Microsoft heeft beveiligingsbulletin MS12-020 uitgebracht. Ga naar een van de volgende Microsoft-websites als u het volledige beveiligingsbulletin wilt weergeven:
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Virus en beveiligingssupport center Hulp bij het installeren van updates:
Ondersteuning voor Microsoft Update Beveiligingsoplossingen voor IT-professionals:
TechNet Oplossingen voor beveiligingsproblemen en ondersteuning Lokale ondersteuning voor uw land:
Met de Engelse (VS) versie van dit updatepakket worden de bestanden geïnstalleerd met de kenmerken die in de volgende tabellen worden weergegeven. De datums en tijden voor deze bestanden worden weergegeven in UTC-notatie (Coordinated Universal Time). De datums en tijden voor deze bestanden op uw lokale computer worden weergegeven in uw lokale tijd, waarbij rekening wordt gehouden met de zomer- of wintertijd. De datums en tijden kunnen veranderen wanneer u bepaalde acties op de bestanden uitvoert.
Informatie over bestanden in Windows XP en Windows Server 2003
De bestanden die van toepassing zijn op een specifieke mijlpaal (SPn) en servicestructuur (QFE, GDR), worden vermeld in de kolommen SP-vereiste en Servicestructuur.
GDR-servicestructuren bevatten uitsluitend de oplossingen die op grote schaal beschikbaar zijn gesteld om wijdverbreide kritieke problemen te verhelpen. QFE-servicestructuren bevatten hotfixes als aanvulling op de grootschalig beschikbaar gestelde oplossingen.
Naast de bestanden die in deze tabellen worden vermeld, wordt door deze software-update een beveiligingscatalogusbestand ( geïnstalleerd. Dit bestand is ondertekend met een digitale handtekening van Microsoft.
Voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows XP
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Rdpwd.sys |
5.1.2600.6187 |
139,784 |
09-Jan-2012 |
16:20 |
MD5: 5B3055DAA788BD688594D2F5981F2A83 SHA1: 139454B10FBFC2717E54696A7ABC64B571BA6E8B |
x86 |
SP3 |
Rdpwd.sys |
5.1.2600.6187 |
139,784 |
09-Jan-2012 |
16:19 |
MD5: 2D293B720C206473A05950CE007DB12A SHA1: 9AD71C2949AB1F928D88D34717ED39AE4675A72E |
x86 |
SP3 |
Voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Rdpwd.sys |
5.2.3790.4952 |
152,200 |
09-Jan-2012 |
15:57 |
MD5: 4E2E9B17A618433D68697A3C6D8DDD6E SHA1: 7B95876A4ED2F30FBD7CA9D5D8764561FCEC9174 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Rdpwd.sys |
5.2.3790.4952 |
152,712 |
09-Jan-2012 |
15:54 |
MD5: 3211D7068DD3D1624FF55C7020C3F54D SHA1: 332FDB648E1D0343DB7B7F27CDDBEA9B744CF4EB |
x86 |
SP2 |
Voor alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Server 2003 en Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Rdpwd.sys |
5.2.3790.4952 |
231,048 |
10-Jan-2012 |
05:38 |
MD5: E87DF32229D27AFBD9EA4EFC70BD0DAA SHA1: 8CAA2E1859B63933538D45FB50E4CB1578CD40BB |
x64 |
SP2 |
Rdpwd.sys |
5.2.3790.4952 |
231,560 |
10-Jan-2012 |
05:34 |
MD5: 3B30B4D58966CF9C4169B8A85D8959BB SHA1: 82DDE5A82BB9BCB7FBBE7AC22F76BE2B116825CD |
x64 |
SP2 |
Voor alle ondersteunde IA-64-versies van Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Rdpwd.sys |
5.2.3790.4952 |
478,344 |
10-Jan-2012 |
05:36 |
MD5: B069571265FCD3E8852112D945EF9E2C SHA1: 43A01F88207033E23FC1B6B501834A09A9AD9BD3 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Rdpwd.sys |
5.2.3790.4952 |
479,368 |
10-Jan-2012 |
05:33 |
MD5: 5E3E583E08BB0AB4712C3DFA44A64F95 SHA1: 4FAAB55C511AC699DCCE0697A27FCCC400984935 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Bestandsinformatie voor Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
Of bestanden betrekking hebben op een specifiek product, specifieke mijlpaal (SPn) of specifieke servicestructuur (LDR, GDR), kunt u controleren aan de hand van het nummer van de bestandsversie in de volgende tabel:
Windows Vista SP2 en Windows Server 2008 SP2
Windows Vista SP2 en Windows Server 2008 SP2
GDR-servicestructuren bevatten uitsluitend de oplossingen die op grote schaal beschikbaar zijn gesteld om wijdverbreide kritieke problemen te verhelpen. LDR-servicestructuren bevatten hotfixes als aanvulling op de wijdverbreid beschikbaar gestelde oplossingen.
