Microsoft heeft beveiligingsbulletin MS11-085 uitgebracht. Ga naar een van de volgende Microsoft-websites als u het volledige beveiligingsbulletin wilt weergeven:
Thuisgebruikers: details overslaan: Download de updates voor uw thuiscomputer of laptop nu vanaf de Microsoft Update-website:
Hulp en ondersteuning voor deze beveiligingsupdate
Thuisgebruikers hebben toegang tot gratis ondersteuning via de dichtstbijzijnde Microsoft-vestiging
(ga naar deze pagina om uw lokale telefoonnummer te vinden). Bezoek de volgende internationale Microsoft-ondersteuningswebsite voor meer informatie over hoe u contact kunt opnemen met de dichtstbijzijnde Microsoft-vestiging voor ondersteuningsvragen naar aanleiding van beveiligingsupdates: in Noord-Amerika kunnen ook onmiddellijk toegang krijgen tot onbeperkte gratis e-mailondersteuning of onbeperkte individuele chatondersteuning vanaf de volgende Microsoft-website: zakelijke klanten is ondersteuning voor beveiligingsupdates beschikbaar via de gebruikelijke kanalen voor ondersteuning.
Meer informatie
Informatie over deze beveiligingsupdate
Computer opnieuw opstarten
Nadat u deze beveiligingsupdate hebt geïnstalleerd, moet u de computer opnieuw opstarten.
Informatie over verwijderen
U kunt een via WUSA geïnstalleerde update verwijderen door achtereenvolgens te klikken op Configuratiescherm, op Systeem en beveiliging en onder Windows Update op Geïnstalleerde updates weergeven en vervolgens te selecteren in de lijst met updates.
Informatie over vervanging van beveiligingsupdates
Deze beveiligingsupdate vervangt geen eerder uitgebrachte beveiligingsupdate.
Met de Engelse (VS) versie van deze hotfix worden de bestanden geïnstalleerd met de kenmerken die in de volgende tabellen worden weergegeven. De datums en tijden voor deze bestanden worden weergegeven in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). De datums en tijden voor deze bestanden worden op uw lokale computer weergegeven in uw lokale tijd, waarbij rekening wordt gehouden met zomer- en wintertijd. De datums en tijden kunnen veranderen wanneer u bepaalde acties op de bestanden uitvoert.
Opmerkingen over bestandsinformatie in Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
Belangrijk Hotfixes voor Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008 zijn in dezelfde pakketten opgenomen. Op de pagina voor hotfixaanvragen wordt echter alleen Windows Vista vermeld. Als u het hotfixpakket wilt aanvragen dat op een of op beide besturingssystemen van toepassing is, selecteert u de hotfix die op de pagina wordt vermeld onder Windows Vista. Raadpleeg in artikelen altijd de sectie 'Van toepassing op' om te controleren op welk besturingssysteem elke hotfix van toepassing is.
Of bestanden betrekking hebben op een specifiek product, SR_Level (RTM, SPn) of specifieke servicestructuur (LDR, GDR), kunt u controleren aan de hand van het nummer van de bestandsversie in de volgende tabel.
6.0.600 0.20xxx
Windows Vista
6.0.600 1.22xxx
Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
6.0.600 2.22xxx
Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
Service Pack 1 is geïntegreerd in de oorspronkelijke release van Windows Server 2008. RTM-mijlpaalbestanden hebben daarom uitsluitend betrekking op Windows Vista. RTM-mijlpaalbestanden zijn te herkennen aan het versienummer 6.0.0000.xxxxx.
De MANIFEST-bestanden (.MANIFEST) en MUM-bestanden (.MUM) die voor elke omgeving zijn geïnstalleerd, worden afzonderlijk vermeld in de sectie Extra bestandsinformatie voor Windows Vista en voor Windows Server 2008. MUM- en MANIFEST-bestanden zijn, met de bijbehorende beveiligingscatalogusbestanden (.CAT), uiterst belangrijk voor het statusbeheer van de bijgewerkte onderdelen. De beveiligingscatalogusbestanden, waarvan de kenmerken niet worden vermeld, zijn ondertekend met een digitale handtekening van Microsoft.
Voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows Vista en van Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.18521 |
707,584 |
30-Sep-2011 |
15:57 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
1,098,752 |
02-Nov-2006 |
07:28 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
41,984 |
02-Nov-2006 |
09:46 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
707,584 |
30-Sep-2011 |
16:03 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
1,098,752 |
30-Sep-2011 |
14:00 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
41,984 |
30-Sep-2011 |
16:03 |
x86 |
Voor alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Vista en van Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.18521 |
893,440 |
30-Sep-2011 |
16:16 |
x64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
1,098,752 |
02-Nov-2006 |
07:57 |
x64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6002.18521 |
50,688 |
30-Sep-2011 |
16:16 |
x64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
893,440 |
30-Sep-2011 |
15:22 |
x64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
1,098,752 |
30-Sep-2011 |
13:42 |
x64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
50,688 |
30-Sep-2011 |
15:22 |
x64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.18521 |
707,584 |
30-Sep-2011 |
15:57 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
1,098,752 |
02-Nov-2006 |
07:28 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
41,984 |
02-Nov-2006 |
09:46 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
707,584 |
30-Sep-2011 |
16:03 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
1,098,752 |
30-Sep-2011 |
14:00 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
41,984 |
30-Sep-2011 |
16:03 |
x86 |
Voor alle ondersteunde IA-64-versies van Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.18521 |
1,765,376 |
30-Sep-2011 |
15:37 |
IA-64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6001.18000 |
1,098,752 |
19-Jan-2008 |
06:36 |
IA-64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6001.18000 |
110,592 |
19-Jan-2008 |
08:29 |
IA-64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
1,765,376 |
30-Sep-2011 |
15:17 |
IA-64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
1,098,752 |
30-Sep-2011 |
13:46 |
IA-64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
110,592 |
30-Sep-2011 |
15:17 |
IA-64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.18521 |
707,584 |
30-Sep-2011 |
15:57 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
1,098,752 |
02-Nov-2006 |
07:28 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
41,984 |
02-Nov-2006 |
09:46 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
707,584 |
30-Sep-2011 |
16:03 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
1,098,752 |
30-Sep-2011 |
14:00 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.0.6002.22722 |
41,984 |
30-Sep-2011 |
16:03 |
x86 |
Opmerkingen over bestandsinformatie in Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Belangrijk Hotfixes voor Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2 zijn in dezelfde pakketten opgenomen. Op de pagina waar hotfixes kunnen worden aangevraagd, staan deze echter bij beide besturingssystemen vermeld. Als u het hotfixpakket wilt aanvragen dat op een of beide besturingssystemen van toepassing is, selecteert u de hotfix die is op de pagina wordt vermeld onder Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2. Raadpleeg in artikelen altijd de sectie Van toepassing op om te controleren op welk besturingssysteem elke hotfix van toepassing is.
Of bestanden betrekking hebben op een specifiek product, specifieke mijlpaal (RTM, SPn) of specifieke servicestructuur (LDR, GDR), kunt u controleren aan de hand van het nummer van de bestandsversie in de volgende tabel:
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
De MANIFEST-bestanden (.MANIFEST) en MUM-bestanden (.MUM) die voor elke omgeving zijn geïnstalleerd, worden afzonderlijk vermeld in de sectie Extra bestandsinformatie voor Windows 7 en voor Windows Server 2008 R2. MUM- en MANIFEST-bestanden zijn, met de bijbehorende beveiligingscatalogusbestanden (.CAT), uiterst belangrijk voor het statusbeheer van de bijgewerkte onderdelen. De beveiligingscatalogusbestanden, waarvan de kenmerken niet worden vermeld, zijn ondertekend met een digitale handtekening van Microsoft.
Voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows 7
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.16891 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:43 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.21062 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:39 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.17699 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:37 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.21830 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Voor alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.16891 |
886,784 |
01-Oct-2011 |
05:28 |
x64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:33 |
x64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
50,176 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:41 |
x64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.21062 |
886,784 |
01-Oct-2011 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:33 |
x64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
50,176 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:41 |
x64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.17699 |
886,784 |
01-Oct-2011 |
05:45 |
x64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:33 |
x64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
50,176 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:41 |
x64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.21830 |
886,784 |
01-Oct-2011 |
05:28 |
x64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:33 |
x64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
50,176 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:41 |
x64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.16891 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:43 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.21062 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:39 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.17699 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:37 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.21830 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Voor alle ondersteunde IA-64-versies van Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.16891 |
1,762,816 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:17 |
IA-64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:42 |
IA-64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
113,152 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:49 |
IA-64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.21062 |
1,762,816 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:22 |
IA-64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:42 |
IA-64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
113,152 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:49 |
IA-64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.17699 |
1,762,816 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:17 |
IA-64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:42 |
IA-64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
113,152 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:49 |
IA-64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.21830 |
1,762,816 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:21 |
IA-64 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:42 |
IA-64 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
113,152 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:49 |
IA-64 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.16891 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:43 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7600.21062 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:39 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.17699 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
04:37 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Wab32.dll |
6.1.7601.21830 |
708,608 |
01-Oct-2011 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Wab32res.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
1,098,752 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:11 |
x86 |
Wabimp.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
41,984 |
14-Jul-2009 |
01:16 |
x86 |
Extra bestandsinformatie
Extra bestandsinformatie voor Windows Vista en voor Windows Server 2008
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows Vista en van Windows Server 2008
File name |
Package_1_for_kb2620704_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,228 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_1_for_kb2620704~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,943 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_2_for_kb2620704_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,070 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_2_for_kb2620704~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,781 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2620704_client_2_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,522 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2620704_client_2~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,545 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2620704_client_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,426 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2620704_client~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,445 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2620704_server_1_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,522 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2620704_server_1~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,545 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2620704_server_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,426 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2620704_server~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,445 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Update-bf.mum |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,377 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_37aa8555135d7c746faa3247b62ef8b3_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18521_none_eb064c1087c0e6e7.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
696 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_6736a6063b454afd30368a86dbcd69e0_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22722_none_28d79db4aae4a348.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
696 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-wab-core_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18521_none_56f54eff46feb385.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
17,547 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-wab-core_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22722_none_577fedfa601b69cd.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
16,571 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
16:20 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Vista en van Windows Server 2008
File name |
Amd64_18442a6f15cdf4579ee81ea801281ff8_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22722_none_4da07e70b81aeba5.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,040 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_48a2f29b47cb2721331a5049dbb3d5c9_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18521_none_6abd55674d1aed28.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,040 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_microsoft-windows-wab-core_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18521_none_b313ea82ff5c24bb.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
17,619 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
15:53 |
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File size |
2,452 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File size |
3,391 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
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Not Applicable |
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File size |
2,292 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
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File name |
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File version |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
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File name |
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File version |
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File size |
1,434 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File version |
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File size |
1,453 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,532 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
Platform |
Not Applicable |
File name |
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File version |
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File size |
1,555 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
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Not Applicable |
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File version |
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File size |
1,434 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File version |
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File size |
1,453 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
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File version |
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File size |
16,571 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
16:20 |
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Not Applicable |
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde IA-64-versies van Windows Server 2008
File name |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
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File version |
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File size |
16,607 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
15:41 |
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File version |
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File size |
2,124 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
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3,053 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File version |
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File size |
1,366 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File version |
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File size |
1,385 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
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File version |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:41 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File version |
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File size |
1,449 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
19:40 |
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File name |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
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File size |
16,571 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
16:20 |
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Not Applicable |
Extra bestandsinformatie voor Windows 7 en voor Windows Server 2008 R2
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows 7
File name |
Package_1_for_kb2620704_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,791 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,696 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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File name |
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File size |
2,650 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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File name |
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File version |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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File name |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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File name |
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2,460 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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File name |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
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4,798 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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4,798 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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File size |
4,798 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
10:00 |
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Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
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Not Applicable |
File size |
1,040 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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File size |
1,040 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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File size |
1,040 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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09:49 |
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4,802 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
10:07 |
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File size |
4,802 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
10:07 |
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File size |
4,802 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
10:07 |
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File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
4,802 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
10:07 |
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File size |
2,009 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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File size |
3,140 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Not Applicable |
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1,912 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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1,890 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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4,798 |
Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
10:07 |
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Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde IA-64-versies van Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
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Date (UTC) |
01-Oct-2011 |
Time (UTC) |
09:49 |
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