Microsoft 帐户安全信息和验证码 - Microsoft 支持
当你登录到Microsoft帐户时,我们可能会要求提供其他证明,证明该帐户确实是你的帐户。 我们将向你帐户上列出的电子邮件地址和电话号码发送一个代码,当你使用代码进行回复时,我们知道确实是你。
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
How to report a concern or contact Bing - Microsoft Support
Important: Bing doesn't control the content that websites publish or that appears in Bing search results.To make sure content is removed from search results, your best option is to contact the webmaster for the website that published the content and request that it be deleted or removed.
Find your BitLocker recovery key - Microsoft Support
A BitLocker recovery key is needed when BitLocker can’t automatically unlock an encrypted drive in Windows. This key, which is a 48-digit number, is used to regain access to the drive.
Request a refund for digital games | Xbox Support
Refunds are typically issued for requests meeting the following criteria: Requests are made within 14 days of the purchase date; Requests are for games in which you haven’t accumulated a significant amount of play time
在 Windows 中使用代理服务器 - Microsoft 支持
如果在访问某些网站时不想使用代理服务器,请在例外列表中输入网站地址的结尾(例如 *。. 如有多个网站,键入每个网站的地址并使用分号分隔地址(例如 *; *。* 是通配符,因此以列出的网站地址结尾的任何网站地址都将绕过代理服务器。
Update your Microsoft account if you’re moving to a new country or ...
Your Xbox profile information: Your gamertag, unlocked achievements, and the rest of your Xbox profile info moves with you. Your Xbox subscription: Any time left on your Xbox subscription, such as Xbox Game Pass, will move with your account to the new country/region.
更改双重验证方法和设置 - Microsoft 支持
在受信任的设备上打开双重验证提示. 根据组织的设置,在执行双重验证时,你可能会看到一个检查框,上面写着“n 天不再询问”。 如果已选择此选项来停止双重验证提示,然后丢失设备或设备可能遭到入侵,则应Microsoft 365 将你注销所有设备,以帮助保护你的帐户。
Use Internet Explorer in Windows 10 - Microsoft Support
Internet Explorer 11 support ended on June 15, 2022. We recommend you use Microsoft Edge for a faster, more secure and more modern web browsing experience.
阻止 Microsoft Edge 中的弹出窗口 - Microsoft 支持
弹出窗口阻止程序无法阻止哪些弹窗? 如果在启用此功能并且尝试了上面列出的解决方案后,网页中仍然显示了弹出窗口,则它们可能是网站广告,以弹出窗口的样子呈现。
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
What version of Outlook do I have? - Microsoft Support
There are now two versions of Outlook for Windows: new Outlook for Windows and classic Outlook for Windows. To determine if the Outlook for Windows version you're using is new Outlook or classic Outlook, check if there's a File tab on the ribbon. If File doesn't appear, you're using new Outlook.If you have a File tab, you're using classic Outlook.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2024 for Mac, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2021 for Mac, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Microsoft 365 admin,, New Outlook for Windows, Outlook Web App