De MANIFEST-bestanden (.manifest) en MUM-bestanden (.mum) die voor elke omgeving zijn geïnstalleerd, vindt u in een afzonderlijke lijst. MUM- en MANIFEST-bestanden zijn, met de bijbehorende beveiligingscatalogusbestanden (.CAT), van cruciaal belang voor het statusbeheer van het bijgewerkte onderdeel. De beveiligingscatalogusbestanden (waarvan de kenmerken niet worden vermeld) hebben een digitale handtekening van Microsoft.
Voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.0.6002.18568 |
180,736 |
09-Jan-2012 |
13:58 |
MD5: 79C6DF8477250F5C54F7C5AE1D6B814E SHA1: 0E554E223B5A1F6E2701C09B71701F622F9280D4 |
x86 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.0.6002.22774 |
180,736 |
09-Jan-2012 |
13:38 |
MD5: 477EBD8ADA07B0AC4A1CD1AD2001D23D SHA1: 0F744FFE56D7D4B81315BC95A68093E870569D34 |
x86 |
Rdpencom.dll |
6.0.6002.18568 |
613,376 |
09-Jan-2012 |
15:54 |
MD5: DE98C769DA2B5F121846C9F3B9493C5A SHA1: E166F0C23A815DCD7E6C2BD4853E8EC9785E7037 |
x86 |
Rdpencom.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,066 |
18-Sep-2006 |
21:30 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpencom.dll |
6.0.6002.22774 |
612,864 |
09-Jan-2012 |
15:35 |
MD5: C108C9BD459AFFB63C4470EBA65206D7 SHA1: 4E92AC2CA2DFFE3802E42AFCEFAFE2599D9E3327 |
x86 |
Rdpencom.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,066 |
09-Sep-2011 |
11:27 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Voor alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
Rdp4vs.dll |
6.0.6002.18568 |
478,208 |
09-Jan-2012 |
16:16 |
MD5: 9CD59097651CDB559BBA583DA0344F17 SHA1: D875E8808E8018C746DE07D526BF1FE9AE2368FE |
x64 |
Rdp4vs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,064 |
03-Sep-2008 |
18:37 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdp4vs.dll |
6.0.6002.22774 |
478,720 |
09-Jan-2012 |
18:27 |
MD5: 7A0021B2994087BFC880874C80C8790B SHA1: 84ECE89982751E6672F3A76D2763AF10FC7E2F74 |
x64 |
Rdp4vs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,064 |
15-Nov-2011 |
15:06 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.0.6002.18568 |
209,920 |
09-Jan-2012 |
14:27 |
MD5: 5C141FC457F1AC833664789235ACA673 SHA1: F96CBEA9665B36AF5819BD97EFF1A1DC8E56F395 |
x64 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.0.6002.22774 |
210,432 |
09-Jan-2012 |
14:17 |
MD5: EDA5FB2C0CE3E5D2CE9B0F98D7112894 SHA1: 8EAAE86C23DA6D737C072D6155B873E28E4001FE |
x64 |
Rdpencom.dll |
6.0.6002.18568 |
708,096 |
09-Jan-2012 |
16:16 |
MD5: CC1E4DC9D21EECD992B709738F91A58F SHA1: 25AD5FCACA836F16327B77A5B3F97FDCC2A6469E |
x64 |
Rdpencom.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,066 |
18-Sep-2006 |
21:30 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpencom.dll |
6.0.6002.22774 |
708,096 |
09-Jan-2012 |
18:27 |
MD5: D98502A6C7CB32B63B4E7AFF68D26B46 SHA1: DD35F3C0116A3C05B8A7E210AA5A2440D96DE829 |
x64 |
Rdpencom.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,066 |
15-Nov-2011 |
15:06 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpencom.dll |
6.0.6002.18568 |
613,376 |
09-Jan-2012 |
15:54 |
MD5: DE98C769DA2B5F121846C9F3B9493C5A SHA1: E166F0C23A815DCD7E6C2BD4853E8EC9785E7037 |
x86 |
Rdpencom.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,066 |
18-Sep-2006 |
21:30 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpencom.dll |
6.0.6002.22774 |
612,864 |
09-Jan-2012 |
15:35 |
MD5: C108C9BD459AFFB63C4470EBA65206D7 SHA1: 4E92AC2CA2DFFE3802E42AFCEFAFE2599D9E3327 |
x86 |
Rdpencom.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,066 |
09-Sep-2011 |
11:27 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Voor alle ondersteunde IA-64-versies van Windows Server 2008
"C:\cmd\SUR\2012 03\2671387 2667402 2621440\2621440\Windows6.0-KB2621440-ia64.cab_CAB_files.htm"
Extra bestandsinformatie voor Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.0.6002.18568 |
180,736 |
09-Jan-2012 |
13:58 |
MD5: 79C6DF8477250F5C54F7C5AE1D6B814E SHA1: 0E554E223B5A1F6E2701C09B71701F622F9280D4 |
x86 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.0.6002.22774 |
180,736 |
09-Jan-2012 |
13:38 |
MD5: 477EBD8ADA07B0AC4A1CD1AD2001D23D SHA1: 0F744FFE56D7D4B81315BC95A68093E870569D34 |
x86 |
Rdpencom.dll |
6.0.6002.18568 |
613,376 |
09-Jan-2012 |
15:54 |
MD5: DE98C769DA2B5F121846C9F3B9493C5A SHA1: E166F0C23A815DCD7E6C2BD4853E8EC9785E7037 |
x86 |
Rdpencom.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,066 |
18-Sep-2006 |
21:30 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpencom.dll |
6.0.6002.22774 |
612,864 |
09-Jan-2012 |
15:35 |
MD5: C108C9BD459AFFB63C4470EBA65206D7 SHA1: 4E92AC2CA2DFFE3802E42AFCEFAFE2599D9E3327 |
x86 |
Rdpencom.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,066 |
09-Sep-2011 |
11:27 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
Amd64_63866f45e2824c021bf48eb466c19726_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18568_none_6ee98868f6070faf.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
729 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_8b4f82b4ff85ccbe0aabee8a52990590_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22774_none_29da64201015bfed.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
732 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_8ef95c9c31036d46f417ef4ff29f21e4_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18568_none_3b3271199832d1ee.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
732 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_d5b08cf44d433a639acf87ed1076bae2_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22774_none_4b11bad2e94480b0.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,092 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_f0fea1dfd1f4e3537e195b29c5c58597_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22774_none_490acb3a61ae3fd8.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
729 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_f6b6d817faae6392018296e76390a863_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18568_none_07ad2fd8b8beb254.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,092 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_microsoft-windows-t..aboration-rdp4vsapi_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18568_none_8b7ffa4ffff7e244.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
7,669 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
16:43 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_microsoft-windows-t..aboration-rdp4vsapi_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22774_none_8bfac7ed192135ca.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
7,669 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:45 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_microsoft-windows-t..dp-winstationdriver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18568_none_a941c7ab8aafaa4a.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
5,063 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
16:41 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_microsoft-windows-t..dp-winstationdriver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22774_none_a9bc9548a3d8fdd0.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
5,063 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:43 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_microsoft-windows-t..s-collaboration-api_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18568_none_a33d6f9e52f32729.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
