Word 2016 is designed to help you create professional-quality documents. Word can also help you organize and write documents more efficiently.
When you create a document in Word, you can choose to start from a blank document or let a template do much of the work for you. From then on, the basic steps in creating and sharing documents are the same. And Word's powerful editing and reviewing tools can help you work with others to make your document great.
Tip: To learn about new features, go to Release notes for Current Channel.
Start a document
It's often easier to create a new document using a template instead of starting with a blank page. Word templates come ready-to-use with pre-set themes and styles. All you need to do is add your content.
Each time you start Word, you can choose a template from the gallery, click a category to see more templates, or search for more templates online.
For a closer look at any template, click it to open a large preview.
If you'd rather not use a template, click Blank document.
Open a document
Every time you start Word, you'll see a list of your most recently used documents. If the document you're looking for isn't there, select Open.
If you're already in Word, click File > Open and then browse to the file's location.
When you open a document that was created in earlier versions of Word, you see Compatibility Mode in the title bar of the document window. You can work in compatibility mode or you can upgrade the document to use your current version.
Save a document
To save a document for the first time, do the following:
On the File tab, click Save As.
Browse to the location where you'd like to save your document.
Note: To save the document on your computer, choose a folder under This PC or click Browse. To save your document online, choose an online location under Save As or click Add a Place. When your files are online, you can share, give feedback and work together on them in real time.
Click Save.
Note: Word automatically saves files in the .docx file format. To save your document in a format other than .docx, click the Save as type list, and then select the file format that you want.
To save your document as you continue to work on it, click Save in the Quick Access Toolbar.
Read documents
Open your document in Read Mode to hide most of the buttons and tools so you can get absorbed in your reading without distractions.
Open the document you want to read.
Note: Some documents open in Read Mode automatically, such as protected documents or attachments.
Select View > Views > Read Mode.
To move from page to page in a document, do one of the following:
Click the arrows on the left and right sides of the pages.
Press page down and page up or the spacebar and backspace on the keyboard. You can also use the arrow keys or the scroll wheel on your mouse.
If you're on a touch device, swipe left or right with your finger.
Tip: Click View > Edit Document to edit the document again.
Track changes
When you're working on a document with other people or editing a document yourself, turn on Track Changes to see every change. Word marks all additions, deletions, moves, and formatting changes.
Open the document to be reviewed.
Select Review, and in the Tracking group, select Track Changes.
To learn more, read Track changes in Word.
Print your document
All in one place, you can see how your document will look when printed, set your print options, and print the file.
On the File tab, click Print.
Do the following:
Under Print, in the Copies box, enter the number of copies you want.
Under Printer, make sure the printer you want is selected.
Under Settings, the default print settings for your printer are selected for you. If you want to change a setting, just click the setting you want to change and then select a new setting.
When you're satisfied with the settings, click Print.
For further details, go to Print a document in Word.
Beyond the basics
For more about what's new with using Word, go to Release notes for Current Channel.
With Word for the web, you use your web browser to create, view, and edit the personal documents that you store on OneDrive. If your organization or college has a Microsoft 365 plan or SharePoint site, start using Word for the web by creating or storing documents in libraries on your site.
Save changes
Word saves your changes automatically. Look on the status bar at the bottom left corner of Word for the web. It will either show Saved or Saving.
Share documents online
Because your document is online, you can share it by sending a link instead of an email attachment. People can read it in their web browser or mobile device.
Click File > Share > Share with People.
Comment in the browser
A comment balloon shows where comments have been made in the doc.
Reply to comments, and check off items you've addressed.
Edit in the browser
If you try to type in the document and nothing happens, you're probably in Reading view. Switch to Editing view: click Edit Document > Edit in Word for the web.
Type and format text, add pictures, adjust the layout of the page, and more. For more advanced editing, click Open in Word.
Work together on the same doc
To work together in Word for the web, you edit a document as you normally would. If others are also editing it, Word for the web alerts you to their presence. You can see everyone who is currently working in the document by clicking in the ribbon.
Clicking on an author's name jumps you to where they're working in the doc. And you'll see the changes they make as they're happening.
Add a header or footer
Go to Insert > Header & Footer to add headers and footers to your document.
Click Options to choose how you'd like them to appear.
Add page numbers
Click Insert > Page Numbers and then choose from the gallery where you'd like the page numbers to appear.
Select Include Page Count to show the current page number along with the total number of pages (page X of Y).
Find and replace text
Quickly search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase in your document by clicking Home > Find (or type Ctrl+F). Results appear next to your document so you can see the term in context. Clicking on a search result jumps you to that occurrence.
Click Replace (or type Ctrl+H) to find and replace text.
Print in Word for the web
Go to File > Print. Word for the web creates a PDF preview of your document that keeps all the layout and formatting of your document. Send the PDF to your printer and it will print the way you expect.