Video: Editing Styles
Applies To
Word 2013
Find a Style you like and quickly adjust the look to make it the way you want.
Different looks with Styles and Themes
You can change the Style of your document several ways in the DESIGN tab. Document Formatting is a gallery of different types (casual, stylish, numbered).
Click the arrow below the Themes button to make bigger style changes.
The DESIGN tab also has ways to change colors and fonts.
Want more?
Move around in a document using the Navigation pane
Now let’s say I don’t like this look of this third heading.
To me Mars, the Heading 2 of Mars and the Heading 3 of the Moons doesn’t look different enough.
Let’s say I want to change color on this.
So I’m going to change the color and I’m going to make that, I don’t know, let’s say red so it looks distinct.
Okay, I like that. Now I can change the headings for all those automatically.
I’m going to highlight this heading, Heading 3, and I’m going up to the ribbon now.
I’m going to right-click on the Heading 3 button, and it’s going to give me a menu, including Update heading.
So I’m going to click that, and now Deimos is changed and anything that was a Heading 3 from now on or anything I made as a Heading 3 like the Earth’s moon back here, I’m going to rotate that back, that’s now red because I’ve changed the Heading 3 on this.
And I can do that for any of these other ones.
Let’s go up to the top of the document really quick.
And this title, the Solar System, there’s actually a Title style here.
I’m going to hit that.
And this other one for here, the Doug Thomas, I’m going to — let me change, look at all the Quick Styles I have here.
I’m going to go to the little arrow here on the right hand side. And there’s a whole bunch of them.
Now there’s nothing that says Author, but I can pick any of these and you can see as I mouse over them, I can get different looks.
And as you can see, I can edit it later if I need to. Let’s just pick this one for now, this Intense Quote.
But what it doesn’t matter is the Headings are going to be different from the rest of the Quick Styles and I’ll show you that in just a second also.