工作或学校帐户双重验证的常见问题 - Microsoft 支持
此内容可帮助你使用工作或学校帐户,即组织 (dritan@contoso.com) 等提供给你的帐户。 如果在个人Microsoft帐户上进行双重验证时遇到问题,请参阅 验证码问题疑难解答。 需要更多帮助? 此信息是否有帮助?
Steps Recorder deprecation - Microsoft Support
Clipchamp: Microsoft Clipchamp is a video editing tool that can also be used to record the screen.On Windows 11 devices, just search for "Clipchamp" in the taskbar or via the Start menu . Learn more about How to make a screen recording with Clipchamp. If you don't find Clipchamp on your device, get it from the Microsoft Store.