Prijavite se pomoću Microsoft naloga
Prijavite se ili kreirajte nalog.
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Odaberite nalog pomoću kojeg želite da se prijavite.
Žao nam je. Ovaj članak nije dostupan na vašem jeziku.

You can search for your contacts in the same way as you search for your emails.

Tap the magnifying glass, then type your contact search request into the box at the top of your screen (Protip: You can double tap on the magnifying glass to bring focus to the search box).

Your results will appear in the Contacts section.

Shows a mobile screen, with the search bar at the top and a name typed into it. Search results are below the search bar.

Da li vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć?

Želite još opcija?

Explore subscription benefits, browse training courses, learn how to secure your device, and more.

Communities help you ask and answer questions, give feedback, and hear from experts with rich knowledge.

Da li su vam ove informacije koristile?

Šta je uticalo na vaše iskustvo?
Kada kliknete na dugme Prosledi“, vaše povratne informacije će se koristiti za poboljšanje Microsoft proizvoda i usluga. Vaš IT administrator će moći da prikupi ove podatke. Izjava o privatnosti.

Hvala vam na povratnim informacijama!
