetsuppdateringarna.
Van toepassing op: Office 2013, Office 2010
Převod dokumentů do novějšího formátu - Podpora Microsoftu
Když otevřete dokument vWord 2016, který byl vytvořen ve Wordu 2007 nebo Wordu 2010, zobrazí se v záhlaví okna dokumentu režim kompatibility.Pokud otevřete dokument Word 2013 v Word 2016, režim kompatibility se nezobrazí, protože Word 2013 a Word 2016 už jsou kompatibilní.. Při otevření v aplikaci Word 2016 se dokument nachází v jednom z těchto režimů:
Van toepassing op: Word voor Microsoft 365, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016
Compatibility between different versions of Visio - Microsoft Support
Click File > Options > Save, then in the list next to Save files in this format, select Visio 2003-2010 Document. If the document contains features that aren’t available in earlier versions of Visio, the Compatibility Checker appears and shows a list of potential problems.
Van toepassing op: Visio Abonnement 2, Visio Professional 2021, Visio Standard 2021, Visio Professional 2019, Visio Standard 2019, Visio Professional 2016, Visio Standard 2016