Applies ToMicrosoft Teams for Education
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Put your class's Search Coach data to work with Insights in Microsoft Teams. Evaluate what students are learning from Search Coach and where they may need additional support with at-a-glance views of their number of searches, how often they only open the first site that is returned, and how frequently they perform searches without opening any of the returned sites. You can also see which filters students are using and how often – helping you to determine what supports they need to build efficient and accurate search skills. 

Find Search Coach in Insights

  1. Navigate to the Insights tab of your desired class.

Screenshot of left navigation in Teams, A list shows class notebook, assignments, grades, then insights.

2. Select View Search Coach trends near the bottom of the Insights overview dashboard.

Read your data

By default, your data will show all students in the class for the last 28 days. Scroll down to see:

Searches by student

  • How many searches each student attempted

  • How often each student opened only the top site on the results page

  • How often each student performed searches without opening any results

  • A class average of all the above

From here you can tap any student's name and select Start a conversation to initiate a Teams chat.

screenshot of a bar graph showing how many searches each student performed, how often they only selected the first result, and how often they selected no results

Search filters

See how frequently students used each of the filters available to them.

screenshot of a bar graph showing how many times students used each type of search filter

Domain filters

See which domain filters students have utilized in their searches.

screenshot of a bar graph showing how many times students used each type of domain filter

Filetype filters

See which types of files students have searched for.

screenshot of a bar graph showing how many times students used each type of filetype filter

Most common domains

Full website names (like are also called domains. Common domains that result from your students' searches are compiled here.

screenshot of a list showing the most common domains students accessed in search coach

Common search terms

View a word cloud of terms generated by student search queries. This can help you evaluate the effectiveness of students' searches and their understanding of the assigned task.

screenshot of a word cloud showing the most common terms students used while in search coach

Tip: Use the thumbs up and thumbs down icons to let us know which data is valuable to you - we're always working to improve.

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