Dit artikel is van toepassing op Microsoft Dynamics NAV voor de landinstelling Engels (nl-gb) taal.
Wanneer de verzending is gedeeltelijk gefactureerd in het Verenigd Koninkrijk-versie van Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, het rapport voorraad verzonden niet gefactureerd worden weergegeven de onjuiste totalen.
Dit probleem treedt op in de volgende producten:-
De versie van het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Service Pack 1 voor Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk-versie van Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2
Informatie over de hotfix
Een ondersteunde hotfix is nu beschikbaar bij Microsoft. Het is echter alleen bedoeld om het probleem dat wordt beschreven in dit artikel. Pas deze alleen toe op systemen waarop dit specifieke probleem zich voordoet. Deze hotfix moet wellicht extra worden getest. Als u geen ernstige problemen ondervindt, is het daarom raadzaam te wachten op het volgende servicepack voor Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 of de volgende Microsoft Dynamics NAV versie waarin deze hotfix is opgenomen.
Opmerking In speciale gevallen kunnen kosten die verbonden zijn aan ondersteuningsoproepen ondersteuning worden geannuleerd als een medewerker van Technical Support voor Microsoft Dynamics en verwante producten bepaalt dat een specifieke update de oplossing van uw probleem. De normale ondersteuningskosten blijven gelden voor extra ondersteuningsvragen die niet in aanmerking voor de specifieke update in kwestie komen.Informatie over de installatie
Microsoft verstrekt programmeervoorbeelden uitsluitend ter illustratie, zonder expliciete of impliciete garantie. Dit omvat, maar is niet beperkt tot, de impliciete garanties van verkoopbaarheid of geschiktheid voor een bepaald doel. In dit artikel wordt ervan uitgegaan dat u bekend met de programmeertaal die wordt aangetoond en met de hulpprogramma's die worden gebruikt bent voor het maken van en naar procedures voor foutopsporing. Ondersteuningstechnici van Microsoft kunnen voor uitleg over de functionaliteit van een bepaalde procedure. Zij zal deze voorbeelden bieden extra functionaliteit of desgewenst uw specifieke vereisten echter niet wijzigen.
Opmerking Voordat u deze hotfix hebt geïnstalleerd, controleert u of dat alle gebruikers van Microsoft Dynamics NAV-clients zijn afgemeld bij het systeem. Dit omvat services voor Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server (NAS). U moet de alleen clientgebruiker die is aangemeld wanneer u deze hotfix gaat implementeren. Als u deze hotfix gaat implementeren, hebt u een ontwikkelaarslicentie voor. Is raadzaam dat de gebruikersaccount in het venster Windows-aanmeldingen of Databaseaanmeldingen de rol-id 'SUPER'. Als de gebruikersaccount kan worden toegewezen als de ID 'SUPER' rol, moet u controleren of de gebruikersaccount de volgende machtigingen heeft:-
De machtiging wijzigen voor het object dat u wijzigt.
De machtiging uitvoeren voor het object System Object ID 5210 en voor de System Object ID 9015
Opmerking Er geen rechten voor de opgeslagen gegevens hebben, tenzij u gegevens herstellen.
Opmerking Altijd test code worden opgelost in een testomgeving voordat u de correcties in de productieomgeving.
