De update die in dit artikel wordt beschreven, is vervangen door een nieuwere update. We raden u aan de meest recente cumulatieve beveiligingsupdate voor Internet Explorer te installeren. U kunt de recentste update installeren via de volgende Microsoft-website: de volgende Microsoft-website voor meer technische informatie over de meest recente cumulatieve beveiligingsupdate voor Internet Explorer:
Microsoft heeft beveiligingsbulletin MS14-012 uitgebracht. Meer informatie over hoe u de fixes in dit beveiligingsbulletin kunt verkrijgen:
Zakelijke en thuisgebruikers kunnen de automatische updates van Windows gebruiken om de fixes te installeren vanaf Microsoft Update. Ga hiervoor naar Automatisch beveiligingsupdates ophalen op de website van het Microsoft Beveiligingscentrum.
Zie voor IT-professionals, Microsoft Beveiligingsbulletin MS14-012.
Hulp en ondersteuning voor deze beveiligingsupdate
Hulp bij installatie van updates: Ondersteuning voor Microsoft Windows Update Beveiligingsoplossingen voor IT-professionals: TechNet Oplossingen voor beveiligingsproblemen en ondersteuning Uw Windows-computer beter beveiligen tegen virussen en malware: Support voor Microsoft-virusbescherming en Windows-beveiliging Lokale ondersteuning voor uw land: Internationale ondersteuning
Meer informatie
Bekende problemen met deze beveiligingsupdate
Wanneer u de beveiligingsupdate 2925418 voor Internet Explorer 11 probeert te installeren op een computer met Windows RT, Windows 8.1 of Windows Server 2012 R2, is het mogelijk dat de update niet wordt geïnstalleerd. Dit probleem doet zich voor als op de computer niet een van de volgende servicestackupdates is geïnstalleerd:
2904440Er is een servicestackupdate beschikbaar voor Windows RT 8,1, Windows 8.1 en Windows Server 2012 R2
2919442Er is een servicestackupdate beschikbaar voor Windows RT 8,1, Windows 8.1 en Windows Server 2012 R2: maart 2014U kunt dit probleem oplossen door update 2919442 te installeren voordat u beveiligingsupdate 2925418 installeert.
Andere oplossingen dan de beveiligingsoplossingen die in deze beveiligingsupdate zijn opgenomen
GDR-oplossingen (General Distribution Release)
Afhankelijk van de versie van Windows en de versie van de getroffen toepassing, worden afzonderlijke updates mogelijk niet geïnstalleerd. Lees de afzonderlijke artikelen om uw updatestatus te bepalen.
Artikelnummer |
Artikeltitel |
De melding met de vraag of u naar http://IntranetSiteNaam wilt gaan, werkt niet in Internet Explorer |
Caret-teken ontbreekt in een webpagina in Internet Explorer 11 |
De panoramastartpagina van Bing WebGL is leeg nadat deze opnieuw is geladen in Internet Explorer 11 |
Als u pijl-omlaag indrukt om naar een virtuele lijst met meldingen te gaan in Internet Explorer 11, wordt de pagina dubbel gestart |
Terug- of vooruitactie werkt niet zoals verwacht op een webpagina in Internet Explorer 11 |
Bewegende GIF-afbeeldingen worden niet in animaties weergegeven op muzieksites van Xbox in Internet Explorer 11 |
U kunt niet scrollen in het besturingselement tekstgebied in Internet Explorer 11 |
Verschuiven verloopt zeer schokkend wanneer u in Internet Explorer 11 door bladert |
Het titelkenmerk van een geselecteerd element wordt niet weergegeven in Internet Explorer 11 |
Internet Explorer 11 reageert niet meer wanneer u tussen F12-ontwikkelprogramma's schakelt |
Inhoud van canvas wordt niet weergegeven zoals verwacht in Internet Explorer 11 |
Schaduw voor vak wordt niet bijgewerkt op een webpagina in Internet Explorer 9 |
Menu's die werken op basis van focus reageren niet zoals verwacht op aanrakingen in de detailmodus van Internet Explorer 11 |
Verbetering van naleving van EPM voor ontwikkelaars van invoegtoepassing in Internet Explorer 11 |
De pakketten met beveiligingsupdate 2925418 voor Windows XP en Windows Server 2003 bevatten hotfixbestanden en GDR-bestanden (General Distribution Files) voor Internet Explorer. Als er geen bestaande Internet Explorer-bestanden afkomstig zijn uit de hotfixomgeving, worden de GDR-bestanden geïnstalleerd door beveiligingsupdate 2925418.
Hotfixes zijn bedoeld om alleen de problemen op te lossen die worden beschreven in de Microsoft Knowledge Base-artikelen die verband houden met de hotfixes. Voer hotfixes alleen uit op systemen waarop deze specifieke problemen zich voordoen. Deze hotfixes moeten mogelijk extra worden getest. Als u geen ernstige problemen ondervindt, is het daarom raadzaam te wachten op het volgende servicepack waarin deze hotfixes zijn opgenomen. Klik voor meer informatie over het installeren van de hotfixes die zijn opgenomen in beveiligingsupdate 2925418 op het volgende artikelnummer, zodat het desbetreffende Microsoft Knowledge Base-artikel wordt weergegeven:897225Hotfixes installeren die deel uitmaken van de cumulatieve beveiligingsupdates voor Internet Explorer Opmerking Naast het installeren van de hotfixbestanden, moet u het Microsoft Knowledge Base-artikel raadplegen dat verband houdt met de specifieke hotfix die u moet installeren, om na te gaan welke wijzigingen moeten worden aangebracht in het register om de specifieke hotfix in te schakelen. Klik voor meer informatie over hoe u kunt vaststellen of de bestaande Internet Explorer-bestanden uit de hotfix- of GDR-omgeving afkomstig zijn op het volgende artikelnummer, zodat het desbetreffende Microsoft Knowledge Base-artikel wordt weergegeven:
824994Beschrijving van de inhoud van de software-updatepakketten voor Windows XP Service Pack 2 en Windows Server 2003
Het probleem voor mij oplossen
De oplossing deze oplossing die hier wordt beschreven, is niet bedoeld als vervanging voor de beveiligingsupdate. Het is aan te raden altijd de meest recente beveiligingsupdates te installeren. In bepaalde scenario's kan deze Fix it-oplossing echter als tijdelijke oplossing dienen. Microsoft Beveiligingsbulletin MS14-012 voor meer informatie over deze tijdelijke oplossing. In dit bulletin vindt u meer informatie over het probleem. Hiertoe behoort het volgende:
De scenario's waarin u de tijdelijke oplossing kunt toepassen of uitschakelen
Hoe u de oplossing handmatig kunt toepassen
MSHTML Shim-oplossing
U kunt deze Fix it-oplossing in- of uitschakelen door te klikken op de knop Fix it onder de kop MSHTML Shim-oplossing inschakelen of MSHTML Shim-oplossing uitschakelen. Klik vervolgens op Uitvoeren in het dialoogvenster Bestand downloaden en volg de stappen in de wizard.
