How to spot a "fake order" scam - Microsoft Support
A popular tactic of criminals is the "fake order" scam. The way it works is that you get a message, usually in email or text, that appears to be a routine confirmation for an order. Of course, you never ordered whatever product or service it's confirming.
Microsoft帐户恢复代码 - Microsoft 支持
Microsoft帐户恢复代码是一个 25 位代码,用于帮助你在忘记密码或帐户遭到入侵时重新获得对帐户的访问权限。 通过选择下面的按钮,转到Microsoft帐户安全仪表板的 “管理登录方式 ”页。 向下滚动到“恢复代码”部分,然后选择“ 生成新代码 ”。 警告: 创建新恢复代码后,以前的任何代码将不再有效。 打印恢复代码并将其保存在安全的地方。 出于安全考虑,请勿将代码存储在用于登录帐户的设备上。 如何实现下载我的Microsoft帐户恢复代码? 无法检索或下载现有Microsoft帐户恢复代码: 如果可以登录,可以随时使用上述步骤创建新的恢复代码。 如果无法登录,请使用 Microsoft 帐户登录帮助程序。 通过输入用户名开始登录到 Microsoft 帐户。
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Redeem a gift card or code to your Microsoft account
To redeem a Microsoft gift card, Xbox download code or token, select Redeem code below, sign in, and enter or paste the code or token value. Redeem Code. Tip: If you bought the wrong code, please contact the retailer. Sign in to with your Microsoft account. Enter the 25-character code, and then select Next. Sign in.
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Earn Rewards with Xbox | Xbox Support
Earn Microsoft Rewards points with Xbox, whether on console or on your devices. Available with your Microsoft account, the free Microsoft Rewards programme makes it even easier to earn points for things you already do, such as shopping for games and other eligible items in the Microsoft Store, gaming on Xbox or searching on Bing.
How to redeem gift cards and codes | Xbox Support
Redeem gift cards and codes to make Xbox purchases and extend your Xbox subscriptions. Codes are 25 characters long, include both numbers and letters, and follow a 5x5 format—five blocks of five characters. Codes can be digital or physical cards that you purchase from Microsoft or a trusted retailer.
如何登录到 Hotmail - Microsoft 支持
登录时,如果你希望下次直接进入你的邮箱,请在“保持登录?”提示中选择“ 是 ”(对于共享计算机,不建议这样做)。 或者,选中“不再显示此内容”框,然后选择“ 否 ”,以便每次都提示你输入密码。 如果无法登录,或者忘记了用户名或密码,请使用 登录疑难解答。 如果要开设新帐户,可以 在此处创建一个。 We're sorry, but something went wrong. 无法登录到 Hotmail 或 你的 Hotmail 或 密码与你的 Microsoft 帐户密码相同。 如果可以登录,但 出现问题,请检查 服务状态。 如果状态不是绿色,请等到服务正常运行再重试。
Remotely install and manage games | Xbox Support
Use Xbox app on mobile or to remotely install games—so your games are ready when you are. Here’s how to get your console and Windows device ready for installations that you’ll be able to start from your PC, mobile device, or from Note EA, Ubisoft, and Riot games available via Game Pass do not support the remote install feature.
Microsoft account security info & verification codes
Learn how to manage your Microsoft account security info and troubleshoot verification code issues.
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
All about Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate includes all Game Pass benefits, including hundreds of high-quality games on console, PC, and cloud. More games are added all the time, including new games on day one. Play with friends on the most advanced multiplayer network, get access to EA Play, cloud gaming, perks, and enjoy premium member deals and discounts.
Microsoft Authenticator에 계정을 추가하는 방법 - Microsoft 지원
관리자가 Authenticator를 사용하여 전화 로그인을 사용하도록 허용하는 경우 디바이스 등록을 통해 암호 없는 전화 로그인 및 2단계 인증을 설정할 수 있습니다. 그러나 전화 로그인을 사용할 수 있는지 여부는 여전히 2단계 인증을 설정할 수 있습니다.