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Sign in to OneDrive in iOS - Microsoft Support
Upload, work with, and move files the same way in OneDrive for work or school in the iOS app as you do with your OneDrive for home. To learn more, see Upload files or photos to OneDrive in iOS. Sign in. To add a personal account, enter your Microsoft account on the sign-in page.
Van toepassing op: OneDrive voor Bedrijven, SharePoint Server-abonnementseditie, SharePoint Server 2019, OneDrive (werk of school), OneDrive (thuis of persoonlijk)
Uw iPhone of iPad - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Uw iPhone of iPad instellen. Volgende: Bestanden beheren- OneDrive (werk of school) Probeer het zelf! Met OneDrive op uw telefoon of tablet zijn uw bestanden op al uw apparaten veilig en toegankelijk vanaf elke locatie. U kunt de OneDrive app downloaden in de Apple App Store.
Van toepassing op: OneDrive voor Bedrijven, SharePoint Server-abonnementseditie, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2016, OneDrive (werk of school), OneDrive (thuis of persoonlijk), OneDrive voor Mac
Share files in OneDrive for iOS - Microsoft Support
You can share OneDrive files, photos, and folders from the OneDrive app on your iOS device just as you can on a PC or Mac. You can also see Files shared with you. To stop sharing, go to the OneDrive website and sign in with your Microsoft account, or with your work or school account.
Van toepassing op: OneDrive (werk of school), OneDrive (thuis of persoonlijk)