关于 MSN 体育应用的所有内容 - Windows 10 - Microsoft 支持
不必担心,有了 MSN 体育应用,您可以随时了解比赛战况,查看比分、得分最高的球员、比赛剩余时间及更多内容! 您甚至可以让 Cortana 帮助您查找单场比赛比分或球队比赛日程等信息。
在 Microsoft Edge 中管理网站通知 - Microsoft 支持
若要在访问已订阅的网站时检查或管理通知,请按照以下步骤操作: 选择地址栏左侧的“查看网站信息”。
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Welcome to MSN Sports - Microsoft 支持
Get real-time game updates, easy to follow schedules and standings and the latest news across 150 leagues and thousands of teams. MSN allows you to personalize your experience and to take that experience with you on every device, including the MSN website and the MSN apps.
在 Microsoft Edge 浏览器中使用 Microsoft Translator
如果在设置中打开以不同于首选语言编写的页面,Microsoft Edge 将自动提示你翻译它。 转到使用外语编写的网页时,“翻译”图标 显示在地址栏中。如果某种语言不在“设置”的“首选语言”列表中,则将被视为外语。若要在列表中添加或删除语言,请在 Microsoft Edge 中,转到 “设置”等 > 设置 > 语言。
Microsoft Edge
Activate Windows
Tip: Having problems activating Windows? Try the troubleshooting steps at Get help with Windows activation errors .
Use Groups in Outlook as a guest
Groups help people work together by providing a shared Inbox or calendar in Outlook, OneNote notebook, and SharePoint for storing and sharing documents and photos. Most of the information you need is in the welcome email. This topic provides a little more information about how to interact with a group as a guest.
Error 0x8007000E occurs when you install a game on an Xbox console or a PC
To resolve this problem, try the solutions below, depending on the device you’re using. Check the Xbox status page. If you see any services with alerts, expand the service, scroll down to Notifications, and sign in to receive a message when the service is up and running again.
更改网站的标题、说明、徽标和网站信息设置 - Microsoft 支持
了解如何管理与组连接的 Microsoft 365 团队网站和 SharePoint Server 网站的设置。 将成员添加到组 以将成员添加到与您的网站关联的 Microsoft 365 组 (首选方法) 。做出此选择后,将显示网站的组成员身份。 选择“添加成员”,输入姓名或电子邮件地址,然后选择“保存”。
SharePoint Server 订阅版, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint Server 2013 企业版, Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint, Office 商业版, SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint 管理中心
Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Teams
Many users find that using an external keyboard with keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Teams on Windows helps them work more efficiently. For users with mobility or vision disabilities, keyboard shortcuts can be easier than a touchscreen and are an essential alternative to a mouse.
更改扩展在 Microsoft Edge 中的站点访问权限 - Microsoft 支持
在浏览 Web 时,某些扩展需要读取和更改网站数据的权限。 你可以随时在新版 Microsoft Edge 上更改扩展的站点访问权限。 要更改扩展的站点访问权限,请执行以下操作: 在右上角,选择“扩展中心”以查看 Microsoft Edge 上安装的扩展列表。