82,341 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
16:43 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Amd64_microsoft-windows-t..s-collaboration-api_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22774_none_a3b83d3b6c1c7aaf.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
82,341 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:44 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_1_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,434 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_1_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,186 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_2_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,504 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_2_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,495 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_3_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,274 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_3_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,022 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_4_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,344 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_4_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,332 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_5_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,212 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_5_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,965 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_6_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,275 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_6_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,024 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_7_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,213 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_7_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,965 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_client_2_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,959 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_client_2~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,998 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_client_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,435 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_client~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,454 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sc_1_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,279 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sc_1~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,326 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sc_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,427 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sc~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,446 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_server_1_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,548 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_server_1~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,609 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_server_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,435 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_server~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,454 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Update-bf.mum |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,679 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..s-collaboration-api_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18568_none_471ed41a9a95b5f3.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
82,301 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
16:18 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..s-collaboration-api_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22774_none_4799a1b7b3bf0979.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
82,301 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
16:03 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde IA-64-versies van Windows Server 2008
File name |
Ia64_3ea9615b96d56d812110b6df9b7d5ee1_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18568_none_675a186425fb0d3e.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
727 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Ia64_e34992912698e02bdac4799a022cbf6c_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22774_none_f9dc04f8251a0157.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
727 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Ia64_microsoft-windows-t..dp-winstationdriver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18568_none_4d24d01dd2504210.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
5,060 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
15:49 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Ia64_microsoft-windows-t..dp-winstationdriver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.22774_none_4d9f9dbaeb799596.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
5,060 |
Date (UTC) |
09-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
15:20 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_1_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,104 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_1_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,846 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_2_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,104 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_2_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,846 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sc_1_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,521 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sc_1~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,544 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sc_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,422 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sc~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,441 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_server_1_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,525 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_server_1~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,548 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_server_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,430 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_server~31bf3856ad364e35~ia64~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,449 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Update-bf.mum |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,221 |
Date (UTC) |
10-Jan-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:42 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
Bestandsgegevens van Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Of bestanden betrekking hebben op een specifiek product, specifieke mijlpaal (RTM, SPn) of specifieke servicestructuur (LDR, GDR), kunt u controleren aan de hand van het nummer van de bestandsversie in de volgende tabel:
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
GDR-servicestructuren bevatten uitsluitend de oplossingen die op grote schaal beschikbaar zijn gesteld om wijdverbreide kritieke problemen te verhelpen. LDR-servicestructuren bevatten hotfixes als aanvulling op de wijdverbreid beschikbaar gestelde oplossingen.