Oplossing voor MSHTML shim inschakelen |
Oplossing voor MSHTML shim uitschakelen |
Bekende problemen met deze Fix it-oplossing
Nadat u deze Fix it-oplossing hebt geïnstalleerd, is het mogelijk dat het geheugengebruik toeneemt wanneer u Internet Explorer gebruikt om op internet te browsen. Dit probleem treedt op totdat u Internet Explorer opnieuw start.
Vereisten voor deze Fix it-oplossing
Voordat u deze Fix it-oplossing installeert, moet u eerst de meest recente updates voor Internet Explorer 9 of Internet Explorer 10 installeren. Ga naar de volgende Microsoft-website om de meest recente update voor Internet Explorer te installeren: naar de volgende Microsoft-website voor meer informatie over de nieuwste cumulatieve beveiligingsupdate voor Internet Explorer:
Met de Engelse (Verenigde Staten) versie van dit updatepakket worden de bestanden geïnstalleerd met de kenmerken die in de volgende tabellen worden weergegeven. De datums en tijden voor deze bestanden worden weergegeven in de UTC-notatie (Coordinated Universal Time). De datums en tijden voor deze bestanden worden weergegeven in uw lokale tijd, waarbij rekening is gehouden met de zomer- of wintertijd. De datums en tijden kunnen veranderen wanneer u bepaalde acties op de bestanden uitvoert.
De bestanden die van toepassing zijn op een specifieke mijlpaal (SPn) en servicestructuur (QFE, GDR), worden vermeld in de kolommen SP-vereiste en Servicestructuur.
GDR-servicestructuren bevatten uitsluitend oplossingen die op grote schaal beschikbaar zijn gesteld om wijdverbreide kritieke problemen te verhelpen. QFE-servicestructuren bevatten hotfixes als aanvulling op de grootschalig beschikbaar gestelde oplossingen.
Naast de bestanden die in deze tabellen worden vermeld, wordt door deze software-update een beveiligingscatalogusbestand ( geïnstalleerd. Dit bestand is ondertekend met een digitale handtekening van Microsoft.
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer 6 onder alle ondersteunde 32-bits versies van Windows XP
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
231,288 |
04-Sep-2013 |
11:28 |
x86 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
1,025,024 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
03-Feb-2014 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
SP3 |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
81,920 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
251,904 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
3,094,528 |
05-Feb-2014 |
12:08 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
450,048 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
532,480 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
Not Applicable |
SP3 |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
1,510,400 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Tdc.ocx | |
61,952 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Url.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
37,888 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
633,856 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
852,992 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.2900.6512 |
668,672 |
04-Feb-2014 |
22:38 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Internet Explorer 6 onder alle ondersteunde 32-bits versies van Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
221,488 |
08-Jul-2010 |
14:23 |
x86 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,033,728 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
361,472 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
209,920 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
03-Feb-2014 |
12:16 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
82,432 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
253,952 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
3,164,160 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
459,264 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
537,600 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
42,496 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,520,128 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Tdc.ocx | |
64,512 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
37,888 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
713,216 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
854,016 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
W03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
46,080 |
03-Feb-2014 |
11:58 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
672,256 |
04-Feb-2014 |
01:17 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 6 onder alle ondersteunde Itanium-versies van Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
501,552 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:03 |
IA-64 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
2,543,104 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
1,009,152 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
640,512 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
997,888 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
154,112 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
717,824 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
9,470,976 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,533,440 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,845,760 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
116,736 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
3,700,224 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Tdc.ocx | |
205,824 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
50,688 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,639,424 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
2,425,344 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
W03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
45,056 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,708,032 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Wbrowseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,033,728 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
361,472 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
209,920 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
82,432 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
253,952 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
3,164,160 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
459,264 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
537,600 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wpngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
42,496 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wshdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,520,128 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wtdc.ocx | |
64,512 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
37,888 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
713,216 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
854,016 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ww03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
46,080 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
672,256 |
04-Feb-2014 |
14:59 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 6 onder alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Server 2003 en Windows XP Professional
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
293,168 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:03 |
x64 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Browseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,605,120 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
562,176 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
332,288 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
566,784 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
96,256 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
370,176 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
6,067,712 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
930,816 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
900,608 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
64,000 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Shdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
2,460,672 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Tdc.ocx | |
94,208 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
40,960 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,107,456 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,428,480 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
W03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
46,592 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,196,544 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wbrowseui.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,033,728 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
361,472 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtrans.dll |
6.3.3790.5294 |
209,920 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2011.1.31.10 |
369,664 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wieencode.dll |
2011.1.31.10 |
82,432 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
253,952 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
3,164,160 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
459,264 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
537,600 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wpngfilt.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
42,496 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wshdocvw.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
1,520,128 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wtdc.ocx | |
64,512 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
37,888 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
713,216 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
854,016 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ww03a3409.dll |
5.2.3790.5294 |
46,080 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
6.0.3790.5294 |
672,256 |
04-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 7
Internet Explorer 7 onder alle ondersteunde 32-bits versies van Windows XP
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
231,288 |
04-Sep-2013 |
11:28 |
x86 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
124,928 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
347,136 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
214,528 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
132,608 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
05-Feb-2014 |
23:53 |
Not Applicable |
SP3 |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
63,488 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
70,656 |
05-Feb-2014 |
23:52 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
153,088 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
230,400 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
161,792 |
02-Feb-2014 |
22:33 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
08-Mar-2012 |
18:41 |
Not Applicable |
SP3 |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21371 |
388,608 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
6,108,672 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
08-Mar-2012 |
18:43 |
Not Applicable |
SP3 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
193,024 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
44,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
268,288 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
13,824 |
05-Feb-2014 |
23:52 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
643,312 |
02-Feb-2014 |
22:34 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,830,912 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
Not Applicable |
SP3 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
27,648 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
496,128 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
52,224 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
3,628,032 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
480,768 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
193,024 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
671,232 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
102,912 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
44,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
106,496 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,172,992 |
06-Feb-2014 |
18:37 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
766,976 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
233,472 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
841,216 |
06-Feb-2014 |
05:07 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Internet Explorer 7 onder alle ondersteunde 32-bits versies van Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
221,488 |
08-Jul-2010 |
14:23 |
x86 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
124,928 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
347,136 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
214,528 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
132,608 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
06-Feb-2014 |
00:01 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
63,488 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
70,656 |
06-Feb-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
153,088 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
230,400 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
161,792 |
03-Feb-2014 |
09:12 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
08-Jul-2010 |
23:31 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21371 |
388,608 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
6,108,672 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
08-Jul-2010 |
23:35 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
193,024 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
44,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
268,288 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
13,824 |
06-Feb-2014 |
00:00 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
643,312 |
03-Feb-2014 |
09:13 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,830,912 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
27,648 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
496,128 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
52,224 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
3,628,032 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
480,768 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
193,024 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
671,232 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
102,912 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
44,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
106,496 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,172,992 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
766,976 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
233,472 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
841,216 |
06-Feb-2014 |
06:55 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 7 onder alle ondersteunde Itanium-versies van Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
501,552 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:42 |
IA-64 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
283,136 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
49,152 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
984,576 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
645,632 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
328,192 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
965,632 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
179,712 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
135,680 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
385,536 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
503,808 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
161,792 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
1,074,688 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21371 |
764,416 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
147,456 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
11,782,656 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
980,992 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
460,800 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
99,840 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
556,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
30,720 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
795,376 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21371 |
2,440,192 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
82,432 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,045,504 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
144,384 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
10,157,056 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,533,440 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
492,032 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
2,233,344 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
275,968 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
122,368 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
130,048 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
2,600,960 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
2,191,360 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
653,824 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,940,992 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Wadvpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
124,928 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wcorpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
347,136 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
214,528 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wextmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
132,608 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wicardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
63,488 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
70,656 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
153,088 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
230,400 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
161,792 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21371 |
388,608 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
6,108,672 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
193,024 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
