Redeem a gift card or code to your Microsoft account
Learn how to redeem a gift card, code, or Office product key and spend your balance at Microsoft Store online, on Windows, or Xbox.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Get help with a digital code or gift card | Xbox Support
Find out more about Xbox digital codes and gift cards, and how to troubleshoot issues redeeming content.
如何兌換禮品卡和代碼 | Xbox Support
瞭解如何在行動裝置、Windows 裝置或 Xbox 主機上兌換 Microsoft/Xbox 禮品卡或其他代碼。
Use mobile operator billing with your Microsoft account
Learn how to use mobile operator billing as a payment option to buy Xbox subscriptions, games, and other content.
Manage your subscription - Microsoft Support
Learn how to manage your Microsoft subscription, including billing, renewal, and cancellation options.
Applies To:
Microsoft 和 Xbox 礼品卡
通过 Microsoft或 Xbox 礼品卡,幸运收件人可以选择他们想要的礼物。 没有费用或到期日期,卡片可用于购买: 适用于 Windows 和 Xbox 的热门游戏、应用和加载项。 最新的电影和最热门的电视节目。 Xbox 和 Surface 等配件和设备。
如何兑换 Microsoft Rewards 积分 - Microsoft 支持
没有我想要的 Microsoft Rewards 礼品卡 某些礼品卡并不总是通过Microsoft奖励提供 - 检查经常退回! 同时,总是有伟大的应用程序,电影,游戏,抽奖和更多可用 - 所有从Microsoft。 浏览 “兑换”页面,了解现在提供的内容。
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
All about gift cards and codes | Xbox Support
Learn more about the different types of codes you can use to buy Xbox content and subscriptions.
All about Xbox Game Pass Standard
Xbox Game Pass Standard gives you hundreds of high-quality games to play on your console. It also features all the benefits of Game Pass Core, such as online console multiplayer and select member deals and discounts, including up to 50% off select games.
有关礼品卡和代码的所有内容 | Xbox Support
通过 Microsoft 或 Xbox 礼品卡,您可以让幸运的收件人选择所需的礼品。 若要购买礼品卡,请访问:了解可用于购买 Xbox 内容和订阅的不同类型的代码的更多内容。