De MANIFEST-bestanden (.MANIFEST) en MUM-bestanden (.MUM) die in afzonderlijke omgevingen zijn geïnstalleerd, worden afzonderlijk vermeld in de sectie Aanvullende bestandsinformatie voor Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2. MUM- en MANIFEST-bestanden zijn, met de bijbehorende beveiligingscatalogusbestanden (.CAT), van cruciaal belang voor het statusbeheer van het bijgewerkte onderdeel. De beveiligingscatalogusbestanden, waarvan de kenmerken niet worden vermeld, zijn ondertekend met een digitale handtekening van Microsoft.
Voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows 7
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
Rdpcorets.dll |
6.1.7601.17779 |
919,040 |
17-Feb-2012 |
05:34 |
MD5: 69854A59587FD278471D49F446876156 SHA1: 8C525561967888A68A8004B59A5E3285A9793152 |
x86 |
Rdpudd.dll |
6.1.7601.17514 |
134,656 |
20-Nov-2010 |
10:24 |
MD5: DD7A6E8A927666F01762852AFE78511E SHA1: 193F78811E6C7D0B1F1EBF854284A1476A207396 |
x86 |
Rdpvideominiport.sys |
6.1.7601.17514 |
15,872 |
20-Nov-2010 |
10:21 |
MD5: 68A0387F58E226DEEE23D9715955572A SHA1: F11FA59FAB52215BFCA18622520E78E5B154D232 |
x86 |
Rdpcorets.dll |
6.1.7601.21924 |
919,040 |
17-Feb-2012 |
05:30 |
MD5: DBA6C62CFAA076538241F443D0C6982E SHA1: 4477F4D9E6045DF54980C9D0F025263C12021195 |
x86 |
Rdpudd.dll |
6.1.7601.17514 |
134,656 |
20-Nov-2010 |
10:24 |
MD5: DD7A6E8A927666F01762852AFE78511E SHA1: 193F78811E6C7D0B1F1EBF854284A1476A207396 |
x86 |
Rdpvideominiport.sys |
6.1.7601.17514 |
15,872 |
20-Nov-2010 |
10:21 |
MD5: 68A0387F58E226DEEE23D9715955572A SHA1: F11FA59FAB52215BFCA18622520E78E5B154D232 |
x86 |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7600.16963 |
826,368 |
15-Feb-2012 |
05:44 |
MD5: 50DA20DD18A8FEFEE57942188BFF06F4 SHA1: DF541A694BF0B89E0E90DA6DD3C6EB3B5A0FBAAA |
x86 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
21:25 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7600.21151 |
827,904 |
17-Feb-2012 |
05:43 |
MD5: E010423A85319FED6AB368A8AF05657E SHA1: 78B899640221076419C8D752C0EE3DCA0012FA99 |
x86 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
21:25 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7601.17779 |
826,880 |
17-Feb-2012 |
05:34 |
MD5: 86F34E7288DA428E38E2D8C7E806A871 SHA1: F4DCE352B217B4EEEA0D7092158BC5713C8EB86F |
x86 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
21:25 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7601.21924 |
826,880 |
17-Feb-2012 |
05:30 |
MD5: 57A5B9B0E4A668ADEAA38EC891AD2611 SHA1: 32327B5B4FE19289C26279D0285CD30B08BAFE63 |
x86 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
21:25 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7600.16963 |
177,152 |
15-Feb-2012 |
04:22 |
MD5: 0399C725A9C95A6F1862B93F008DDF4A SHA1: A73E867ECCB4FB020590075693C1F4B42496466A |
x86 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7600.21151 |
178,176 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:16 |
MD5: 9ABED8C1607153BB89488187529C3DB5 SHA1: E7CBB9AFFE1464813C29B4F49E75BBDE052819F1 |
x86 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7601.17779 |
183,808 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:14 |
MD5: 244C83332F44589AE98FC347F11B2693 SHA1: 7D7F0114FBE4E9D39F3B65D9386DF0DB60AEDC30 |
x86 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7601.21924 |
183,808 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:09 |
MD5: 2570D1F85C0CE1096E075F2DE96D11D9 SHA1: 0FFC467224ACE79DBB91DC538603CE54A4C55326 |
x86 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
17,920 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:01 |
MD5: 1875C1490D99E70E449E3AFAE9FCBADF SHA1: 35E3435EEABBD215C77516795EF0F92A38003E74 |
x86 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7600.16963 |
24,064 |
15-Feb-2012 |
04:22 |
MD5: 7156308896D34EA75A582F9A09E50C17 SHA1: E67E2C43547D69C03D03694A06116A755D39C5EB |
x86 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
17,920 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:01 |
MD5: 1875C1490D99E70E449E3AFAE9FCBADF SHA1: 35E3435EEABBD215C77516795EF0F92A38003E74 |
x86 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7600.21151 |
24,064 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:16 |
MD5: B311AC66EDB0201981F6C1A444E42454 SHA1: 0FE38BF9DF77071FD533F02D3A06D2D96C887B3D |
x86 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7601.17514 |
18,432 |
20-Nov-2010 |
10:21 |
MD5: 1CB91B2BD8F6DD367DFC2EF26FD751B2 SHA1: 7D48D0C7DF57EF49BBAAF20E7075C7F11FE28AFF |
x86 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7601.17779 |
24,576 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:13 |
MD5: 2C2C5AFE7EE4F620D69C23C0617651A8 SHA1: A3754725CE2CEA9AC52BB64E12C95B742C5777E1 |
x86 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7601.17514 |
18,432 |
20-Nov-2010 |
10:21 |
MD5: 1CB91B2BD8F6DD367DFC2EF26FD751B2 SHA1: 7D48D0C7DF57EF49BBAAF20E7075C7F11FE28AFF |
x86 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7601.21924 |
24,576 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:09 |
MD5: 010560BC6586D1C1CC7CEF24B5DB4D94 SHA1: 918F523713A6F8B06CE4BE54FC20EF5CFF770444 |
x86 |
Rdpdd.dll |
6.1.7600.21151 |
152,064 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:16 |
MD5: DB625C2F13EB377D7621820425802C3F SHA1: F585BA14234B7B84B0E5634B22C6F00B060B47C7 |
x86 |
Voor alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
Rdpcorets.dll |
6.1.7601.17779 |
1,112,064 |
17-Feb-2012 |
06:38 |
MD5: 78D7DB20239B4AB6A4A2B0897639D1AA SHA1: 337804D897BBF1D5A84C37752805B44FDD976B5D |
