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如何兑换礼品卡和代码 | Xbox Support
了解如何在移动设备、Windows 设备或 Xbox 主机上兑换 Microsoft/Xbox 礼品卡或其他代码。.
Request a refund for digital games | Xbox Support
We provide digital game product refunds as part of a consistent and reliable buying experience. However, if it appears refunds are being abused, we reserve the right to stop offering refunds except where legally required. Account protection. Protect your account so others can’t make purchases without your approval.
Redeem a gift card or code to your Microsoft account
How to redeem a gift card or download code in Windows. Open the Microsoft Store app below. Microsoft Store. Select your personal icon at the top of the app and then select Redeem code or gift cards. Enter the 25-character code, and then select Redeem. Don’t worry about hyphens, the system takes care of those for you.
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Get to know Game Bar on Windows | Xbox Support
When you open Game Bar, a variety of Xbox gaming activities are at your fingertips. Select a feature from the Widget Menu and it’ll pop up as a widget. Many of these can be moved, resized, or pinned to your screen. Widget menu (1) – Select the Widget menu icon to open a list of activities to choose from.
如何登录到 Hotmail - Microsoft 支持
若要登录到 Hotmail,需要提供 Microsoft 帐户用户名和密码。. 登录. 提示: 登录时,如果你希望下次直接进入你的邮箱,请在“保持登录?”提示中选择“ 是 ”(对于共享计算机,不建议这样做)。. 或者,选中“不再显示此内容”框,然后选择“ 否 ”,以便每次 ...
适用于: Outlook.com
使用模板创建简历 - Microsoft 支持
如果需要帮助创建简历或求职信,请从Word中提供的数十种专业设计的 简历 和 求职信模板 之一开始。. Windows macOS Web. 转到“ 文件 ”>“ 新建 ”。. 在搜索框中,键入“简历”或“求职信”。. 双击要使用的模板。. 将占位符文本替换为自己的信息。. 发现. 使用 ...
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Word, Word 网页版, Word 2021, Word 2021 for Mac, Word 2019, Word 2019 for Mac, Word 2016
通过 Xbox Game Pass 获取 EA Play 订阅会员资格
如果你是 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 会员,你将自动在主机上获得 EA Play 订阅会员资格,并可通过主机上的 Xbox Game Pass 体验浏览和下载 EA Play 游戏。. 如果你是 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 PC Game Pass 会员,则需要关联你的 EA 和 Xbox 帐户,然后确保你的电脑上安装了 EA Desktop ...
Screen mirroring and projecting to your PC or wireless display
You can wirelessly connect your PC to a TV, projector, or other kind of external display that supports Miracast. Turn on your TV, projector, or other display. If you're using a Miracast dongle or adapter, make sure it's plugged in to the display.
强制措施 | Xbox Support
登录帐户以查看强制措施。 了解如何提交案例评审,并了解有关 Xbox 强制措施的详细信息。
更改 Office 产品密钥 - Microsoft 支持
发生这种情况是因为每个“ 安装 ”按钮只能与唯一的产品密钥关联,该产品密钥只能安装在一台电脑上。. 要解决此问题,您可以把产品密钥更改为适用于安装了 Office 的其它电脑。. 注意: 更改产品密钥后,建议创建一个列表,用于管理已安装的产品密钥 ...
适用于: OneNote for Microsoft 365, Visio 计划 2, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 OneNote, Excel 2021, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Access 2021, Project 专业版 2021, Project Standard 2021, Publisher 2021, Visio Professional 2021, Visio Standard 2021, Office 2021, OneNote 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, OneNote 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Access 2019, Project Professional 2019, Project Standard 2019, Publisher 2019, Visio Professional 2019, Visio Standard 2019, Office 2019, Excel 2019 for Mac, Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Access 2016, OneNote 2016, Project 专业版 2016, Project Standard 2016, Publisher 2016, Visio 专业版 2016, Visio 标准版 2016, Office 2016