44,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
268,288 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
13,824 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
643,312 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Winetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,830,912 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wjsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
27,648 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
496,128 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
52,224 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
3,628,032 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
480,768 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
193,024 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
671,232 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Woccache.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
102,912 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wpngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
44,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
106,496 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,172,992 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
766,976 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwebcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
233,472 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
841,216 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 7 onder alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Server 2003 en Windows XP Professional
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
293,168 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:43 |
x64 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Advpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
161,280 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Corpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
22,016 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Dxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
508,416 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:36 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Dxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
314,368 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Extmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
207,360 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
485,376 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Icardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
85,504 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
84,992 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
195,584 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
267,776 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
161,792 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
422,400 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21371 |
480,256 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
86,528 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
7,116,800 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
983,552 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
250,368 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
57,344 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
371,712 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
13,824 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
720,112 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21371 |
2,077,184 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
32,256 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
623,104 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
82,432 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
5,737,472 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
763,904 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
242,688 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,129,984 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
164,864 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Pngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
64,000 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
108,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,441,280 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,104,896 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Webcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
295,936 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,051,648 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:37 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wadvpack.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
124,928 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wcorpol.dll |
2007.0.0.21306 |
17,408 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtmsft.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
347,136 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wdxtrans.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
214,528 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wextmgr.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
132,608 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2017.0.0.21306 |
389,120 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wicardie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
63,488 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wie4uinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
70,656 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieakeng.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
153,088 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieaksie.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
230,400 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieakui.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
161,792 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedkcs32.dll |
17.0.6000.21371 |
388,608 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieencode.dll |
2017.0.0.21306 |
78,336 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
6,108,672 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll.mui |
7.0.6000.16414 |
991,232 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
193,024 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiernonce.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
44,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiertutil.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
268,288 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieudinit.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
13,824 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiexplore.exe |
7.0.6000.21371 |
643,312 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Winetcpl.cpl |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,830,912 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wjsproxy.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
27,648 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeeds.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
496,128 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeedsbs.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
52,224 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
3,628,032 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
480,768 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsrating.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
193,024 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
671,232 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Woccache.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
102,912 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wpngfilt.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
44,544 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
106,496 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
1,172,992 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
766,976 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwebcheck.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
233,472 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
7.0.6000.21371 |
841,216 |
06-Feb-2014 |
20:38 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 8 onder alle ondersteunde 32-bits versies van Windows XP
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
231,288 |
04-Sep-2013 |
11:28 |
x86 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23569 |
18,944 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23569 |
385,024 |
24-Feb-2014 |
10:54 |
Not Applicable |
SP3 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
174,592 |
25-Feb-2014 |
00:24 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23569 |
387,584 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
743,424 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
11,113,472 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
184,320 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
247,808 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
2,006,016 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,469,440 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
Not Applicable |
SP3 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
522,240 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
25,600 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
43,520 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
630,272 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
55,296 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
6,022,144 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
67,072 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
611,840 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
206,848 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
105,984 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,216,000 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
759,296 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
920,064 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Xpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
12,800 |
24-Feb-2014 |
11:46 |
x86 |
SP3 |
Internet Explorer 8 onder alle ondersteunde 32-bits versies van Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
221,488 |
08-Jul-2010 |
14:23 |
x86 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23569 |
18,944 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23569 |
385,024 |
24-Feb-2014 |
08:29 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
174,592 |
24-Feb-2014 |
08:29 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23569 |
387,584 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
743,424 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
11,113,472 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
184,320 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
247,808 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
2,006,016 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:50 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,469,440 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
522,240 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
25,600 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
43,520 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
630,272 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
55,296 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
6,022,144 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
67,072 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
611,840 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
206,848 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
105,984 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,216,000 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
759,296 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
920,064 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Xpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
12,800 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Internet Explorer 8 onder alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Server 2003 en Windows XP Professional
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
293,168 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:54 |
x64 |
None |
Not Applicable |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23569 |
23,040 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23569 |
479,232 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
70,656 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23569 |
459,776 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,019,904 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
12,511,232 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
252,928 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
718,848 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
2,358,272 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,539,072 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
502,272 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
31,744 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
56,832 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
742,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
71,680 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
9,349,632 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
98,304 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,062,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
243,712 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
108,032 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,494,016 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,028,096 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,151,488 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Xpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
13,824 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wcorpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23569 |
18,944 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Whtml.iec |
2018.0.0.23569 |
385,024 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
174,592 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23569 |
387,584 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
743,424 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
11,113,472 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
184,320 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
247,808 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wiertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
2,006,016 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Winetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,469,440 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
Not Applicable |
SP2 |
Wjsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
522,240 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wjsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
25,600 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wlicmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
43,520 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
630,272 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmsfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
55,296 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
6,022,144 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
67,072 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wmstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
611,840 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Woccache.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
206,848 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurl.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
105,984 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wurlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,216,000 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wvgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
759,296 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wwininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
920,064 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Wxpshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
12,800 |
24-Feb-2014 |
22:48 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Of bestanden betrekking hebben op een specifiek product, specifieke mijlpaal (SPn) of specifieke servicestructuur (LDR, GDR), kunt u controleren aan de hand van het nummer van de bestandsversie in de volgende tabel:
Windows Vista SP2 en Windows Server 2008 SP2
Windows Vista SP2 en Windows Server 2008 SP2
GDR-servicestructuren bevatten uitsluitend de oplossingen die op grote schaal beschikbaar zijn gesteld om wijdverbreide kritieke problemen te verhelpen. LDR-servicestructuren bevatten hotfixes als aanvulling op de wijdverbreid beschikbaar gestelde oplossingen.
Opmerking De geïnstalleerde MANIFEST-bestanden (.manifest) en MUM-bestanden (.mum) worden niet weergegeven.
Internet Explorer 7
Internet Explorer 7 onder alle ondersteunde 32-bits versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,177,600 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,178,624 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
671,232 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
671,232 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:12 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
19,456 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
19,456 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:10 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
27,648 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
834,048 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
27,648 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
842,240 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:14 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:14 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:35 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
24-May-2013 |
17:09 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
193,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
193,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
498,688 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:41 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
498,688 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
09-Sep-2011 |
11:34 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19041 |
389,632 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:13 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23330 |
390,144 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:15 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
480,256 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
480,256 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
