Modifier vos mots de passe dans Microsoft Edge
La sécurisation de vos informations de connexion nécessite parfois la modification d’un mot de passe. Vous pouvez facilement modifier les mots de passe enregistrés dans Microsoft Edge. Important : La modification du mot de passe dans Microsoft Edge ne modifie pas celui du site web.
Edit your passwords in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
You can easily edit the passwords saved in Microsoft Edge. Important: Changing the password in Microsoft Edge doesn't change the password for the website. You'll need to ensure that the password stored in Microsoft Edge matches the password you've set for the website.
Save or forget passwords in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Edge makes it easy to save your passwords as you browse the web. When you enter a new password in the Edge browser on your desktop or mobile device, Microsoft Edge will ask if you want your username and password remembered.
Additional privacy for your saved passwords - Microsoft Support
This new update for Microsoft Edge gives you the option to enable a setting that requires you to authenticate yourself using your device credentials before you can use the saved password to autofill for a website. To access this control, Go to edge://settings/passwords.
Create safer passwords in Microsoft Edge
Go to edge://settings/passwords, and next to the password that needs to be updated, select More actions > Change. For some websites, when you select Change, the browser will take you directly to the change password form and will automatically fill it with your info.
Save or forget passwords in Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge makes it easy to save your passwords as you browse the web. When you enter a new password in the Edge browser on your desktop or mobile device, Microsoft Edge will ask if you want your username and password remembered.
Modifier le mot de passe de votre compte Microsoft
À partir de la vignette de sécurité Mot de passe, sélectionnez Changer mon mot de passe. Dans la page Changer votre mot de passe, entrez votre mot de passe actuel, puis entrez votre nouveau mot de passe.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Enregistrer ou oublier des mots de passe dans Microsoft Edge
Utilisez les paramètres Microsoft Edge pour enregistrer les informations de nom d’utilisateur et de mot de passe et gagner du temps lors de la connexion à des sites Web.
Keep your saved passwords private with custom primary password
Sign-in using your Microsoft account again and turn on Sync. Data from your Microsoft account will be synced back to this device momentarily. You can also at any point choose to Change or Remove your custom primary password.
Password health indicator - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Edge has now taken a step towards helping you stay informed about the health of your passwords. To learn more about the health of your passwords, go to edge://setting/passwords anytime. How it works