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更新付款方式 | Xbox Support
如果尝试进行购买时遇到授权失败,请联系您的银行。. 如果遇到预购付款错误,或者希望尝试其他购买付款方式,请参阅下面的付款方式更新方法:. 登录到要更新的 Microsoft 帐户。. 转到“付款和账单”,并选择“支付选项”。. 可以在此处添加或编辑付款方式 ...
Como entrar no Hotmail - Suporte da Microsoft
Para entrar no Hotmail, você precisará do seu nome de usuário e senha da conta Microsoft. Ao entrar, selecione Sim no prompt "Permanecer conectado?" se você quiser ir direto para sua caixa de correio na próxima vez (não recomendado para computadores compartilhados). Como alternativa, marque a caixa "Não mostrar isso novamente" e ...
适用于: Outlook.com
了解 Windows 上的 Game Bar | Xbox Support
将最喜爱的内容固定到一个位置. 打开 Xbox Game Bar,各种游戏活动尽在掌控中。. 从小组件菜单中选择一项功能,它将作为小组件弹出。. 其中很多叠加项可以移动、调整大小或固定到你的屏幕。. 小组件菜单 (1)- 选择小组件菜单图标可打开活动列表以供选择 ...
Find and open File Explorer - Microsoft Support
To check it out in Windows 11, select it on the taskbar or the Start menu, or press the Windows logo key + E on your keyboard. How to use File Explorer: To pin a folder to Quick access, right-click (or press and hold) the folder and select Pin to Quick access. To share a file, select it, then select Share on the ribbon.
Corrigir problemas de Bluetooth no Windows - Suporte da Microsoft
Remova o dispositivo Bluetooth e o adicione novamente: Selecione Iniciar > Configurações > Bluetooth e dispositivos > Dispositivos. Em Dispositivos, selecione Mais opções para o dispositivo Bluetooth ao qual você está tendo problemas de conexão e selecione Remover dispositivo > Sim. Para saber mais sobre como emparelhar seu dispositivo ...
使用 Xbox 360 主机时出现错误代码 E68,并且有一个红色 ...
方法如下:. 关闭主机。. 拔下连接到主机正面或背面的所有配件。. 将主机水平放置。. 在主机的右侧,找到位于主机背面附近的硬盘盖拆卸滑钮。. 保持硬盘机箱盖开启的同时,沿对角线方向(向下并朝向主机前方)滑动拆卸滑钮。. 拉出拉环以卸下硬盘 ...
Create and manage e-sign requests - Microsoft Support
From a new request. Add the name of the request and any additional details. Select Add attachment, then Choose from Adobe Sign or Upload from my computer. If recipients need to respond in a certain order, select Must complete in order. If you need to add signature fields to the request, select Prepare.
Create and print a single envelope - Microsoft Support
On the Mailings tab, in the Create group, click Envelopes. Click Options, and then click the Envelope Options tab. In the Envelope size box, click the choice that matches the size of your envelope. If none of the choices matches your envelope size, scroll to the bottom of the list, click Custom size, and then type the dimensions of your ...
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013
XLOOKUP function - Microsoft Support
Use the XLOOKUP function to find things in a table or range by row. For example, look up the price of an automotive part by the part number, or find an employee name based on their employee ID. With XLOOKUP, you can look in one column for a search term and return a result from the same row in another column, regardless of which side the return column is on.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Excel 网页版, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel for iPad, Excel for iPhone, Excel for Android 平板电脑版, Excel for Android 手机版
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