Image sizing and scaling in SharePoint modern pages
Modern pages and web parts are designed to be fully responsive across devices, meaning that images used in web parts will scale differently depending on where they're shown, which layout is used, and the device on which they are being viewed.
Применяется к: SharePoint в Microsoft 365
Créer des films avec un éditeur de vidéo - Support Microsoft
Pour un montage rapide et simple, nous avons ajouté Clipchamp en tant qu’éditeur de vidéo Microsoft officiel. Microsoft Clipchamp est préinstallé sur Windows 11 appareils. Pour ouvrir Clipchamp, accédez à la zone de recherche de la barre des tâches, tapez Clipchamp, puis sélectionnez-la dans les résultats.Vous pouvez également sélectionner Démarrer, puis Toutes les applications ...
Create a drop-down list - Microsoft Support
After you create your drop-down list, make sure it works the way you want. For example, you might want to check to see if Change the column width and row height to show all your entries.. If the list of entries for your drop-down list is on another worksheet and you want to prevent users from seeing it or making changes, consider hiding and protecting that worksheet.
Применяется к: Excel для Microsoft 365, Excel для Microsoft 365 для Mac, Excel для Интернета, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 для Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 для Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016
Create a timeline in PowerPoint - Microsoft Support
Learn how to create a timeline in PowerPoint. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a timeline with milestone dates and descriptions.
Применяется к: PowerPoint для Microsoft 365, PowerPoint для Интернета, PowerPoint 2024, PowerPoint 2021, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2013
Windows Update Troubleshooter - Microsoft Support
Learn how to run Windows Update Troubleshooter to resolve errors downloading or installing Windows updates.
All about Xbox Design Lab | Xbox Support
Learn about the Xbox Design Lab’s customized controllers and how you can order one to your specifications.
Criar filmes com um editor de vídeo - Suporte da Microsoft
Para edição rápida e simples, adicionamos Clipchamp como editor de vídeo oficial da Microsoft. Microsoft Clipchamp vem pré-instalado em dispositivos Windows 11. Para abrir Clipchamp, acesse a caixa de pesquisa na barra de tarefas, digite Clipchamp e selecione-a nos resultados. Ou você pode selecionar Iniciar e selecionar Todos os aplicativos e rolar para baixo para encontrar Clipchamp na ...
Movie Maker är inte tillgänglig för nedladdning på Windows 10
Windows Movie Maker, som ingår i Windows Essentials 2012, är inte längre tillgänglig för nedladdning. Webbplatser som erbjuder kostnadsfria nedladdningar av Movie Maker erbjuder inte äkta vara och de nedladdningarna kan innehålla skadlig kod, virus eller dolda kostnader.
Skype for Business help - Microsoft Support
Make and receive calls using Skype for Business. Set call forwarding options. Edit phone number. Start a Skype for Business conference call. Make and receive a Skype for Business video call
Применяется к: Skype для бизнеса, Skype для бизнеса basic, Skype для бизнеса на Mac, Skype для бизнеса Online
File formats supported by the Movies & TV app in Windows 10
The Movies & TV app in Windows 10 supports most Digital Rights Management (DRM)-free videos, including the following formats: For a detailed table of supported codecs for each format, see Supported audio and video formats. Related issues .