U kunt dit probleem oplossen door de volgende stappen uit te voeren:-
Wijzig de code in Data Item nummer 1 in de voorraad verzonden niet gefactureerd rapport (10541) als volgt:
Bestaande code...OnPreDataItem=BEGIN
// Delete the following lines. CurrReport.CREATETOTALS( "Item Ledger Entry".Quantity,"Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity","Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"); // End of the deleted lines. CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); ...Nieuwe code
CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); ... -
Wijzig de code in secties van Data Item nummer 1 in de voorraad verzonden niet gefactureerd rapport (10541) als volgt:
Bestaande code 1...ENG=Rec. not invoiced];
// Delete the following lines. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity } { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } ...Nieuwe code 1
...ENG=Rec. not invoiced];
// Add the following lines. SourceExpr=ItemQuantity; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemShippedQty; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity } { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemInvoicedQty; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected; // End of the added lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } ...Bestaande code 2
...ENG=Rec. not invoiced];
// Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } ...Vervangende code 2
...ENG=Rec. not invoiced];
// Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmount; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } ...Bestaande code 3
...ENG=Rec. not invoiced];
// Delete the following lines. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 } { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040066 } { 1040067;TextBox ;11100;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 } { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040068 } ...Vervangende code 3
...ENG=Rec. not invoiced];
// Add the following lines. SourceExpr=ItemQuantityTotal; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 } { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemShippedQtyTotal; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040066 } { 1040067;TextBox ;11100;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 } { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal; // End of the added lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040068 } ...Bestaande code 4
...ENG=Rec. not invoiced];
// Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 } ...Vervangende code 4
...ENG=Rec. not invoiced];
// Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmountTotal; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 } ... -
Wijzig de code in Data Item nummer 2 in de voorraad verzonden niet gefactureerd rapport (10541) als volgt:
Bestaande code 1...DataItemTable=Table32;
// Delete the following lines. DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code) WHERE(Completely Invoiced=CONST(No), Entry Type=CONST(Sale)); OnPreDataItem=BEGIN IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); // End of the deleted lines. END; ...Nieuwe code 1
// Add the following lines. DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code) WHERE(Completely Invoiced=CONST(No), Entry Type=CONST(Sale)); OnPreDataItem=BEGIN IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); ItemQuantity := 0; ItemCostAmount := 0; ItemShippedQty := 0; ItemInvoicedQty := 0; ItemCostAmtExpected := 0; // End of the added lines. END; ...Bestaande code 2
...NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1;
// Delete the following lines. CurrReport.CREATETOTALS(Quantity,"Invoiced Quantity","Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); // End of the deleted lines. END; ...Vervangende code 2
...NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1;
// Add the following lines. CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); ItemQuantity += Quantity - "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmount += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemShippedQty += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemQuantityTotal += Quantity - "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmountTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemShippedQtyTotal += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the added lines. END; ... -
Wijzig de code in secties van Data Item nummer 2 in de voorraad verzonden niet gefactureerd rapport (10541) als volgt:
Bestaande code 1...{ 1040074;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
// Delete the following lines. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity } { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } ...Nieuwe code 1
...{ 1040074;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
// Add the following lines. SourceExpr=ItemShippedQty; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity } { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemInvoicedQty; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected; // End of the added lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } ...Bestaande code 2
// Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 } ...Vervangende code 2
// Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemQuantity; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 } ...Bestaande code 3
// Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 } ...Vervangende code 3
// Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmount; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 } ... -
Wijzig de code in Data Item nummer 3 in de voorraad verzonden niet gefactureerd rapport (10541) als volgt:
Bestaande code...DataItemTable=Table5802;
// Delete the following lines. DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item Ledger Entry No.,Expected Cost,Document No.,Partial Revaluation,Entry Type,Variance Type) WHERE(Inventoriable=CONST(Yes), Expected Cost=CONST(No)); // End of the deleted lines. OnPreDataItem=BEGIN ...Nieuwe code
// Add the following line. DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item Ledger Entry No.,Expected Cost,Document No.,Partial Revaluation,Entry Type,Variance Type) WHERE(Inventoriable=CONST(Yes), Expected Cost=CONST(No)); // End of the added line. OnPreDataItem=BEGIN ... -
Wijzig de code in Data Item nummer 4 in de voorraad verzonden niet gefactureerd rapport (10541) als volgt:
Bestaande code...DataItemTable=Table2000000026;
// Delete the following lines. DataItemTableView=SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number=CONST(1)); // End of the deleted lines. DataItemVarName=ItemTotal; ...Nieuwe code
// Add the following line. DataItemTableView=SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number=CONST(1)); // End of the added line. DataItemVarName=ItemTotal; ... -
Wijzig de code in secties van Data Item nummer 4 in de voorraad verzonden niet gefactureerd rapport (10541) als volgt:
Bestaande code 1...{ 1040032;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
// Delete the following lines. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 } { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 } { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040035 } ...Nieuwe code 1
...{ 1040032;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
// Add the following lines. SourceExpr=ItemShippedQty; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 } { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemInvoicedQty; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 } { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected; // End of the added lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040035 } ...Bestaande code 2
// Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 } ...Vervangende code 2
// Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemQuantity; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 } ...Bestaande code 3
// Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 } ...Vervangende code 3
// Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmount; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 } ... -
Wijzig de code in de globale variabelen in de voorraad verzonden niet gefactureerd rapport (10541) als volgt:
Bestaande code 1...NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;
...Nieuwe code 1
...NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;
// Add the following lines. ItemQuantity@1040007 : Decimal; ItemCostAmount@1040008 : Decimal; ItemShippedQty@1040009 : Decimal; ItemInvoicedQty@1040010 : Decimal; ItemCostAmtExpected@1040011 : Decimal; ItemQuantityTotal@1040012 : Decimal; ItemCostAmountTotal@1040013 : Decimal; ItemShippedQtyTotal@1040014 : Decimal; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal@1040015 : Decimal; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040016 : Decimal; // End of the added lines. ...Bestaande code 2