x64 |
Rdpudd.dll |
6.1.7601.17514 |
162,816 |
20-Nov-2010 |
11:07 |
MD5: A2A8F4FA7DC5927276D31D4F1E099E69 SHA1: D9B5B7B8272CAD07B087B5EA9E4F4CD17E6E7400 |
x64 |
Rdpvideominiport.sys |
6.1.7601.17514 |
20,992 |
20-Nov-2010 |
11:03 |
MD5: 70CBA1A0C98600A2AA1863479B35CB90 SHA1: 5FFF1157432A95A0D94BDD23038EBCF2B5777B1F |
x64 |
Rdpcorets.dll |
6.1.7601.21924 |
1,112,064 |
17-Feb-2012 |
06:24 |
MD5: 85814E9506C60EF66C4CD3632A418FAA SHA1: F5D692AA45469D4A8C9ACCFF5C1348961D10D42C |
x64 |
Rdpudd.dll |
6.1.7601.17514 |
162,816 |
20-Nov-2010 |
11:07 |
MD5: A2A8F4FA7DC5927276D31D4F1E099E69 SHA1: D9B5B7B8272CAD07B087B5EA9E4F4CD17E6E7400 |
x64 |
Rdpvideominiport.sys |
6.1.7601.17514 |
20,992 |
20-Nov-2010 |
11:03 |
MD5: 70CBA1A0C98600A2AA1863479B35CB90 SHA1: 5FFF1157432A95A0D94BDD23038EBCF2B5777B1F |
x64 |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7600.16963 |
1,031,680 |
15-Feb-2012 |
06:27 |
MD5: 781FB7CEAFD63F05820FE007074743FE SHA1: CE2291C1DFBC2C65074E89962FECF79733A49E33 |
x64 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
20:43 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7600.21151 |
1,034,240 |
17-Feb-2012 |
06:30 |
MD5: 8E4377C887BDB4C97F6AE9FA7AFACD83 SHA1: 99764657DBEE943E689B8281D117ABDAB3E90AFC |
x64 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
20:43 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7601.17779 |
1,031,680 |
17-Feb-2012 |
06:38 |
MD5: 4474A8AEABD056DF636FD4FBEF49353B SHA1: 5EFDC8492FABDF344558E4AB358613EA312248F2 |
x64 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
20:43 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7601.21924 |
1,031,680 |
17-Feb-2012 |
06:24 |
MD5: 5D57DAE7BB47FA2393084F68818749EB SHA1: 4870CCB26DC4916D63963492603B58D3220A99E5 |
x64 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
20:43 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdp4vs.dll |
6.1.7600.16963 |
553,472 |
15-Feb-2012 |
06:27 |
MD5: D622DBC73B6C4A7017A663FC7AEC3236 SHA1: 1F834CADC2809EDC32797A65B5B6EA32A460AA9F |
x64 |
Rdp4vs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,155 |
10-Jun-2009 |
20:43 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdp4vs.dll |
6.1.7600.21151 |
553,984 |
17-Feb-2012 |
06:30 |
MD5: E77010EFCE873410FC1C620CE0626ACC SHA1: FA55776A4C90AB0E08B18804DCE018F9E1EE8B22 |
x64 |
Rdp4vs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,155 |
10-Jun-2009 |
20:43 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdp4vs.dll |
6.1.7601.17779 |
553,472 |
17-Feb-2012 |
06:38 |
MD5: 3D8D6108B88B83C8CA09E478A6E95E75 SHA1: 80088372B99870679B31ABB7148BAFC3FCDD5EE9 |
x64 |
Rdp4vs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,155 |
05-Nov-2010 |
02:01 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdp4vs.dll |
6.1.7601.21924 |
553,472 |
17-Feb-2012 |
06:24 |
MD5: 454C6658E028E65A9CD02AA446F63220 SHA1: E951D06949C8D37AEC63584BC75895C8EF086C11 |
x64 |
Rdp4vs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,155 |
05-Nov-2010 |
02:01 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7600.16963 |
204,800 |
15-Feb-2012 |
04:47 |
MD5: 074AC702D8B8B660B0E1371555995386 SHA1: 3707716BEB92DDAC65758E898C9762C09C216E3C |
x64 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7600.21151 |
205,824 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:50 |
MD5: 747E7011B3F92A947F0509820508CEAF SHA1: 4F839047878EF84C378316BB5D28B316A38488C0 |
x64 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7601.17779 |
210,944 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:58 |
MD5: 6D76E6433574B058ADCB0C50DF834492 SHA1: BD76F4ECA043D619FD0008090CCDCADB49B9CFCD |
x64 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7601.21924 |
210,944 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:48 |
MD5: 0B93AA14E7DCD85CC82BC7D7D1CA9B24 SHA1: F4D1D09285E2DC3DF9BC6E5C191C9945BCC459B3 |
x64 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
15,872 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:16 |
MD5: 3371D21011695B16333A3934340C4E7C SHA1: 1226916D11C216D5A4514F614E74F6D0940D5322 |
x64 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7600.16963 |
23,552 |
15-Feb-2012 |
04:46 |
MD5: 7518F7BCFD4B308ABC9192BACAF6C970 SHA1: 4C9C42CF0F9348EDA143D5A6D973A20D6F154015 |
x64 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
15,872 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:16 |
MD5: 3371D21011695B16333A3934340C4E7C SHA1: 1226916D11C216D5A4514F614E74F6D0940D5322 |
x64 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7600.21151 |
23,552 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:49 |
MD5: 16CB6A471A7FB48964AADB1356D80671 SHA1: 3E5675C22C52080C0AAF4DA3627C80817785030F |
x64 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
15,872 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:16 |
MD5: 3371D21011695B16333A3934340C4E7C SHA1: 1226916D11C216D5A4514F614E74F6D0940D5322 |
x64 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7601.17779 |
23,552 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:57 |
MD5: 51C5ECEB1CDEE2468A1748BE550CFBC8 SHA1: C67CB79407F478B2B0816E3D09BBCE30DE5B1CD1 |
x64 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
15,872 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:16 |
MD5: 3371D21011695B16333A3934340C4E7C SHA1: 1226916D11C216D5A4514F614E74F6D0940D5322 |
x64 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7601.21924 |
23,552 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:47 |
MD5: 7463523827B104317DE03A87C6D3EA1B SHA1: 649F668FE7142BEFDEEF6B090B6AE0B440A4FA73 |