3,627,008 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:04 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
3,628,032 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:54 |
Not Applicable |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
271,872 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
129,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
272,384 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
129,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
766,976 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
766,976 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
106,496 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
106,496 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
53,760 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
53,760 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
6,119,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
180,736 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
6,120,960 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
180,736 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
282,624 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:05 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
282,624 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:55 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
304,128 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:05 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
304,128 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:55 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 7 onder alle ondersteunde Itanium-versies van Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
2,615,296 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:52 |
IA-64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
2,616,320 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
IA-64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
2,234,368 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:50 |
IA-64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
2,234,368 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:37 |
IA-64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
62,464 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:48 |
IA-64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
62,464 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:35 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
81,920 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:50 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,924,096 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:52 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
181,760 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:52 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
81,920 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,940,992 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
181,760 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
IA-64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
14-Feb-2014 |
11:08 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
1,074,688 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:49 |
IA-64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
14-Feb-2014 |
11:08 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
1,074,688 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
IA-64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
460,800 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:49 |
IA-64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
461,312 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,045,504 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:50 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
14-Feb-2014 |
11:22 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,045,504 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
14-Feb-2014 |
11:23 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19041 |
965,632 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:42 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23330 |
965,632 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:59 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,533,952 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:50 |
IA-64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,534,464 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:37 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
10,160,128 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:50 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:08 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
10,161,664 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:37 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:34 |
Not Applicable |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
564,736 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:49 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
409,088 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:51 |
IA-64 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
564,736 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
409,088 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
2,192,896 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:52 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
2,192,896 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
130,048 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:52 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
130,048 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
IA-64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
210,432 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:49 |
IA-64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
210,432 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
11,790,848 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:49 |
IA-64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
532,992 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:49 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
11,794,944 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
IA-64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
532,992 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
IA-64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
378,368 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:09 |
IA-64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
378,368 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:35 |
IA-64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
476,672 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:09 |
IA-64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
476,672 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:35 |
IA-64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,177,600 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,178,624 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
671,232 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
671,232 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:12 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
19,456 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
19,456 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:10 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
27,648 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
834,048 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
27,648 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
842,240 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:14 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:14 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:35 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
24-May-2013 |
17:09 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
193,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
193,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
498,688 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:41 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
498,688 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
09-Sep-2011 |
11:34 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19041 |
389,632 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:13 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23330 |
390,144 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:15 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
480,256 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
480,256 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
3,627,008 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:04 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
3,628,032 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:54 |
Not Applicable |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
271,872 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
129,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
272,384 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
129,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
766,976 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
766,976 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
106,496 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
106,496 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
53,760 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
53,760 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
6,119,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
180,736 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
6,120,960 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
180,736 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
282,624 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:05 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
282,624 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:55 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
304,128 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:05 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
304,128 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:55 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 7 onder alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,430,528 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,430,528 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:05 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,129,984 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:43 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,129,984 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:03 |
x64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
33,792 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:41 |
x64 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
33,792 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:01 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
32,256 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,032,192 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
32,256 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:02 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,041,408 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:05 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:05 |
x64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
14-Feb-2014 |
11:08 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
422,400 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
06-Feb-2014 |
13:03 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
422,400 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:02 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
249,856 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
249,856 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:02 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
623,104 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:43 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
14-Feb-2014 |
11:23 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
623,104 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:03 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
06-Feb-2014 |
13:23 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19041 |
485,376 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:17 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23330 |
485,888 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
763,904 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:43 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
763,904 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:03 |
x64 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
5,737,472 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:43 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
5,737,472 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:03 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:35 |
Not Applicable |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
377,856 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
176,128 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
377,856 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:02 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
176,128 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:05 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,104,896 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,104,896 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:05 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
108,544 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:45 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
108,544 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:05 |
x64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
146,944 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
146,944 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:02 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
7,051,776 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
224,768 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:42 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
7,053,824 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:02 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
224,768 |
19-Feb-2014 |
11:02 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
302,592 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
302,592 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
x64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
389,632 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x64 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
389,632 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:36 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,177,600 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,178,624 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
671,232 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
671,232 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:12 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
19,456 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
19,456 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:10 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
27,648 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
834,048 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
27,648 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
842,240 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:14 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:14 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:35 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Ieapfltr.dat |
7.0.6011.1 |
2,452,872 |
24-May-2013 |
17:09 |
Not Applicable |
Ieapfltr.dll |
7.0.6000.16730 |
380,928 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
193,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
193,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
498,688 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
26-Sep-2013 |
12:41 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
498,688 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
09-Sep-2011 |
11:34 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.19041 |
389,632 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:13 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2017.0.0.23330 |
390,144 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:15 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
480,256 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
480,256 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
3,627,008 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.19041 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:04 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
3,628,032 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
7.0.6002.23330 |
1,383,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:54 |
Not Applicable |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
271,872 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
129,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
272,384 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
129,024 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
766,976 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
766,976 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
106,496 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:39 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
106,496 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:13 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.19041 |
53,760 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Iebrshim.dll |
6.0.6002.23330 |
53,760 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
6,119,424 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.19041 |
180,736 |
19-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
6,120,960 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
7.0.6002.23330 |
180,736 |
19-Feb-2014 |
10:11 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
282,624 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:05 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
282,624 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:55 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.19041 |
304,128 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:05 |
x86 |
Ieuser.exe |
6.0.6002.23330 |
304,128 |
19-Feb-2014 |
08:55 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 8 onder alle ondersteunde 32-bits versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,213,440 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,216,000 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