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity.Value)-Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>39</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 2
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>39</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 3
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)-Sum(Fields!Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>38</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 3
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>38</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 4
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>37</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 4
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040066.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>37</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 5
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>36</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 5
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>36</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 6
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>35</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 6
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040068.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>35</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 7
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>12</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 7
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>12</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 8
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)-Sum(Fields!Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>11</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 8
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>11</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 9
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>10</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 9
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>10</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 10
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>9</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 10
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>9</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 11
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>8</ZIndex> ...Nieuwe code 11
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>8</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 12
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry_Quantity.Value)-Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>20</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 12
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>20</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 13
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)-Sum(Fields!Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>19</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 13
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>19</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 14
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry_Quantity.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>18</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 14
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>18</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 15
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>17</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 15
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>17</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 16
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>16</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 16
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040035.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>16</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 17
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry_Quantity.Value)-Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>29</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 17
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>29</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 18
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)-Sum(Fields!Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>28</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 18
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>28</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 19
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry_Quantity.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>27</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 19
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>27</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 20
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>26</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 20
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>26</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 21
// Delete the following line. <Value>=Sum(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)</Value> // End of the deleted line. <ZIndex>25</ZIndex> ...Vervangende code 21
// Add the following line. <Value>=Last(Fields!Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__.Value)</Value> // End of the added line. <ZIndex>25</ZIndex> ...Bestaande code 22
// Delete the following lines. <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065Format"> <DataField>Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065Format</DataField> // End of the deleted lines. </Field> ...Vervangende code 22
// Add the following lines. <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065"> <DataField>Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065</DataField> </Field> <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065Format"> <DataField>Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065Format</DataField> </Field> <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040066"> <DataField>Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040066</DataField> // End of the added lines. </Field> ...Bestaande code 23
// Delete the following lines. <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067Format"> <DataField>Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067Format</DataField> // End of the deleted lines. </Field> ...Vervangende code 23
// Add the following lines. <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067"> <DataField>Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067</DataField> </Field> <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067Format"> <DataField>Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067Format</DataField> </Field> <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040068"> <DataField>Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040068</DataField> // End of the added lines. </Field>Bestaande code 24
<Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069Format"> ------Vervangende code 24
// Add the following lines. <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069"> <DataField>Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069</DataField> </Field> // End of the added lines. <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069Format"> --------- -
Wijzig de code in secties van Data Item nummer 2 in de voorraad verzonden niet-gefactureerde rapport (10541) als volgt
Hebt u een van de volgende producten geïnstalleerd om deze hotfix:
De versie van het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Service Pack 1 voor Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk-versie van Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2
Informatie over verwijderen
U kunt deze hotfix niet verwijderen.
Microsoft heeft bevestigd dat dit probleem kan optreden in de Microsoft-producten die worden vermeld in de sectie 'Van toepassing op'.
Opmerking Dit is een 'Snel publiceren' artikel dat rechtstreeks door het ondersteuningsteam van Microsoft is gemaakt. De informatie wordt geleverd zoals het is in reactie op de opkomende problemen. Omdat het artikel snel beschikbaar moest zijn, kunnen de materialen typografische fouten bevatten en op elk gewenst moment zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving worden gewijzigd. Zie de Gebruiksvoorwaardenvoor andere overwegingen.