x64 |
Rdpdd.dll |
6.1.7600.21151 |
194,560 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:50 |
MD5: 387374944919227A66D3ED04D7D04862 SHA1: 42783E0AE16FBFB54469A070836D53717D00DA6B |
x64 |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7600.16963 |
826,368 |
15-Feb-2012 |
05:44 |
MD5: 50DA20DD18A8FEFEE57942188BFF06F4 SHA1: DF541A694BF0B89E0E90DA6DD3C6EB3B5A0FBAAA |
x86 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
21:25 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7600.21151 |
827,904 |
17-Feb-2012 |
05:43 |
MD5: E010423A85319FED6AB368A8AF05657E SHA1: 78B899640221076419C8D752C0EE3DCA0012FA99 |
x86 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
21:25 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7601.17779 |
826,880 |
17-Feb-2012 |
05:34 |
MD5: 86F34E7288DA428E38E2D8C7E806A871 SHA1: F4DCE352B217B4EEEA0D7092158BC5713C8EB86F |
x86 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
21:25 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Rdpcore.dll |
6.1.7601.21924 |
826,880 |
17-Feb-2012 |
05:30 |
MD5: 57A5B9B0E4A668ADEAA38EC891AD2611 SHA1: 32327B5B4FE19289C26279D0285CD30B08BAFE63 |
x86 |
Rdpcore.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,312 |
10-Jun-2009 |
21:25 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Voor alle ondersteunde IA-64-versies van Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Hashes |
Platform |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7600.16963 |
487,424 |
15-Feb-2012 |
04:09 |
MD5: 5FDEAF5349CF40A6E07C6A2BF93863C1 SHA1: E047DE70748732A19226F425B4C9DA1415E0AF80 |
IA-64 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7600.21151 |
489,984 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:04 |
MD5: A60C705ABF06337B7CF293CF16715DAB SHA1: A3EB49AA67E54E4DEDAE4F027E9F919539F68EDD |
IA-64 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7601.17779 |
504,320 |
17-Feb-2012 |
03:55 |
MD5: A6B3F05A75186A9C015EE6AAF9544972 SHA1: 444A62C72754E7D20180A86A947E3C27C6B3271A |
IA-64 |
Rdpwd.sys |
6.1.7601.21924 |
504,320 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:06 |
MD5: B9A646951111E897ADECCEEB85408BFE SHA1: 769676D2AC5580EC2E4F4E9CD985C87C70E23CEB |
IA-64 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
36,864 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:37 |
MD5: AB59E10424759B44B2BBCF1350CFED01 SHA1: A92364867852B29DACFF940F83E0580889973595 |
IA-64 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7600.16963 |
61,440 |
15-Feb-2012 |
04:09 |
MD5: 125EDBFFC8CCAF39AF21934E9A97697D SHA1: 75749A8E5B9C3ADB3DF3A4B7179A700216B8E2DC |
IA-64 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
36,864 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:37 |
MD5: AB59E10424759B44B2BBCF1350CFED01 SHA1: A92364867852B29DACFF940F83E0580889973595 |
IA-64 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7600.21151 |
61,440 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:04 |
MD5: 9A93224FA93D5801A0DE4A2BEA906117 SHA1: BFF691E6CD35F547247C72B290E6886FA219A3A4 |
IA-64 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
36,864 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:37 |
MD5: AB59E10424759B44B2BBCF1350CFED01 SHA1: A92364867852B29DACFF940F83E0580889973595 |
IA-64 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7601.17779 |
61,440 |
17-Feb-2012 |
03:54 |
MD5: A9D02D4BD346052668CDC68683F13468 SHA1: BCDD4F771FAAD81B2FB12125FD1C8F610E3EE680 |
IA-64 |
Tdpipe.sys |
6.1.7600.16385 |
36,864 |
14-Jul-2009 |
00:37 |
MD5: AB59E10424759B44B2BBCF1350CFED01 SHA1: A92364867852B29DACFF940F83E0580889973595 |
IA-64 |
Tdtcp.sys |
6.1.7601.21924 |
61,440 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:05 |
MD5: 63CD6DFF93D3ACC2B6DA346E632D3AE0 SHA1: F7BC1A279131D9FE46641CCD48883F479BFA12E3 |
IA-64 |
Rdpdd.dll |
6.1.7600.21151 |
434,176 |
17-Feb-2012 |
04:04 |
MD5: AEFE33A018DB2C46C42CC22FE3D89078 SHA1: AED39D856A61AF0EEF806A204ED23BB10AF658B0 |
IA-64 |
Extra bestandsinformatie voor Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows 7
File name |
Package_1_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,374 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_1_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
5,514 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_2_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,345 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_2_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,559 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_3_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,334 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_3_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
5,483 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_4_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,828 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_4_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,525 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_5_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,301 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_5_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
5,562 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_6_for_kb2621440_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,792 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_6_for_kb2621440~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