611,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
611,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,469,440 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
Not Applicable |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,469,440 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
Not Applicable |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.19507 |
18,944 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23569 |
18,944 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
25,600 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
916,992 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
25,600 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
920,064 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.19507 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23569 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
184,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
184,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
43,520 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
43,520 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
743,424 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
743,424 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
630,272 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:01 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
630,272 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:32 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
55,296 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,938 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:01 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
13,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
55,296 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,938 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:32 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
13,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
x86 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.19507 |
385,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:45 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23569 |
385,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:00 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
67,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
67,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
6,020,608 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,638,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
6,022,144 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,638,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
247,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
247,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
198,144 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
198,144 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
133,632 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
638,120 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:45 |
x86 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
133,632 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
638,120 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
522,240 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
522,240 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Desktop.ini |
Not Applicable |
65 |
20-Apr-2012 |
00:59 |
Not Applicable |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
206,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Desktop.ini |
Not Applicable |
65 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
206,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
2,005,504 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.19507 |
129,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
2,006,016 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.23569 |
129,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
174,080 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
55,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
71,680 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
174,592 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
55,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
71,680 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
109,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
109,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
759,296 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
759,296 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
105,984 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
105,984 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
11,111,424 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
164,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
11,113,472 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
164,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
376,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
376,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 8 onder alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,490,432 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,494,016 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,062,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,062,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,538,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
Not Applicable |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,539,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
Not Applicable |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.19507 |
23,040 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:43 |
x64 |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23569 |
23,040 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:52 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
31,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,147,392 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
31,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,151,488 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
93,184 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.19507 |
459,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23569 |
459,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
252,416 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
252,928 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
56,832 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
56,832 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,019,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,019,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
742,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
742,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:32 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
71,680 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,938 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
12,288 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:58 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
71,680 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,938 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:32 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
12,288 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:12 |
x64 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.19507 |
479,232 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:11 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23569 |
479,232 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:26 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
98,304 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
98,304 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
9,347,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,638,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:58 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
9,349,632 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,638,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:12 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
718,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
718,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
301,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
301,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
162,816 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:58 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
660,648 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:45 |
x64 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:00 |
Not Applicable |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
162,816 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:12 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
660,648 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:54 |
x64 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
502,272 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
502,272 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Desktop.ini |
Not Applicable |
65 |
20-Apr-2012 |
00:59 |
Not Applicable |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
243,712 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Desktop.ini |
Not Applicable |
65 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:31 |
Not Applicable |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
243,712 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
2,357,760 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.19507 |
165,888 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
2,358,272 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.23569 |
165,888 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
70,656 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:58 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
72,192 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
77,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
70,656 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:12 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
72,192 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
77,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
132,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
132,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,028,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,028,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
108,032 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
108,032 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
12,510,208 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
219,136 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
12,511,232 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
219,136 |
23-Feb-2014 |
19:53 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
271,872 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:58 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
271,872 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:13 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
133,632 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
638,120 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:45 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
133,632 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
638,120 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
206,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Occache.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
206,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,213,440 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,216,000 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
611,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Mstime.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
611,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,469,440 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
Not Applicable |
Inetcpl.cpl |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,469,440 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
Not Applicable |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.19507 |
18,944 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Corpol.dll |
2008.0.0.23569 |
18,944 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
25,600 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
916,992 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
25,600 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
920,064 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
64,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.19507 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iedkcs32.dll |
18.0.6001.23569 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
184,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iepeers.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
184,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
43,520 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Licmgr10.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
43,520 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
743,424 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
743,424 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
630,272 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:01 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
630,272 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,876 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:32 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
55,296 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,938 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:01 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
13,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
55,296 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Msfeedsbs.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,938 |
20-Apr-2012 |
01:32 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeedssync.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
13,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
x86 |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.19507 |
385,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:45 |
Not Applicable |
Html.iec |
2018.0.0.23569 |
385,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:00 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
67,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
67,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
6,020,608 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.19507 |
1,638,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
6,022,144 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.6001.23569 |
1,638,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
247,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
247,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
198,144 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
198,144 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
522,240 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
522,240 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
2,005,504 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.19507 |
129,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
2,006,016 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6001.23569 |
129,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
174,080 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
55,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
71,680 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
174,592 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
55,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
71,680 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
109,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
109,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
759,296 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
759,296 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
105,984 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
105,984 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
11,111,424 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.19507 |
164,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:44 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
11,113,472 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.6001.23569 |
164,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
17:37 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.19507 |
376,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:38 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.6001.23569 |
376,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
16:53 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 9
Internet Explorer 9 onder alle ondersteunde 32-bits versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,105,408 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:41 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,105,408 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:10 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
757,488 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:00 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
757,488 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:26 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,427,968 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:39 |
Not Applicable |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,427,968 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
Not Applicable |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
65,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,129,472 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
75,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,130,496 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:10 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
678,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
678,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
607,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:06 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
607,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:34 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
73,216 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
73,216 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:06 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
12,347,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:50 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:36 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
12,347,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:06 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
142,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
