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Uw pc met Windows 8.1 vernieuwen, opnieuw instellen of herstellen
Windows 8.1. Ondersteuning voor Windows 8.1 is beƫindigd. De ondersteuning voor Windows 8.1 is op 10 januari 2023 beƫindigd. U wordt aangeraden over te stappen op een Windows 11-pc als u beveiligingsupdates van Microsoft wilt blijven ontvangen. Meer informatie.
Windows 8.1 support ended on January 10, 2023
Windows 8.1 has reached end of support on January 10, 2023 and will no longer receive technical assistance or software updates. Learn how to upgrade to a more current Windows release, replace your device, or use Windows 11 features and security options.
Create installation media for Windows - Microsoft Support
Learn how to use a USB flash drive or DVD to install or reinstall Windows 8.1 from a software download website. You'll need a PC with a reliable internet connection, a blank USB or DVD, and a product key.
Update to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8 - Microsoft Support
Learn how to get the free update to Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1 from Windows 8, which has reached end of support on January 10, 2023. Find out the system requirements, steps to prepare your PC, and tips for a successful installation.
Go back to Windows 8.1 - Microsoft Support
Learn how to restore your PC to Windows 8.1 if you upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 10 recently and want to go back. Find out the steps to use the recovery settings, the media creation tool, or the product key to go back to Windows 8.1.