5,533 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_rtm_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,907 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_rtm~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,942 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sp1_bf~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,638 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Package_for_kb2621440_sp1~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,701 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
Update-bf.mum |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,511 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_01fb67a3b657d3346ac02bce730c195b_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.21924_none_59a3bfdb6be765e6.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
721 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_4fa32f37769aa050c72d8a9398eadb50_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.21151_none_4735a37c4fa1919d.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
721 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_52f1e38f8c85c7ea30914b6c11dc3ae2_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.21924_none_93995820bd47506c.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
725 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_6b3e83dcad9ae969708e2d083239d8b2_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.21924_none_b29e7856b1ae4c79.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
723 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_7538e587c165e726f64148c5798aa6b0_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17779_none_45db957116cbe683.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
725 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_7bdc779c92ffeb7af8848d93831f16d3_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.21924_none_c06107fe3acf4328.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
725 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_7c39e33b2ba46d6769b72a5edd27ccf5_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.21151_none_41506978b8b88633.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
723 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_7e7b5b14b03c1cd9803cc75209eebb18_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16963_none_0809af2ec1faceb5.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
723 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_7fe0f2f500fe3ad8ee20dda34c3b6e01_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17779_none_24b8eb4b9ce30737.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
721 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_b1de5c464f3c6f234683e8128cab0e87_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16963_none_70008f9c110507ac.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
725 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_b5f4a242c24208de5e98d74e018b8027_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16963_none_217037b0e38f5257.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
721 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_bdbbfe4bdbf04bf6bbaccefa62aa7861_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.21151_none_868d55583a940f7f.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
1,091 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_dedb4a09a24c840c095aeaaf8ff04481_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17779_none_60971456c4a7ac50.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
723 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_f75441d24d27782de43b629c3c2e4a18_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17779_none_68fb6bacf4c45117.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
725 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-r..s-regkeys-component_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17779_none_3159ba45663d6643.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
13,367 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:16 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-r..s-regkeys-component_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.21924_none_321467207f36f8cc.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
13,367 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:16 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..-collaboration-core_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16963_none_baf8f728576fd1f5.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,505 |
Date (UTC) |
15-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
06:08 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..-collaboration-core_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.21151_none_bb8b3b6d70875662.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,505 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
06:07 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..-collaboration-core_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17779_none_bcda85fe5498f1dc.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,505 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
06:03 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..-collaboration-core_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.21924_none_bd9532d96d928465.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,505 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
05:57 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..dp-winstationdriver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16963_none_4b5f89133647a225.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,433 |