142,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,796,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:00 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,796,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:26 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
768,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
768,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
231,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
231,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
9,739,264 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:43 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
176,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
9,739,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:13 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
176,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:05 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
468,480 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
468,480 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
104,448 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
104,448 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
717,824 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,806,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:47 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
717,824 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,806,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:16 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
421,376 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
421,376 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 9 onder alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows Vista en Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,347,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:48 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,347,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:19 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
763,632 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
763,632 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:43 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,494,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,494,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
Not Applicable |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
86,016 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,392,128 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:48 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:45 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
97,280 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,392,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
887,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:47 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
887,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
729,088 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:44 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
729,088 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:42 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
96,768 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:44 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
96,768 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
17,847,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:12 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:44 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
17,848,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:38 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:15 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
548,864 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
548,864 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
305,152 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
305,152 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
173,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:45 |
x64 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
173,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
499,200 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:47 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
499,200 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,147,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:44 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
183,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,147,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
183,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:43 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
996,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:47 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
996,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
237,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
237,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
10,926,592 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:52 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
248,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:43 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
10,926,080 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:23 |
x64 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
248,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:14 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
482,816 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
482,816 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
141,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:47 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
141,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
816,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:45 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,334,720 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:54 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
816,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,335,232 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:24 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
599,040 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:45 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
599,040 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
757,488 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:00 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
757,488 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:26 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
142,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
142,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,105,408 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:41 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,105,408 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:10 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,427,968 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:39 |
Not Applicable |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,427,968 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
Not Applicable |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
65,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,129,472 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
75,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,130,496 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:10 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
678,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
678,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
607,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:06 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
607,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:34 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
73,216 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
73,216 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:06 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
12,347,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:50 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:36 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
12,347,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:06 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,796,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:00 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,796,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:26 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
768,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
768,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
231,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
231,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
9,739,264 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:43 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
176,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
9,739,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:13 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
176,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:05 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
468,480 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
468,480 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
104,448 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
104,448 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
717,824 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,806,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:47 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
717,824 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,806,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:16 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
421,376 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
421,376 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Of bestanden betrekking hebben op een specifiek product, specifieke mijlpaal (RTM, SPn) of specifieke servicestructuur (LDR, GDR), kunt u controleren aan de hand van het nummer van de bestandsversie in de volgende tabel:
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
GDR-servicestructuren bevatten uitsluitend de oplossingen die op grote schaal beschikbaar zijn gesteld om wijdverbreide kritieke problemen te verhelpen. LDR-servicestructuren bevatten hotfixes als aanvulling op de wijdverbreid beschikbaar gestelde oplossingen.
Opmerking De geïnstalleerde MANIFEST-bestanden (.manifest) en MUM-bestanden (.mum) worden niet weergegeven.
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 8 onder alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows 7
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,232,896 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,234,944 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
48,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
981,504 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
48,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
982,016 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:40 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:40 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
860,672 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
860,672 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
627,712 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:59 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
627,712 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:56 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
67,584 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
67,584 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:58 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
6,041,088 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
13:39 |
Not Applicable |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:55 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
6,042,112 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
163,328 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
163,328 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
200,704 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
200,704 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
525,312 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
525,312 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
2,078,208 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18392 |
189,952 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
2,078,208 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22597 |
189,952 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
760,320 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
760,320 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
132,096 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
132,096 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
11,020,800 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:58 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
176,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
11,020,800 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:55 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
176,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18392 |
377,344 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:34 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22597 |
377,344 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:38 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 8 onder alle ondersteunde Itanium-versies van Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
2,733,056 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:31 |
IA-64 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
2,737,152 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
114,688 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
2,200,576 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:31 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
189,952 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:31 |
IA-64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
114,688 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
2,201,600 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
189,952 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
2,020,864 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
2,020,864 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,354,240 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:53 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,354,240 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:49 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
222,208 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
222,208 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:52 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
17,473,536 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
13:16 |
Not Applicable |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:49 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
17,474,560 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
13:12 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
514,048 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
514,048 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
521,728 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
521,728 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
976,896 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
976,896 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
2,955,264 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18392 |
592,384 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:31 |
IA-64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
2,955,776 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22597 |
592,384 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
2,204,160 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:31 |
IA-64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
2,204,160 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
155,648 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:31 |
IA-64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
155,648 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
18,782,720 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:52 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
519,168 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:30 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
18,782,720 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:49 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
519,168 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:28 |
IA-64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18392 |
354,304 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:29 |
IA-64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22597 |
354,304 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:27 |
IA-64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
627,712 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:59 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
627,712 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:56 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
67,584 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
67,584 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
6,041,088 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
13:39 |
Not Applicable |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:59 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
6,042,112 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
Not Applicable |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:56 |
Not Applicable |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
11,020,800 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
176,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:59 |
Not Applicable |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
11,020,800 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
176,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:55 |
Not Applicable |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,232,896 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,234,944 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
48,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
981,504 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
48,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
982,016 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:40 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:40 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
860,672 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
860,672 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
