비디오에 로고를 추가하는 방법 - Microsoft 지원
브랜드 키트 내에 로고 자산을 저장하여 쉽게 액세스할 수도 있습니다. 로고에 흰색 배경이 있는 경우 이미지 배경 제거 기능을 사용하여 배경을 쉽게 제거합니다.
Clipchamp 브랜드 키트를 사용하는 방법 - Microsoft 지원
브랜드 키트를 사용하려면 도구 모음에서 브랜드 키트 탭 을 클릭합니다. 여기서는 비디오에 로고를 추가하고 브랜드 글꼴 및 색을 사용할 수 있습니다.
如何登录到 Hotmail - Microsoft 支持
注意: 你的 Hotmail 或 Outlook.com 密码与你的 Microsoft 帐户密码相同。 如果可以登录,但 Outlook.com 出现问题,请检查 服务状态。 如果状态不是绿色,请等到服务正常运行再重试。 Microsoft 始终保持留意异常的登录活动,以防其他人试图登录到你的帐户。 如果你正在新的地方旅行或使用新设备,我们可能会要求你确认是否真是你本人。 如果无法登录,请尝试下面的登录疑难解答工具,或检查列出的其他解决方案。 启动疑难解答. 我的帐户被阻止. 我正在旅途中. 如何返回到旧的 Hotmail 帐户. 另请参阅. 新 Outlook for Windows 入门. 在 Outlook.com 中管理电子邮件帐户. 取消阻止我的 Outlook.com 帐户.
如何登录 Outlook 网页版 - Microsoft 支持
如何登录Outlook 网页版、访问电子邮件、联系人和日历。 注意: 如果使用 Microsoft 帐户 (例如 Outlook.com 、Hotmail、Live 或 MSN 电子邮件帐户)而不是工作或学校帐户登录,请注销,然后使用正确的帐户重新登录。 不确定使用哪个帐户登录? 在 Outlook 导航 ...
Office 商业版, Office 365 小型企业版, Outlook 网页版, 适用于 Exchange Server 2016 的 Outlook 网页版
Microsoft 계정에 기프트 카드 또는 코드 사용하기
기프트 카드, 코드 또는 Office 제품 키를 사용하고 Microsoft Store 온라인, Windows 또는 Xbox에서 잔액을 사용하는 방법을 알아봅니다.
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
How to find and enable missing Copilot button in Microsoft 365 apps
Copilot is a feature that helps you create and edit documents in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Learn how to find and enable Copilot button in Microsoft 365 apps with a Copilot license and the correct account, channel, and privacy settings.
Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint, OneNote for Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Word, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 PowerPoint, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 OneNote
Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows - Microsoft Support
You can pair all kinds of Bluetooth devices with your PC—including keyboards, mice, phones, speakers, and a whole lot more. To do this, your PC needs to have Bluetooth. Some PCs, such as laptops and tablets, have Bluetooth built in. If your PC doesn’t, you can plug a USB Bluetooth adapter into the USB port on your PC to get it.
Options to optimize gaming performance in Windows 11
Learn how to turn off memory integrity and Virtual Machine Platform features to improve gaming performance in Windows 11. These features may have a performance impact on some gaming devices, but also provide security benefits.
Anpassen der Symbolleiste für den Schnellzugriff - Microsoft-Support
Applies To. Die anpassbare Symbolleiste für den Schnellzugriff enthält eine Reihe von Befehlen, die unabhängig von der derzeit im Menüband angezeigten Registerkarte sind. Sie können die Symbolleiste von einer der beiden möglichen Positionen verschieben, und Sie können ihr Schaltflächen hinzufügen, die Befehle darstellen. Hinweise:
Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint, Microsoft 365 专属 Access, OneNote for Microsoft 365, Project Online 桌面客户端, Microsoft 365 专属 Publisher, Visio 计划 2, Excel 2024, Outlook 2024, PowerPoint 2024, Access 2024, OneNote 2024, Project Professional 2024, Project Standard 2024, Excel 2021, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Access 2021, Project 专业版 2021, Project Standard 2021, Publisher 2021, Visio Professional 2021, Visio Standard 2021, OneNote 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Access 2019, Project Professional 2019, Project Standard 2019, Publisher 2019, Visio Professional 2019, Visio Standard 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Access 2016, OneNote 2016, Project 专业版 2016, Project Standard 2016, Publisher 2016, Visio 专业版 2016, Visio 标准版 2016, InfoPath 2013, SharePoint Workspace 2010
Explore the homepage - Microsoft Support
Learn how to explore the Bing homepage, which features a new image every day and offers quizzes, information and wallpaper options. You can also customize your homepage and set Bing as your default search engine.