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You need to have an email address in your profile, because we use it to contact you with important information about your Skype account. Your friends and family will also be able to find you based on your email and search preferences. Also, if you have not verified your email address, you may not be searchable in Skype by that email address. Learn more about phone and email address verification .

You can change an email address in your profile if you no longer use it. To change your email address:

  1. Sign in to your account .

  2. Select your profile picture, or select Edit Profile in the Account details section at the bottom of the page.

    Note : If you're on iPhone or iPad and missing any options, you may need to clear the history and cookies on your device and sign in again.

  3. Scroll down to the Contact details section and select the Edit Profile button.

  4. Remove your old email address and enter the new one. Verify the new email address, then select the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Note : If you have multiple email addresses, you can only add them to Skype after your current email addresses have been verified.

To verify your profile email address:

  1. Sign in to your account . Note :You can also access your Skype profile from within the Skype app. Select your profile picture, select Settings , then in Account and Profile, select Verify under your email.

  2. Select your profile picture, or select Edit Profile in the Account details section at the bottom of the page.

    Note : If you're on iPhone or iPad and missing any options, you may need to clear the history and cookies on your device and sign in again.

  3. Select Verify your email below your listed email.

  4. A one-time code will be sent to your email address. Enter the sent code in the verification box and select the Verify button.

  5. If the code was incorrect you will be able to enter the code again. If your code was correct, you will see Verified email next to your profile's email address.

Forgotten your password? We can help.

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