163,328 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
163,328 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
200,704 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
200,704 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
525,312 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
525,312 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
2,078,208 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18392 |
189,952 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
2,078,208 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22597 |
189,952 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
760,320 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
760,320 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
132,096 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
132,096 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18392 |
377,344 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:34 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22597 |
377,344 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:38 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 8 op alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,495,040 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,496,064 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:57 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
65,024 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,188,864 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
95,232 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
65,024 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:56 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,189,888 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:58 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
95,232 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:58 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,013,248 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,013,248 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:56 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
735,232 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:57 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
735,232 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:57 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
10:00 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
97,792 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
97,792 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:57 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:57 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
9,075,712 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
14:01 |
Not Applicable |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:59 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
9,074,688 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:57 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
16:07 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
451,072 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
451,072 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:56 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
293,376 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
293,376 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:56 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
505,344 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
505,344 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:56 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
2,458,112 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18392 |
244,736 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
2,459,136 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:56 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22597 |
244,736 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:57 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,111,040 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,111,040 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:57 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
134,144 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
134,144 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:57 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
12,296,192 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:57 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
247,808 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:59 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
12,296,192 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:56 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:59 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
247,808 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:56 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18392 |
272,896 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:58 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22597 |
272,896 |
24-Feb-2014 |
18:55 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
627,712 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:59 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
627,712 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:56 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
67,584 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
67,584 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
6,041,088 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
13:39 |
Not Applicable |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:59 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
6,042,112 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,638,912 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:00 |
Not Applicable |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
1,141 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:56 |
Not Applicable |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
11,020,800 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
176,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:59 |
Not Applicable |
Ieframe.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
11,020,800 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
176,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
13,270 |
24-Feb-2014 |
09:55 |
Not Applicable |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
1,232,896 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
1,234,944 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
48,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
981,504 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
48,640 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
982,016 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:40 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
68,608 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:40 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
860,672 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
860,672 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
163,328 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
163,328 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
200,704 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
200,704 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
525,312 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
525,312 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
2,078,208 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18392 |
189,952 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
2,078,208 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22597 |
189,952 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
760,320 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
760,320 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.18392 |
132,096 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:35 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
8.0.7601.22597 |
132,096 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:39 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.18392 |
377,344 |
24-Feb-2014 |
15:34 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
8.0.7601.22597 |
377,344 |
24-Feb-2014 |
17:38 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 9
Internet Explorer 9 onder alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows 7
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,105,408 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:41 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,105,408 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:10 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
757,488 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:00 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
757,488 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:26 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,427,968 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:39 |
Not Applicable |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,427,968 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
Not Applicable |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
65,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,129,472 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
75,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,130,496 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:10 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
678,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
678,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
607,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:06 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
607,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:34 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
73,216 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
73,216 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:06 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
2,012 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:03 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
12,347,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:50 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:36 |
Not Applicable |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
2,012 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:36 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
12,347,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:06 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
142,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
142,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,796,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:00 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,796,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:26 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
768,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
768,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
231,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
231,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
9,739,264 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:43 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
20,842 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:03 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
176,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
9,739,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:13 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
20,842 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:36 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
176,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:05 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
468,480 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
468,480 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
104,448 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
104,448 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
717,824 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,806,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:47 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
717,824 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,806,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:16 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
421,376 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
421,376 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 9 op alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,347,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:48 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,347,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:19 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
763,632 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
763,632 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:43 |
x64 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,494,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,494,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
Not Applicable |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
86,016 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,392,128 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:48 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:45 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
97,280 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,392,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
86,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
887,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:47 |
x64 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
887,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
729,088 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:44 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
729,088 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:42 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
96,768 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:44 |
x64 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
96,768 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:15 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
2,012 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:20 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
17,847,808 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:12 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:44 |
Not Applicable |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
2,012 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:46 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
17,848,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:38 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:15 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
548,864 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
548,864 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
305,152 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
305,152 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
173,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:45 |
x64 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
05-May-2013 |
17:33 |
Not Applicable |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
173,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Windows feed discovered.wav |
Not Applicable |
19,884 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows information bar.wav |
Not Applicable |
23,308 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows navigation start.wav |
Not Applicable |
11,340 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Windows pop-up blocked.wav |
Not Applicable |
85,548 |
09-Sep-2013 |
06:46 |
Not Applicable |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
499,200 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:47 |
x64 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
499,200 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,147,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:44 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
183,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,147,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
183,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:43 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
996,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:47 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
996,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
237,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
237,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
10,926,592 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:52 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
20,842 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:20 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
248,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:43 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
10,926,080 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:23 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
20,842 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:46 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
248,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:14 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
482,816 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:46 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
482,816 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:17 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
141,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:47 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
141,312 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:18 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
816,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:45 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,334,720 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:54 |
x64 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
816,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,335,232 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:24 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
599,040 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:45 |
x64 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
599,040 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:16 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
757,488 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:00 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
757,488 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:26 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
