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จัดการคุกกี้ใน Microsoft Edge: ดู อนุญาต บล็อก ลบ และใช้
Microsoft Edge อนุญาตให้คุณบล็อกคุกกี้จากไซต์ที่ระบุ อย่างไรก็ตาม การทําเช่นนี้อาจป้องกันไม่ให้บางเพจแสดงอย่างไม่ถูกต้อง หรือคุณอาจได้รับข้อความ ...
Gäller för: Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge help & learning
Delete your cookies. Microsoft Edge makes it easy to control what browser cookies are stored on your device. Learn how. Print in Microsoft Edge. We know there may be times you need to print something from the web and Microsoft Edge can help. Show me how. If you're a small business owner.
Windows location service and privacy - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Edge. When location is turned on for Microsoft Edge, you still have control over which websites can access your device location. Microsoft Edge will ask for your permission the first time you visit a website that requests your location information. You can turn off location permission for a website in Microsoft Edge settings.
Ändra och anpassa synkroniseringsinställningarna i Microsoft Edge
Då visas en lista med de funktioner och datatyper som kan synkroniseras. Markera växlarna utmed skärmens högra sida för att aktivera eller inaktivera synkronisering av respektive funktion, eller välj knappen Inaktivera synkronisering om du vill inaktivera synkronisering av ditt konto.
Learn about security features in Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge security works hard behind the scenes as an invisible guardian to bring peace of mind to users when browsing the web. Whether it is SmartScreen leveraging their reputation system to protect against malicious sites, website typo protection catching user errors on URLs, or enhanced security mode leveling up with proactive security when landing on an unfamiliar site, Microsoft Edge ...
Windows activity history and your privacy - Microsoft Support
When you use Microsoft Edge Legacy, your browsing history will be included in your activity history. Activity history will not be saved when browsing with InPrivate windows. Your Microsoft account settings don't allow you to send your activity history to Microsoft, but your activity history will be stored on your device to help keep track of the things you do.
Gäller för: Instrumentpanel för Microsoft-konto
Turn search suggestions off or on - Microsoft Support
Turn off search suggestions. On the Settings page, under Search, clear the See search suggestions as you type check box. Search suggestions are off until you clear your cookies or you turn them back on. Turn on search suggestions. On the Settings page, under Search, select See search suggestions as you type.
Microsoft Edge で Cookie を表示する - Microsoft サポート
注: このトピックは、新しい Microsoft Edge を対象としています。 Microsoft Edge のレガシ バージョン に関するヘルプをご覧ください。 RSS フィードを購読する
Управление файлами cookie в Microsoft Edge: просмотр, разрешение ...
Microsoft Edge позволяет блокировать файлы cookie с определенного сайта, однако это может помешать правильному отображению некоторых страниц или вы можете получить сообщение с сайта, сообщающее, что вам нужно разрешить ...
Gäller för: Microsoft Edge
Cookies in Microsoft Edge löschen - Microsoft-Support
In Microsoft Edge können Sie alle Cookies oder Cookies von einer bestimmten Website löschen. Sie können Edge auch so einstellen, dass Cookies bei jedem Schließen ihres Edge-Browsers automatisch gelöscht werden. Löschen aller Cookies. Wählen Sie in Edge in der oberen rechten Ecke ihres Browserfensters Einstellungen und mehr aus.