Date (UTC) |
15-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
06:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..dp-winstationdriver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.21151_none_4bf1cd584f5f2692.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,433 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
06:08 |
SHA-1 hash |
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Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..dp-winstationdriver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17779_none_4d4117e93370c20c.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,803 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
06:04 |
SHA-1 hash |
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Not Applicable |
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X86_microsoft-windows-t..dp-winstationdriver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.21924_none_4dfbc4c44c6a5495.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,803 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
05:58 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name | |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,641 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:16 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name | |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,641 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:16 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name | |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,641 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:16 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name | |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
3,641 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:16 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
File name |
X86_microsoft-windows-t..s-rdp-displaydriver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.21151_none_e5081a03cf558ee4.manifest |
File version |
Not Applicable |
File size |
2,814 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
06:15 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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15-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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15-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:24 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:24 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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18:24 |
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17-Feb-2012 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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18:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
15-Feb-2012 |
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06:08 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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06:07 |
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Not Applicable |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
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06:03 |
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Not Applicable |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
05:57 |
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Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |
Extra bestanden voor alle ondersteunde IA-64-versies van Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
Ia64_154fe8a15f5146f976a3cbc00d6b485a_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.21924_none_c1608d3e8db193c2.manifest |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Ia64_87aaa3393d5340b0c3944eb6a8d99db5_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17779_none_173c60f4c365d051.manifest |
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723 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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File size |
723 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
15-Feb-2012 |
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07:10 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
07:04 |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
06:54 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
06:54 |
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File size |
3,642 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
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File name | |
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File size |
3,642 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
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File name | |
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File size |
3,642 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
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File name | |
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Not Applicable |
File size |
3,642 |
Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
07:07 |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
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File name |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:09 |
SHA-1 hash |
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File size |
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Date (UTC) |
17-Feb-2012 |
Time (UTC) |
18:10 |
SHA-1 hash |
Not Applicable |
MD5 hash |
Not Applicable |