607,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:06 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
607,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:34 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
73,216 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Mshtmled.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
73,216 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:06 |
x86 |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
12,347,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:50 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.16540 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:36 |
Not Applicable |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
2,012 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:04 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
12,347,904 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:21 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
9.0.8112.20651 |
2,382,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:06 |
Not Applicable |
Wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
2,012 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:36 |
Not Applicable |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
142,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieunatt.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
142,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
9,739,264 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:43 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
176,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
20,842 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:04 |
Not Applicable |
Ieframe.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
9,739,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:13 |
x86 |
Ieui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
176,640 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:05 |
x86 |
Wow64_ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
20,842 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:36 |
Not Applicable |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
717,824 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,806,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:47 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
717,824 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,806,848 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:16 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.17040 |
421,376 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Vbscript.dll |
5.8.7601.20651 |
421,376 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,105,408 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:41 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,105,408 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:10 |
x86 |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,427,968 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:39 |
Not Applicable |
Inetcpl.cpl |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,427,968 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
Not Applicable |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
65,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,129,472 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
75,776 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,130,496 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:10 |
x86 |
Wininetplugin.dll | |
66,048 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
678,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Iedvtool.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
678,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
194,560 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Jsdbgui.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
387,584 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
1,796,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:00 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
1,796,096 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.0.6000.16386 |
149,744 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:26 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
768,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
768,512 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
231,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Url.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
231,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.16540 |
468,480 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
9.0.8112.20651 |
468,480 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:08 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.16540 |
104,448 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
9.0.8112.20651 |
104,448 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:09 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 10
Internet Explorer 10 onder alle ondersteunde x86-versies van Windows 7
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
1,140,736 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
1,138,688 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:58 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
770,736 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:07 |
x86 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
770,736 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:36 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
39,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
1,767,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
38,912 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
1,777,664 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:59 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
493,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:47 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
493,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:58 |
x86 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:48 |
Not Applicable |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Not Applicable |
2,843 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:47 |
Not Applicable |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
71,680 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Not Applicable |
2,843 |
19-Dec-2013 |
22:05 |
Not Applicable |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
71,680 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:40 |
x86 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
3,228 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:44 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
14,358,016 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.16843 |
2,706,432 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:31 |
Not Applicable |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
3,228 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:44 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
14,379,008 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:58 |
x86 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.20963 |
2,706,432 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:35 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
257,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
257,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
245,248 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
245,248 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
285,080 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:37 |
x86 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
392,080 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:37 |
x86 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
70,568 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:37 |
x86 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
69,120 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:49 |
x86 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
285,080 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:43 |
x86 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
392,080 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:43 |
x86 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
70,568 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:43 |
x86 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
69,120 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:53 |
x86 |
Icrav03.rat |
Not Applicable |
8,798 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:38 |
Not Applicable |
Msrating.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
163,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ticrf.rat |
Not Applicable |
1,988 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:38 |
Not Applicable |
Icrav03.rat |
Not Applicable |
8,798 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:44 |
Not Applicable |
Msrating.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
163,840 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:58 |
x86 |
Ticrf.rat |
Not Applicable |
1,988 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:44 |
Not Applicable |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
2,049,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.16843 |
218,112 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
2,080,256 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.20963 |
220,160 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:58 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
42,496 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
33,280 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
61,440 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
42,496 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:59 |
x86 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
33,280 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
61,440 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
109,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
109,056 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
817,664 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
817,664 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:58 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
13,761,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
25,923 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:43 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
391,168 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
13,738,496 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
25,923 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:44 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
391,168 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
469,504 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:54 |
x86 |
Ieinstal.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
469,504 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:59 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
108,032 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
108,032 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
2,877,952 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
2,881,024 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.16843 |
690,688 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:53 |
x86 |
Jscript.dll |
5.8.9200.20963 |
690,688 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:57 |
x86 |
Internet Explorer 10 op alle ondersteunde x64-versies van Windows 7 en Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
1,365,504 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:13 |
x64 |
Urlmon.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
1,349,120 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:01 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
775,344 |
23-Feb-2014 |
09:38 |
x64 |
Iexplore.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
775,344 |
23-Feb-2014 |
09:21 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
53,760 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
2,241,536 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:13 |
x64 |
Jsproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
53,760 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Wininet.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
2,248,704 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:01 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
603,136 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:12 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:44 |
Not Applicable |
Msfeeds.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
603,136 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Msfeeds.mof |
Not Applicable |
1,518 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:44 |
Not Applicable |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Not Applicable |
2,843 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:59 |
Not Applicable |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
89,600 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:39 |
x64 |
Ie9props.propdesc |
Not Applicable |
2,843 |
19-Dec-2013 |
22:05 |
Not Applicable |
Registeriepkeys.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
89,600 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:45 |
x64 |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
3,228 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:40 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
19,273,216 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:12 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.16843 |
2,706,432 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:35 |
Not Applicable |
Microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
3,228 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:40 |
Not Applicable |
Mshtml.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
19,515,392 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Mshtml.tlb |
10.0.9200.20963 |
2,706,432 |
23-Feb-2014 |
06:40 |
Not Applicable |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
701,952 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Ieproxy.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
701,952 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
365,568 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Ieshims.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
365,568 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
368,024 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:38 |
x64 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
514,952 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:38 |
x64 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
72,624 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:38 |
x64 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
86,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:54 |
x64 |
Msdbg2.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
368,024 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:42 |
x64 |
Pdm.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
514,952 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:42 |
x64 |
Pdmproxy100.dll |
11.0.50613.2 |
72,624 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:42 |
x64 |
Pdmsetup.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
86,528 |
23-Feb-2014 |
05:59 |
x64 |
Icrav03.rat |
Not Applicable |
8,798 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:39 |
Not Applicable |
Msrating.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
197,120 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:12 |
x64 |
Ticrf.rat |
Not Applicable |
1,988 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:39 |
Not Applicable |
Icrav03.rat |
Not Applicable |
8,798 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:44 |
Not Applicable |
Msrating.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
197,120 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Ticrf.rat |
Not Applicable |
1,988 |
19-Dec-2013 |
21:44 |
Not Applicable |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
2,648,576 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.16843 |
279,040 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:13 |
x64 |
Iertutil.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
2,672,128 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.2.9200.20963 |
278,016 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:01 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
51,712 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:13 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
39,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
67,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Ie4uinit.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
51,712 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:02 |
x64 |
Iernonce.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
39,936 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Iesetup.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
67,072 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
136,704 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Iesysprep.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
136,704 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
1,084,928 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:13 |
x64 |
Vgx.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
1,084,928 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:01 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
15,404,032 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
25,923 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:40 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
526,336 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Ieframe.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
15,414,272 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Ieframe.ptxml |
Not Applicable |
25,923 |
23-Feb-2014 |
01:40 |
Not Applicable |
Ieui.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
531,456 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
10.0.9200.16843 |
484,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:13 |
x64 |
Ieinstal.exe |
10.0.9200.20963 |
484,352 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:02 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
148,992 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Jsdebuggeride.dll |
10.0.9200.20963 |
148,992 |
23-Feb-2014 |
07:00 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |
10.0.9200.16843 |
3,960,320 |
23-Feb-2014 |
08:11 |
x64 |
Jscript9.dll |